Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Is A Guaranteed Payout Annuity Floor?

Beautiful beautiful you are, you are so much ... ode to the beauty

tow (only per un pochino) con i post sulle ricette dei regali di Natale per regalare un sorriso a foodblogger e lettori di passaggio :)
Qualche sera fa ci hanno riportato alla mente (durante una serata all' Angelo Mai , posto che vi consigliamo se siete di passaggio nella capitale e non sapete dove "fare serata") una vecchia canzone del notissimo gruppo romano Radici nel cemento . Li conoscete? Sì, ehh ammettetelo piacciono anche a voi :)
Non li conoscete? Allora andate QUI   a scoprire tutto su di loro.
Beh facciamola corta, la canzone che la serata ha ritirato fuori dai meandri della memory is "beautiful flesh."
A beautiful Italian reggae, a mix of tropical rhythms mixed with a Roman accent that give joy and desire to dance and then the text, the text!
A " paean " maverick against the stereotypes of thinness at all costs, but without falling into the opposite problem.
short, a hymn to the Mediterranean diet, good food, loving with a few pounds more.
We were happy to have found this song and in times of post Christmas culinary delirium, in which all are plagued by feelings of guilt, we decided to post "Bella flab" and he will also leave the text, oh!

Beautiful beautiful you are, you're beautiful to me like the sun! A lot of you are so, so much so that I can not find the words! Ciccia Bella
my easy-going, you're more beautiful than that there is bona, round and full, like the moon, you are my joy You are my lucky
when I see all that good things, what I want I know I only get one body in so many and such grace, you know very well that I did not look satisfied!
Beautiful round as the Mona Lisa, you are my dynamite you're my sex bomb as well as weights, always keep my senses turned
As the goddess of abundance along fertility leads to happiness but I want to talk about diet and fasting so many curves as in formula one!
Beautiful beautiful you are, you're beautiful to me like the sun! A lot of you are so, so much so that I can not find the words!
When I embrace you I'll try the soft taste with all of them in the right place to live with you is increasingly a tale just as gorgeous in bed at the table
are the right one for me, you're my girl because your beauty from every corner overflows and all those skinny little women prefer you because you're pretty big!
enough with the calculations of the Zone diet would love you just as well in version buzzicona many sacrifices you endeavor not only stress I'm sick of your no fat
not tell you how fat you want but you beseech Platinette get off the fucking bike I admire your love shapes your silhouette sing to you again because you know what?
Beautiful beautiful you are, you're beautiful to me like the sun! A lot of you are so, so much so that I can not find the words!
psychodramas do not make sense if you increase the weight a few grams Melius Abundo, the ancients said, therefore, do not fret though fattening
a pound for charity! no obesity! the more severe disease in our society agree zero fast food Mediterranean diet and then forget it!
Mica come quelle che per mettersi il costume quando viene la stagione estiva perdono anche il lume della ragione, e fanno ogni follia per perdere la ciccia e insieme a quella l'allegria
Non dare retta all'amica invidiosa L'uomo preferisce la donna formosa se magre e infelici è il nuovo che avanza viva la ciccia evviva l'abbondanza!
Quindi ti prego non ti sciupare mai per me sei la più bella e la più bella resterai!


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