Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chapstick Birthday Gift Ideas

Give The Band Part III. Jam apple and cinnamon apples alias East

La terza ricettina dei regali di Natale della banda sono le "mele dell'est" alias la confettura di mele e cannella ( QUI e QUI le prime due e QUI l'anteprima generale).

La mela è senza dubbio il frutto più "presente" nella storia, nel senso che non c'è epoca who has not told a story about an apple. We start from the beginning.
Think of Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise for having read this sacred fruit.
Then there is the golden apple that Paris gave the prize to Aphrodite consecrating it as the most beautiful goddess of Olympus.
The apple that was placed on the head of William Tell's son that he hit with an arrow.
And that which fell on his head and gave birth to Isaac Newton's intuition for the law of universal gravitation. Not to mention
dell'arcinota poisoned apple to Snow White!

Our apples were not poisoned, in fact they were some good juicy apples in season, to which we added lemon juice and cinnamon to a dear friend brought us a gift from Morocco (yes, now all friends, to our great pleasure, returning from their travels take us to local products !). Thank you for the recipe
1 kg apples, peeled and seeded, cut into cubes us we are not too large
300 gr.
sugar 2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon (to taste) juice of one lemon

Clean and peel the apples, cut fine and put them in a saucepan with the sugar, cinnamon and lemon.
Start cooking at low heat and cook until the apples begin to fall apart (10 - 15 minutes). Then, as recommended by veganblog, we shake someone leaving only part of the apples into small pieces, we liked to give a rustic and homey texture to the product.

We then cook for another 20 minutes, stirring continuously as a witch in front of the pot ...

be possessed boiling marmalade into sterilized jars (we used this procedure) and so upside down 'will vacuum.

We were very satisfied Result: smell and taste fantastic, especially when you consider that we have made the day after the jam of onions (also dedicated a post to this one) that is good to die, but the smell of onions the house had become unbearable ...


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