Monday, January 10, 2011

Can Betaserc And Stugeron Be Combined

How to write a bestseller (maybe)

After smile on "how to write a bestseller in a post a few months ago (dedicated to the novel How to write a bestseller in 57 days) go back a bit 'more seriously on a subject that, more or less secretly, involving many new writers: there's a trick, a secret, even advice to help publish a book intended to sell million copies and made its author rich and famous?

Of course, it is almost needless to say, not all authors are attracted by this prospect in itself, but we believe there is nothing wrong with wishing that people like your text to the point of turning a passion into a profession as they say.

Well, probably there is a magic trick, what we feel we can do is to comfort consigliarvi la visione di questo breve contenuto realizzato da Treccani Channel, un po' datato ma non scaduto: qui l'editore Severino Cesari racconta come e perché secondo lui alcuni romanzi sono divenuti bestseller e descrive diversi aspetti della questione dal punto di vista italiano ed estero. Se non aiuta a realizzare i propri sogni di fama, ci pare in ogni caso uno spunto di riflessione interessante.


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