Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Xtreme Design Your Own Wrestler

basic course in photography "Photography in the head" Competition

                              " is an illusion that the pictures do the car .... are done with the eyes, heart, head. "
Henri Cartier-Bresson

A weekend intensive learning how to handle a camera, acquiring the technical knowledge base necessary to have full control of the parameters that allow you to make technically correct photos . But not only.
The next step is to study what are the "rules" of composition that makes a picture pleasing to look at. We will try to understand why some photos are beautiful and others not, using the critical spirit, one of the most useful tools for a photographer. With the "Photo Release" and the subsequent discussion of the photos taken, we will try to lay the foundation for developing
. The course will focus therefore on the photographer not to forget the finger presses the button and the eye that makes the picture are controlled by a head, while the camera is just a tool that helps us express ourselves creatively.

Matthew Noble began to take pictures to document his travels. He later began studying the technique and great photographers, improving the quality of his shots. He loves to photograph the architecture because it allows him to study it and make the best, using an approach "slow and meditative. He loves the story, perché il fotografo ha l'opportunità di cogliere l'essenza della vita che scorre grazie a un approccio diretto, veloce: la tecnica passa in secondo piano e il fotografo deve prevedere gli eventi per trovarsi nel posto giusto al momento giusto. Attualmente sta studiando la fotografia in studio per raggiungere anche il pieno controllo dell'illuminazione, vero cuore della fotografia.
E’ possibile visionare alcuni suoi lavori sul sito

Il corso si terrà dall’ 11 al 13 febbraio presso la sede   Association Culdesac, Via Berthollet 29 Torino (from 18 to 21 Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 18).
Or at our office on Thursday and Saturday from 16 to 19.


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