Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Varicocele Thrombosis

Give The Band Jam Part V. onions

As promised here we are with the recipe of jam red onions, excellent as an accompaniment to cheeses, especially sheep.
One thing must be said, must be very motivated, fruit jams, the onion has a very strong personality and will impose its "presence" not only for taking the time to its preparation, but for at least the next day.
In other words, prepare yourself, your home will smell "of onions throughout the next day. The solution? First press and closed the kitchen door (and maybe open the window if the weather permits), but not necessarily get the desired result, the smell of onions insinuates itself into every crevice, then the day after we have already prepared the cited jam and cinnamon apples that has taken even more aggressive, the rooms of our house.
Another important thing to remember is that, as we already know, we shed tears in front of the onion love. Solutions? Put the onions for half an hour in water and possibly armed with a pair of glasses (spectacles or sunglasses) both tricks work well!
Maybe then do not go overboard with the doses for the first time a pound of onions is more than enough, certainly not the yield will fill the pantry for the winter, but in the meantime you can try if you like and decide if you like it so much from freshly prepared in large doses.
We liked it so much, so we can say that gioco vale la candela:
1 kg. di cipolle rosse di Tropea
400 gr. di zucchero di canna
400 gr. di zucchero semolato
abbondante pepe nero macinato
80 gr. di uva sultanina
4 cucchiai di aceto di vino rosso

Sbucciate le cipolle, tagliatele a metà e poi affettatele sottilmente. Ponete in una pentola le cipolle e aggiungete gli zuccheri, il pepe, l'uva sultanina e fate bollire a fuoco bassissimo per il tempo necessario affinché tutto si addensi (circa 25-30 minuti). Unire poi l'aceto, mescolare e lasciar cuocere altri 5 minuti, pronta!
Se dovete invasarla fatelo subito, così bollente in vasetti sterilizzati, chiudete e mettete i barattoli a testa in giù so that should be evacuated.
Otherwise, let it cool before serving as an accompaniment to cheese pecorino, provolone or smoked in general. Also good as an accompaniment to various types of meat such as pork, venison or wild game, better if cooked roast.
if you do not like very thick:
- 300 gr and 300 gr granulated cane if you want to keep
- 250 gr and 250 gr granulated cane if you want to serve for a dinner

With this we try to participate in take root, the contest of Labna

For all other recipe that we gave go HERE , HERE, HERE , HERE and HERE.
ps soon we will speak of dichotomous peppers you see in the picture:)
** photo credits: Martha Covington, Federico Boni


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