Friday, December 31, 2010

Type Breast Cancer Did Kylie Minogue Have

Give The Band Part II. Tarallini Puglia alias ness salty. Give

continue with the recipe for Christmas gifts for which we had already discussed ( HERE and HERE ).
This time we talk about the robustness of salted, boiled or the classics tarallini Puglia.
Although this recipe (like the sweet ness ) was chosen for the good life: they too remain about three weeks if stored in tins or bags made of hard plastic.
'nuff said now we will just because the recipe, if desired, you could propose it as an appetizer to the dinner this evening;)

ness salted

1 kg of flour 00
300 ml dry white wine
about 30 grams of salt 300 ml
extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon fennel seeds

Like the sweet ness, here is crowds in the launch of robot that impasterà faithful friend for you.
Once you have the cover and let dough rest for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a pot
tall and large and put to boil water. When shooting the mixture
rilavoratelo few minutes by hand and then create the cylinders about 1 cm in diameter and 6 length. Do not fear the dough is very elastic and will rebel to the dimensions you give, but at least we have tried!
Be the cylinders you can then start to drain the water that bubbles just rise up (it's the same procedure as that used for the dumplings).
After that put the robustness to dry on a wet cloth.
Confession: by real crazy we reworked the form of robustness when dry, but it was a fastidiousness that has worn out. Here I strongly recommend it, once cooked, they're cute even if imperfect.
return to the recipe: when dry (it only takes 15-20 minutes) should not become rinseccolirsi air and the dog bites ... you can bake them at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
you like it? Try them, they are delicious.
You can replace the fennel with pepper if you want a spicy version.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Unlock Number Lock In Vip Suitcase

Culdesac Association announces the photo contest and pictorial


The poetry of the unexpected, the authentic balenante.

Bits of truth, in the glow of genuine masquerade of everyday life.

Besides the appearance that stiffens and forces, as well as the role and fiction, as well as the script of conventional gestures and expressions.

Looking for an unlikely miracle that word, that gesture, which are not written in the script.


Article 1 - Participation in the Contest
artists can participate in the selection of any nationality without age limit. Each artist can participate with a maximum of two works.

2 - Specifications
There is no stylistic or technical limitation, or display of materials or media. The photographs must not exceed the dimensions of 30x50 cm, the paintings must not exceed the size of 50X70.

3 - Selecting and participation

will be selected works by artists who are distinguished for their originality and quality of expression. Each artist can participate with a maximum of two works.

The participation fee includes a selection of 'compulsory membership of 50 €.

This corresponds in part to the 2011 membership fee and part of the Cultural Culdesac selected artist provides the following services: • Opening

• Setting up, dismantling and guard

• Advertising material of the exhibition

• Invitations via e-mail to the mailing list of the Association and any of the Gallery and e-mail reported by the artists

• Press, Media and Promotion

• Sales assistance

• Presence in the Association's website and link to their website

The artist can sell their works at the set price, with no commission from the gallery

ART. 4 - How to participate

Artists must submit application forms with pictures of the work through

1) e-mail:

2) Personally: Thursday and Saturday from 16 to 19 at Gallery Culdesac, Via Berthollet Torino 29.

to be sent a request to record contains your address, telephone number and e-mail, a photo / and work / and you want to submit the following information: name, country, title, size, technique, year .

Selection will be based on a photograph of the work.

The works must be previously prepared for the installation and have a hanger / hook.
The works in the exhibition can be collected personally by the artist or his representative by proxy absolutely no later than the second day after the end of the show.

ART. 5 - Liability
Cultural Association Culdesac while ensuring the utmost care and custody of the works, is not responsible for any theft, fire or damage of any kind to persons or works which may occur during all stages of the event .
Candidates are guarantors of originality and ownership of their projects and participating in the initiative, implicitly accept the rules of this announcement.

ART. 6 - Consent

The decisions of the Selection Committee of the Works are final and unquestionable.
Each applicant expressly authorizes the processing of personal data transmitted pursuant to Decree Law 675/96 and subsequent amendments. 196/2003 also for inclusion in databases operated by the persons in question.

Participation in the group exhibition implies knowledge and full acceptance of these Regulations.

ART. 7 - Copyright
The organization recognizes that each participating artist retains full ownership of copyright on their work. Each candidate gives rights to reproduce works and other documents issued for the purposes of promotion, and the filing system also allows the reproduction of works for publication on the website of Culdesac and all other forms of communication and activities of 'organizer.

ART. 8 - Secretary

For every request for information and assistance you may contact the secretariat at the site of the Cultural Culdesac or email address, or by going in person at Gallery Culdesac, via Berthollet 29 Turin on Thursday and Saturday from 16 to 19.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Long Does Mayonnaise Last Unopened?

Part I. The band Pretzels wine alias sweet ness.

The holidays are almost at the end, we have distributed our gifts and then we can launch in several posts that describe them e commenteranno ( QUI l'anteprima).
Potrebbero essere delle idee carine per il prossimo anno, se siete armati di tanta pazienza...
Ebbene sì abbiamo iniziato a spignattare  nelle fredde serate di novembre per preparare tutto, quindi ci vuole tanta forse meno di quanta sia servita a noi perché sarete sicuramente più bravi e attrezzati di noi.
Iniziamo con quelli che abbiamo chiamato Stezzi dolci (in seguito vi parleremo degli Stezzi salati).
Gli Stezzi dolci non sono altro che una rivisitazione delle classiche intramontabili ciambelline al vino, dolcetto tipico dei Castelli romani.
To be sure, because it was the first time I tried this, we followed a recipe for bomb-proof, of Paola Lazzari (well Reucci we are lazy and do not have kneaded by hand, but the result was the same loooong satisfactory).
Below we present his recipe, but if you want to browse among the wonders of confectionery you can knock at his house, Interior Otto .

sweet ness:

125 ml of extra virgin oil 125 ml white wine (we have chosen a Frascati)

200 grams of sugar a tablespoon of anise seeds
tablespoon sambuca (or other liqueur ' anise, we used the Ouzo that there is always at home)

a teaspoon of salt a teaspoon of ammonia for cakes (there we had prepared in the pharmacy as the local supermarket was baked, but in the end we also recommend it to you as they can also sell doses minimum and saves)

photo credits: Martha Covington, Federico Boni

Take the flour, sugar, anise seeds, salt and ammonia and throw them in your robot of confidence. Begin to knead the plan and then pour the wine, liquor and oil, mix a few minutes to speed a bit 'more sustained and then take the dough, cover and let stand one hour.
After the nap, take the dough! Make the rods and cut the size you like (ours were about 6 cm long by 1 cm wide).

photo credits: Martha Covington, Federico Boni

Now make a dish with sugar and spend a long side of the cylinder / ness in the sugar.
After this operation the oven tray lined with greaseproof paper and place the robustness (grow, then leave a little 'space and a vital inter alia).
190gradi We cooked for 15-20 minutes at the beginning, the subsequent batches have required less time (a few confess that we had to throw away, sigh, causes burns), then you should not go to see your show Loved ... or if you do it "thrown" always an eye on the oven.
You can store them in tins or plastic bags as we did as a gift.
They are good alone, but drowned in the wine .. what about "them is death," then you could give a packet of robustness and a good bottle of wine, no?
you like this idea?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mount & Blade 1.003 Trainer

Happy holidays, emerging authors! A spell-

Cari lettori,
quest'anno facciamo gli auguri solo a chi gioca per un giorno al correttore di bozze: provate a correggere i refusi presenti in questo breve testo (come se lavoraste in un comune file Word): solo se li trovate tutti potrete leggere il nostro messaggio!

Have fun and happy holidays from all of us

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chicken Roosts In Shed

Christmas La Banda

Oh siamo riusciti a preparare la festa/cena di Natale e a scongiurare uno dei classici disastri idraulici che, non si sa per quale astruso motivo, si accompagna sempre alla festa!
La festa/cena è andata bene e ringraziamo tutti per essere venuti e aver partecipato con entusiasmo.
Detto questo non ci soffermiamo su dettagli privati, ma vogliamo dare a chi non è intervenuto un'idea generale della serata.
Abbiamo notato: 
  1. che non tutti si sono baciati sotto il vischio, ma che tanti si son baciati nei pressi del vischio...ahiahiahi, siete stati imprecisi; 
  2. che come sempre il vino leaves more than bread and water (they are all die-hard activists who fight against the waste of water?)
  3. that all say "nooo, I do not drink brandy .." and then just turn around a nano second to find the empty bottle;
  4. that the American firm has enjoyed (thank menuturistico for the recipe and the aesthetic choice for us: the mini-cutters to have pudding and praline their terrible figure);
  5. the gift "Garter" is gone for more;
  6. that someone has been soooo happy with the gift I received (as opposed to last year);
  7. that this year all the friends have better manage the relationship with wax candles, our furniture thanks;
  8. that we are a landslide in the management of sweepstakes ", next year we will improve;
  9. that you are always" good food ";
  10. that Our gifts are loved so much and the production is officially open. This
a general overview of gifts, not all have yet received, so do not want to spoil the surprise ...
In the coming days all the recipe ... now to settle for these photos

* photo credits: Martha Covington, Federico Boni (thank you)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Milena Velba фото

sui generis

As proofreaders, we would have never thought to advise on this blog to use a spell- . In reality, we stumbled on an online service that can be very useful to writers: the texts corrector Braviautori offered by the site.

is not a spelling checker or a draft online, but a tool that helps prepare a written text in several respects.
Some proposals do not work perfectly: the ability to compare two versions text, highlighting the differences, a result offers a bit 'confused compared to the same function in Word, and the count of characters - to figure out how many folders consists of the work - we suggest you still rely on word count of Microsoft program (or equivalent), more reliable.

Rather convenient is the "Refine the text," which adjusts things like double spaces and euphonic quickly, realizing on the fly (which Word does not) of the interventions made and also possible spelling errors to be corrected. We must understand the mechanism, but it is not difficult.
Who knows the secrets of Word knows that it is possible to complete all these tasks within the writing program, perhaps building a custom macro that speeds the work, but not all are so familiar or have developed the habit of thinking that you should remove all spaces precede the quotation marks or convert to the horrible corporal <<.
This editor allows you to automatically run all tests together, helping to clean up the author's work from those unsightly smudges that may upset those who will evaluate the novel, no small feat considering how it is difficult to get published a book!
Still, the button text information provides the statistical analysis of all the words used: very interesting for those who want to identify duplicates and abused formula.

Useful journalists, bloggers and writers for the web instead of the functions dedicated to HTML, for example Search and Replace to remove and replace strings of codes, and Extrapolate Url to extract a document all the links and email visible (this could also be used to extract all e-mail addresses from your list of publishers to contact!).

for typos and grammatical errors, of course, there is no automatic mechanism that takes into: trust in a correction in the flesh!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Long Does Ringworm Take To Heal

Cenabis well apud me, Butterfly vintage cream and salmon

ash pan well, Fabullo My, I
few days, if you attend the gods, with
if you bring a good and great
dinner, not without a little white girl
and wine and salt and all the amenities.
If you have taken, I repeat, these things, my dear, good
ash pan, because the purse of your Catullus is full of cobwebs
But otherwise there is genuine affection and
as there are more charming and elegant
fact I'll give you a scent that Venus and Cupids gave to my girl,
that when you smell them pray to the gods Fabietto,
that makes you all nose.

This post was created for the contest " Add a blogger at the table " is dedicated to friendship and being a food blog ... well you could not start that with this poem by Catullus * where we'll see a lot ... the purse of broccoli is full of cobwebs, but we will with sincere:)
blogghino Initially this was just a stranger (well not now famous, but a little 'aficionados of us are), but we are already so many followed her, one in particular: Ammodomio.
now tell you a little 'behind the scenes of ... tatarataaaa
Our first follower was just of Ornella Ammodomio , which made us happy because not only followed by several more, but also because we know !
Well she did not know it yet, but months later it was the confession: a top of broccoli sprouts is that taanti taaanti known for years!
So we thought 'Why not participate in the contest alcibommestibile? Other than virtual dinner with Ornella seriously we spend Christmas! "
And now we are not relatives, but on 24 and 25 spend the ensemble between gourmet eating, laughter and memories ... on how good it is those who choose to spend the holidays (because "I want" is waaay better than "I must "...) in case we talk about in another post, we now return to us, and the recipe to the contest: the choice is fell on the butterfly the salmon.
You will say "but daai is the 80" was?! The vintage is terribly branches, so why not ride (or rather flyover) wave fashionable? Seriously we chose it because it is at least twenty years that we know and why (as I write better Ornella ) butterflies are happy and remember freedom.

100 grams of smoked salmon
champagne taste (If none, prosecco or white wine)

150/200 ml liquid cream to taste extra virgin olive oil (or butter)

pink pepper to taste chives
qb qb red roe lumpfish
300/400 gr. paste format butterflies

while boiling the water for the butterflies, cut the salmon into irregular strips, fry 2 / 3 and blended with 2 fingers of champagne (well at least for the holidays we spoils a bit ', no?). In the end I add the cream, a few chives and a few grains of pepper. Let thicken in the pan off the heat and add the eggs and salmon lumpfish you left that aside.
Well now we have to dedicate to the Christmas preparations, which we started a long ... and we are not referring only to the tree, you see the background (of which we are also very proud), but especially with the gifts! And already this year
surprises home made (among other things never stop to thank Ornella and Paola for tips that have helped us) ... but I will post it after Christmas, otherwise ruin the surprise and no surprise to friends that gifts are?! ;)

Oi ma visto che si parla di salmone..beh partecipiamo anche a controcorrente! , il contest de larennaincucina .


XIII. Cenabis
Cenabis bene, mi Fabulle, apud me
paucis, si tibi di favent, diebus,
si tecum attuleris bonam atque magnam
cenam, non sine candida puella
et vino et sale et omnibus cachinnis.
haec si, inquam, attuleris, venuste noster,
cenabis bene; nam tui Catulli
plenus sacculus est aranearum.
sed contra accipies meros amores
seu quid suavius elegantiusve est:
nam unguentum dabo, quod meae puellae
donarunt Veneres Cupidinesque,
quod tu cum olfacies, deos rogabis,
totum ut te faciant, Fabulle, nasum.
Catullo, Le poesie, Garzanti

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Little Switzerland Online Catalog

Stardust: finger food chocolate

Piove, fa freddo e non c'è niente di meglio del calduccio della propria casa (quando i termosifoni funzionano..) e se ci sono degli amici in giro a riscaldare l'ambiente con risate e caxxxte è ancora meglio!
This post is dedicated to a fast food recipe, but definitely healthy and gorgeous.
The advice if you have guests (for a cup of tea, coffee and a chat the afternoon), but lack the time or the desire to prepare anything too challenging.
Other advice: always have at home mini cups (1 cm in diameter)! And yes, if you multiply the friend called at the last minute and carries with it the girl's brother, cousin, etc. .... then minipirottini will be your loyal partners and you also provide for the multiplication of sweets:)
Basically this is not a gourmet dinner, only to accompany a spilucchino gossip!
And so the trick becomes a chiccosissimo your finger food.
Here is the recipe.
(with the doses they have come a dozen to a dozen cookies and finger food in paper cups)

flour 110 gr sugar 80 125
cream cocoa
25 1 / 2 yeast
175 degrees for 10-15 min

Laziness reigns supreme, then run around the robot, mix, pour the mixture (quite soft, like mousse) sigiringa in and fill the cups.
With what we have advanced the syringe like biscuits mixture directly on the plate (of course lined with parchment paper).
The taste is delicious, very similar to that of the pan of stars (of the famous brand of biscuits that has fed us and legions of children), but more soft, thanks to the cream.
Good Sunday to all!
Ps with this delicious recipe we try to participate in the contest of pomegranate Christmas finger food. Hurry, hurry up and join! Expire in a few days

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Letters Welcoming New Church Members

Hotel Pekin.

I was in Moscow for first time in 91. The situation was unreal and it was snowing thick and the atmosphere of semi-darkness of a latent November announcing a tough winter. The Moskva was now frozen and tails formed as usual in front of empty shops in the yellowish glow of the early afternoon, was full of tired faces and depressed, while the few cars went around the Kalzò leaving a trail of bluish and ill-smelling fuel. The atmosphere seemed very dark. After leaving office, walking the few hundred meters on the wide sidewalk that takes us to Gastiniza Pekin. The snow creaked under my soft soles heavy as I squeezed in dublionka with shapka fell on the ears, to keep the sweet warm environment from which I had just been released.

time I did not catch cold. After the great semi-deserted square opening, forcing a bit ', since they were all battered, the doors of the old Stalinist hotel. The classic building of the system, one of seven neoassiro style, borrowed from New York visit that the dictator did in the United States and that were mimicking the style he liked so much. The Pekin was the smallest of the seven, and perhaps the worst succeeded by his ten-storey towers and the final disproportionate, much less even than his brother at the Hotel Ukraina across the river, more airy and composed. But the most awful feeling I had it inside, past the buffer zone between the doors that separated the hall from the square outside dark and covered with snow. The same sad task heavily involved in counter where you were tired the favor of retiring the various documents and I reluctantly handed the internal passport, then you went to the elevators, nearly all broken through to your floor.

Here, if you had luck finding the dejurnaia , the head of the plan, most of the time sleeping on a couch, and when leather chipped, incattivita from unwelcome wake up, hands you the key, went, without disturbing further, to look for a room along the enormous and endless corridors. Then you lock yourself in the gigantic room. Everything had to be big and grand when the hotel was built, the size should be clearly at the same time warning and a threat to those who use, or just watching them, witness to greatness, but also of severe attention. Look at what you do that the big brother you see and judge you. At any time. This was the feeling. In addition, you fantasize that there were microphones everywhere and legends abounded in this sense, even if the final agony of the regime, I think it was all a bit 'left to itself and invaded the general neglect this aspect of political life .

the ground floor in the back there was a restaurant, a poor and sparse interpretation of Chinese cuisine, always poorly equipped even to those three or four dishes that brought the disappointing menu on tablecloths stained and rumpled. It was reluctantly attended by a few hotel guests in the morning, there were a dismal breakfast of cucumbers and Smietana, while a huge (everything had to be large) samovar steel enthroned in a corner of the room for tea. On Saturday evening, small groups or pairs of students came to celebrate some birthday Russians, filling a few tables here and there, the males with the threadbare jackets and narrow with a rose in hand, girls with beautiful diaphanous and transparent polyester blouses and shoes with heels that were worn in the plastic bag to change into snow boots which had arrived from the metro station nearby. They waited a long time after ordering the waiters svogliati, ma non sembrava loro importare. Poi si mangiavano con cura gli involtini primavera rinsecchiti e il pollo alle mandorle freddo, guardandosi negli occhi, inconsapevoli e forse disinteressati ai cambiamenti epocali e ai durissimi anni che stavano alle porte, al di là del grande ingresso, mentre la neve continuava a cadere stanca, a soffocare i pochi rumori della notte sovietica.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bikini Wax Santa Cruz

books of poetry published is still possible?

-minded people, maybe even with good results, hope to see art, poetry has never published his labors? The books of poetry, huddled in the furthest corners of the libraries, with rates often embarrassing for sale, still have a future? The literary awards dedicated to poetry continue to be as many fans and those who can not stop writing poetry. The network this can be a good channel of expression particularly for a type of literature, like poetry, is that so many difficulties to emerge in print.

Certainly the lack of poetry on the Internet the vocal style, diction, musicality: the poetry is nourished by listening and spoken word as well as pure and simple reading. The same kind of "poetry music" has a good successful in terms of sales, just look at the success of series such as "Verses" by Aldo Nove, for instance, or fusion experiments between poetry and music as the brilliant jazz Mass in music Stafano Bollani and Massimo Altomare of fanfole by Fosco Maraini. So as not to underestimate the vitality of poetry, non-traditional opportunities, such as poetry slam, the actual combats where is the audience to judge directly, with lots of whistles and applause, the tests in poetic race. Of other important voices of contemporary poetry took their first steps in such contexts.

resources and spaces of the internet to reserve a lot of poetry are: contains reviews, notices of events and competitions, interviews (currently in English poet Jamie McKendrick ); very interesting (look at the three em otherwise finished in the usual venditutto site that uses the name of others for gaining access) where the authors write the likes of Buffon, Rizzante and as reported by the website "gives hospitality research, that's all. Low fidelity, low resolution, fragments, installation, not performance, not performance. "unpublished
Many are also published books not on paper but on eBook: striking example was the series Italian Poetry E-book Cepollaro Biagio Biagio who also created the E-Cepollaro conditions. The savings enabled by electronic publishing opens its doors to newcomers, but it has also been exploited to bring out books by authors already established as Corrado Costa and Amelia Rosselli. Cepollaro now no longer publishes e-book, but he is also working with the new site which also houses Gamm entries through what has been called the format Opeb (Open Page E-Book): nothing but the inclusion in the site but looks back on a working value.

(For further information: Stephen Ghidinelli, text from the book. The poem is not in the books , Aa.Vv. runs in '10, Mondadori)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Get Points Off My Ohio License

Popular Culdesac The Gallery is open Thursdays and Saturdays from 16 to 19.
In these times you can visit the exhibition "Eyes of Truth" by Flavio Tiberti or take their work on files for selection for the exhibition.
All information will be provided in person or by mail via Berthollet 29 (

Why Do Men Grow Their Pinky Nail

Literary Agents: interview with Vicki Satlow

We are pleased to refer readers to a contribution it seems advisable to get a general idea of \u200b\u200ba much debated topic in this blog: the literary agencies.

In this video, aired on Iris for heading I'll tell you a book, is an interesting collection interview with Vicki Satlow , literary agent, however, an American who works on the Italian market. The Satlow represents, among others, and Susanna Tamaro Young Mattia Signorini (which among other things Booksblog devoted time ago a ' interview on the subject, which may be attractive to those who dream of being a writer by profession), and tells some national publishing mechanisms: the role of literary agents The specific work of the agent, the diffidence that often breathes with us for this professional overseas who instead has a broader scope for action ...
Everyone will draw their own impressions, we will be happy to read comments in !

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Subjunctive Spanish Wedding Powerpoint

Hotel Rossija.

E' certo vero che la bellezza è salvifica, ma credo che sia altrettanto provato che l'homo inscipiens sia portato naturalmente al brutto. Se tutto questo può avere un suo senso nei casi emergenziali, bisogna dire that most of the havoc being perpetrated even and especially when the lust of greed is coupled to the desire for economic change and the need for quotas. Some of the ugliest things are done right in these situations. Moscow certainly no exception to this axiom, not to mention the suburbs, those that are horrible in the world. The center of the Tsarist past was certainly an admirable unity of buildings and monuments that, clear vision in nineteenth-century urban planning, led by a crescendo of beauty to solid central gem of the Kremlin, making this a wonderful mix of capital imbued with the grandeur of European softness by larger areas in Asia and the suggestions of his empire trees, perfect blend of sophistication and ferocity Byzantine Mongolian.

At the foot of the Kremlin stood Zaryadye, one of the probably most beautiful in Europe, an apparently disordered-domed Orthodox churches of Eastern colorful and unique arenas that were extraordinary. In his delirium of power at the height of the economic result of the NEP and the subsequent industrial momentum, Stalin decided to knock it down in 1935 to build one of the great skyscrapers of the Assyrian-American style that so much had struck New York. The destruction was completed just before the outbreak of war, as seen in a postcard of the time. Then, when you could play around al progetto erano ormai arrivati gli anni 60. Cominciò allora la costruzione dell'Hotel Rossija, forse la più grande offesa dell'umanità al buon gusto ed alla cultura. Mi ci portava l'amico Ferox, data la comodità della posizione. Arrivavo sempre la sera tardi dall'aeroporto ed il gigantesco cubo nero che emergeva dalla notte ti dava subito un senso di tenebrosa inquietudine. Nell'ingresso squinternato e semideserto si aggiravano losche figure dagli incarichi incerti e sempre in cerca di attività border line nella migliore delle ipotesi.

Al bancone, infastidite incaricate ricoperte di belletti cospicui, controllavano di malavoglia i documenti e la prenotazione ottenuta tramite amici degli amici, che diversamente have a room in a normal way, with a phone call for example, was an impossible task. With your pass in hand, watched proudly from the faux porter evidently unclean place other activities, it charges you to search the suitcase before the lifts to see if at least one function and then you walk along the endless corridors blinds made from broken bulbs or stolen, where they lined up no end to the nearly 4000 rooms in the world's largest. The dejurnaija plan, almost always dozed off on a rickety sofa bed, did not last barrier to his task, so you'll only find the key on a rack rusted and abandoned you are finally in your room shabby and drab. Staccavi subito la cornetta per impedire ai drappelli di signorine, che invece in folti drappelli svolgevano una alacre attività, di telefonarti ogni dieci minuti per tutta la notte, al fine di offrirti un relaxing massage, evidentemente uno dei servizi più richiesti nell'albergo e ti buttavi distrutto dal viaggio nel letto sgualcito in attesa di fuggire la mattina, dopo aver tentato di fare una specie di colazione, in uno stanzino triste, dominato da un gigantesco samovar di acciaio con un thé annacquato e qualche fetta di pane rinsecchita con cetrioli e composta.

Negli anni, mentre il degrado aumentava in parallelo al malaffare, le mafie probabilmente si impadronirono dell'intero controllo dell'edificio. Per evitare the complete collapse of functionality, some parts, like pieces of corridors, were transferred to private companies who made the sub-hotel, refresh yourself at the best rooms taken into management. So after having penetrated the monster you stick in a subsection called Gioconda Hotel, run by "Italians" with a restaurant called the Salernitani, which proposed "fish just arrived from Italy, where robust security guards manning the entrances reinforced by selecting the customers through the doors quilt. The business flourished more ambiguous in those parts, I think raising, strong appetites.

The director of the Rossiya was in fact murdered soon amid general indifference, as responsible for many functions in the odor of "commercial development" at that time. But on the whole dominated the absolute monster of that building from a side view of the dull red walls of the Kremlin, the other hopelessly gouged along the river, ugly and sad at the same time. Only one bomber would have resolved the situation. Well, without warning in 2006 a horde saving bulldozers surrounded the rotting corpse and completely demolished. Today the area, tells me his friend Ferox, is surrounded by a complete fence, waiting, they say, the reconstruction of a Hotel 7 star better to represent the pride of New Putin and Russia. No one really knows the project. Perhaps the new monster about to be born in the aftermath of the delicate Orthodox churches, will undergo further changes. The appetites of vampires do not give up, or rather become more brutal and greedy the other hand we know, the culture can not eat, try putting the Divine Comedy in a sandwich.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dogs Temazepam How Much Sedate

Write: profanity, or not?

Among the many choices that a writer must do when working on their style, or simply to the characterization of a character, a scene of a work over another, there is the acceptance or not to use slang, vulgar, cuss words .

The choice is more significant than it might seem, since the words of a book are like the cells of a body, and more are all cells ... speakers. what I mean, as well as: that atmosphere, we want to create that feeling? We want to disgust the reader, upset, and then we need a description and granguignolesca trivial, or we can do without it and refer the same effect with other elements? We want the reader giggled our vocabulary, which receives an air of relaxed and colloquial, or hope to impress upon him with a curse? Ben will be the big words if they're functional to the text must have a sense, a bit 'like blood and sex, after all. Help him publish a book? Who knows: it depends if it is a good book ...

In this regard we have found an interesting reflection of Gianni Turchetta who devotes to the subject a short essay ( in the slums of language, in AA.VV., Circulation '10. public Authors Publishers , Basic Books, 2010) and referred to willingly share an excerpt:

The full literary legitimacy, if not fundamentalist, worst of all things, that all the worst words that the Italian language, dialects and even languages \u200b\u200bof our writers provide not mean that lowering the same style and systematic practice of swearing have lost all their bite of expression, much less that they were degraded to a kind of linguistic jam, spread a little 'anywhere. Now, it must be said, a "dick" or a "fuck you" do not be denied to anyone, and few people were shocked. [...] But there are different ways to make use of the lower registers of language, literature and perhaps still manages to retain the right and, even more importantly, the ability to make us surprises.

Platypus Pet In Canada

Home Made Car Supresor

Paint? Are you a photographer?
You have artistic ambitions and would like to display your work in San Salvario?

Culdesac The association proposed in the gallery as a popular cultural project aimed at young and emerging artists.

Anyone wishing to experience the thrill of opening a personal or collective shows in the most lively and colorful district of Turin may apply in Via Berthollet 29, Thursdays and Saturdays from 16 to 19.

bringing your work to a file or sent to the email, you will receive information about registration and exposure.

After jobs have been viewed and selected you will be able to take advantage of space and any other services at your discretion, tailored to your needs of time and money.

Association Culdesac - People Gallery
Via Berthollet 29 10125 Torino

Thursday and Saturday from 16 to 19

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bow Tie Cinemas Coupons

Opening of the exhibition Eyesoftruth Flavio Tiberti

On 3 November 2010 from 19 inauguration of the photographic exhibition Eyesoftruth, Flavio Tiberi. Association at the Cul de Sac, Via Berthollet 29, Turin San Salvario.

mystical balance between shadows and light

I surprised


Inoppugnabile rarità

In questi giorni vacui e chiassosi

Era un instancabile intagliatore di speranze

Era essenziale saggezza di ossa

Pelle occhi scavati

Pozzi profondi piantati nel cuore

Fetido della Storia

Era domande affioranti

I polsi di un bambino di luce

Era l'eroe lontano

Dal vanto dei combattimenti

Era una divisa di pazienza

Coraggio levigato dal tempo

Imperturbabile attesa dell'identico

Era cullato dal ritmo di un treno

Antico retaggio d'inconcepita infanzia

Familiarity vacuum

was the silence of women

In the fog of spices and fabrics

was a smile like an open wound

The painful dignity

a prayer stone

That leaves a singing the word tomorrow

was the turn static

Del conscious interweaving of life and death

was in the poetic truth

That has nothing to show

Nothing to say was that every day he is recognized

fatigued before the Earth

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Are Bangs Good For Someone With A Big Nose

Caviale e kognak.

Autumn in Moscow in advance, and much, our customs. At the end of October, generally, the icy gusts coming from the north, are walking fast through the pulling on the lapels of coats, waiting for the first snow. The trees of the gardens have already lost almost all the leaves and branches, apparently dry and blacks, mostrano al cielo la loro nuda disperazione. Una delle mie passeggiate preferite, terminato l'ufficio, era, girato l'angolo sul Kalzò, di fronte alla massa grigia e severa del vecchio Hotel Pekin, percorrere la Tverskaija che, con una leggera discesa, quasi volesse accompagnare i viaggiatori che dopo un lungo viaggio arrivavano da occidente, ti portava, lenta,come lo scorrere del tempo in Russia, fino alle meraviglie del Kremlino. E' una strada larga e un tempo elegante che invita al passeggio sui grandi marciapiedi su cui sfila ininterrotta la serie dei palazzi della Mosca di fine ottocento, un tempo ricchi ed eleganti.

Qui anche nella Mosca disperata degli anni 90, vedevi brillare gli ultimi fuochi del regime. Quel che of goods was available now in the process of disappearance, from every corner of the empire, arrived here to be exhibited in the shops that were to represent a luxury secretly performed at the same time demonstrating the potential richness of the system and the availability of the same for the people in reality had no real willingness to access them. Dorije die-offs in white and blue, you could see some dried fish from the Baltic and some tape of shellfish, shops Atelier, a few sad mannequin on which clothes were hung that theoretically you could go and do on the measure, in the Chase ogle shelves filled with old clocks and watches instead of data as in the mission to repair the shop, were exposed in search of un compratore. Ma, superata la piazza Pushkin, lungo la leggera discesa, ecco apparire a sinistra, al numero 14, una magia inspettata.In un grande palazzo ridondante di stucchi, si aprivano le pesanti porte dell'Eliseev Gastronom.

Nel 1901, il ricco mercante ebreo di San Pietroburgo aveva creato questo negozio che doveva rappresentare il massimo della offerta gastronomica russa in un ambientazione di sfrenato lusso imperiale. Entrare in questo enorme salone decorato in stile neo-barocco era come fare un tuffo nel passato. Sotto il colossale lampadario di cristalli italiani, si alternavano gli antichi banconi lucidi di ottoni e di legni pregiati, sui quali, a settori, potevi trovare le squisitezze più rare e details from all corners of the empire. From the rich wine lounge, where in addition to more traditional vodkas Kognak was also the Armenian Ararat the prized 25-year pass to the meats, rich verietà where to find the most valuable pieces of Mijas Kombinat. A little farther on pulled mahogany mirror, jars made of traditional, arranged like soldiers, under the chandeliers of gold could buy a jar smijetana fresh and so on, walking among the stalls for the pleasure of the eyes, chased from the looks of matrons in a white apron that you showed, probing, the prices stratospheric for residents who wandered sad with the feeling of the look but not touch. That nice to dream under the big clock strikes the hours of a distant past. Did you feel surrounded by Contessine and officers in gala dress, whose ghosts still looking languidly roamed the caviar bar, with its hundreds of cans, jars blue precious Beluga, Sevruga red ones a bit 'rougher, the Yellow Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, red caviar, the cans of which he was fond of bal'ik Zhenija dear, I brought us the first time.

Among the huge marble columns that rise up to the stained ceiling, heavy gold decorations surrounding large portraits, most notably his own, there he is the famous Eliseev looking at his room with malicious eye, how to make you understand that he was not stupid and that has been able to hide her secret. And now, because legend has it that the rich man, felt the air that changed direction, before to pack, concealed in a secret niche among the gilded stucco and columns, all of its immense treasure, alas, not have been able to go back. The revolution has swept away into the whirlwind of history, leaving only the beautiful environment he had created. I came out with a heavy heart, now dark and sad in the evening, while on the wide sidewalks echoed the laughter of the detachments of beautiful girls who went to the Inturist to lure customers.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Decorating A Log Canopy Bed

A gallery "popular"

On November 3, opened the Galleria Cul de Sac, a project dell'omonima associazione culturale, con sede in Via Berthollet 29 a Torino.
Obiettivo principale dell'associazione è quello di offrire uno spazio espositivo accessibile a giovani artisti, emergenti, outsider...
L'occasione di far scendere l'arte figurativa dall'Olimpo dorato in cui spesso viene confinata, permettendole di mostrare il suo volto più umano, autentico, libero da pose e atteggiamenti.
L'occasione di renderla più vicina ed accessibile, calandola in un contesto vivace e stimolante.
Una galleria popolare nel multietnico quartiere di San Salvario.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Customize My Bmx Bike

Grandi magazzini.

When autumn's cooler and the mist begins to fall from the hills and there is the impending winter, I inevitably take Moscow and the nostalgia of those years of change so interesting for someone like me, who and fortunately I was only an outside observer. Nostalgia for the cold and smoky streets of that darkness that enveloped the city early poorly lit by the dim yellow light of street lamps, the loneliness of those wide streets, dilapidated and lack of equipment. When walking slowly on large uneven sidewalks, with shapka of yellow hair fell over his head and the scarf wrapped around his mouth good, that frost does not penetrate directly to give you that subtle stinging which reported a temperature at which I was not used, I ended invariably in Red Square, after crossing the large open space with calm hippodrome.

There was still the great portal was rebuilt a few years later resemblance to the original and, after the austere building of the Lenin Museum, arrived at the nearly deserted main square, walking on the pavement, slightly domed, gray and awaiting the first snow . On the bottom of the peaks colored St. Basil's, eyeing a strict enforcement of the dark granite mausoleum tromboneggiante leaning against the high wall of the Kremlin. You felt like a sleepy waiting for a threat of change, desired but feared at the same time, as if the news could not never be positive. The only significant movement was on the left side of the square and streets that converge there. The people in coats intabarrata dublionke lysis and bald, women engulfed in fluffy angora sweaters of China, arrived in droves and threw themselves, to escape the gusts of wind from the north, in the long building that stretched across that side of the square.

were the GUM department store (Gosudarstvennyi Universalnyi Magazin - State General Store), at the same time Toyland and showcase / image of the USSR at that time. The building of the 800's clearly inspired by the fashion stores of La Fayette, however, had not been able to copy pretty lightweight, but its deliberate grandeur I gave a heavy version and provincial levels, typical of those powerful, wants to adapt to fashion and elegance that are not their own. The building had, however, over time, acquired its dignified majesty. Entered through the triple doors ramshackle, where a current similar to a hurricane was blowing steadily. It was the difference, sometimes 50 degrees between inside and outside to make it so violent and constant. So were you taken the step of shot, frost the road, surrounded in an atmosphere of warm and humid and sweaty smell that soon became accustomed. Here you opened the buttons, you will spread the scarf and soon faded away the sense of unease. How does the man soon to become accustomed to the smell, the rotten, physical discomfort followed by ease the moral. In a short time it all seems natural, normal, given that all will be right if they do so. Before you opened up the prospect of the big three covered galleries on three floors which opened the parade of shops that had given the original name Verchnie torgovye rjady (number of quality shops).

was a whole succession of outlets in the most popular Russian crafts, interspersed with shops of clothes, hats, shoes and other consumer goods coveted by Moscow and in most cases desolately half-empty or with some sample dusty, poorly exposed on shelves. Yet this was the showcase of the USSR, but the refrigerators were exposed only photos and you could go and get in the list, after paying of course, for the chance that one day I was handed the coveted indefinite appliance. It was this, together with the proverbial discourtesy and rudeness of orders, its main feature. I I went here and there, enjoying the best views as one of the central space, where the second gallery, dominated by the large fountain which occupied the junction with the side aisles under the glass dome of liberty. I enjoyed all the stalls snubbed by the Russians, losing myself among the cans of Palech beautifully illuminated, colorful wooden pins, great blacks shawls embroidered with flowers, beautiful wooden toys, pendants amber from the Baltic, large wooden spoons and containers red and blacks with motifs painted in gold, dolls ukraine. I am morbidly attracted a large store where they were neatly set out the beautiful pottery Djeli, white and blue, where invariably let my mite, andandomene with my package wrapped in an old Pravda, which contained a dish with tender chicken egg holder portasale center or a cup soft edges, whose decoration was signed by some unknown artist.

The prices were ridiculous for us with the strength of the dollar raping the weak economy and shaky. Now things have changed, first the G no longer means of GUM and Highways Department, but each shop performs the most famous brand worldwide fashion, perfumes, jewelry, luxury, dedicated to the new Russia. No more room for delicate ceramic cups colored knit fox, small carvings of bone Siberia, but the vulgarity of American International sports shoes made in Indonesia, written with clothes made in China, with French names perfumes, jewelry from the Italian form. Will certainly have changed also the heavy glass doors creaking and the place of the old bar that was only dry butterbrodi with butter and herring, now there will be a nice club with international drinks and cocktails. But people will continue to flow before the windows so empty, now full of things you can not buy, throwing the same sad eyes waiting for a change, as always desired and feared, even though it has always been, things will change so that everything remains as before.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Archers Choice Or Riflehunter

writer's block, farewell

Someone said that you can not define a writer if he does not write anything for weeks. But no doubt many who instead want to certainly be ascribed to the category you are confronted at least once with the lack of free time, enthusiasm, ideas and motivation .

Well, thanks to Booksblog we found a pretty funny trick that can lead to not lose the pace too often and help s Crivi a book (and then to publish, sooner or later). It's called
Write or die, literally, "Write or die", and is a kind of cruel tamagotchi's novel based on the principle or write tot beats per day, or there will be consequences for you.
Through a trivial form we can give you a goal (eg 200 words per hour, 3,000 words a day ...) and a time limit within which you can tolerate an interruption of writing, you can then choose between four stages of "punishment" nice, normal, suicide or electric shock. In the first case, after the period given a pop-up appears on the monitor kindly invited to resume the work. In the second case to occur will be an unpleasant sound, which will cease solo nel momento in cui si tornerà a scrivere. Agghiacciante la prospettiva kamikaze: se non ricomincerete a digitare il vostro romanzo o racconto, il testo inizierà a cancellarsi progressivamente da solo!

Naturalmente nulla vieta di copiare e incollare il testo in un normale programma di scrittura via via che viene completato l'obiettivo della giornata, per poterlo poi conservare e rileggere su un supporto più pratico, ma siamo certi che questo genere di avvertimenti telematici saranno più convincenti della mamma o fidanzata/o che compare alle vostre spalle per incoraggiarvi ancora una volta, sempre più blandamente...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Is 1.5mg Of Alprazolam To Much

Writers and editors fool

Il proprio libro viene finalmente pubblicato, The publisher organizes promotional events such as presentations , readings, lectures and social occasions with drink and snacks. You begin to smell the smell of celebrity , the gilded life of a professional writer ... and behold, in ambush, the specter of bad shape, public humiliation, of ' embarrassing episode that could mark a life of their career.

Anyone intimidated by this prospect, reading The humiliations never end Robin Robertson (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005) will find out how, in essence, any author, a newcomer said time and then be able to count at least one episode in its history to be ashamed of the very marrow, without which this has seriously undermined his professional reputation.

The author has assembled a strong set of fact objectively hilarious testimonials from many authors of Anglo-Saxon: the presentation totally deserted happened to Jonathan Coe (and many others), David Harsent that comes to your reading completely drunk and is forced to run to throw up, until Chuck Palahniuk that while signing copies of his book, with a packet of frozen shoulder to soothe the soreness, he realizes that a transgender named Margo-Monster impersonating Vicodin between people queuing for his autograph.

not to be missed, for the sake of self-esteem.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prestige Alarm Keep Going Off

A writer?

conversation with some colleagues we raised a question that has triggered complex responses and articulate: a good editor should also be a good writer ? Or better: to be a good editor is necessary or advisable to be at least as good an author?

we'd love to know the opinion of readers, that being on the opposite side of the metaphorical fence may have an interesting view of the matter. Large room for discussion, then, in the comments or, if preferred, on Facebook page.

At the moment most of my colleagues has spoken to no : in this, paradoxically, those who have to improve a written text needs to know how a text should be built rather than learn to build one. Subtle difference, but significant. This is because it is good that the editor, if not free, of course, a personal literary taste, his style has not , the typicality of the idiosyncrasies related to writing. It should be a non-artist, an author to negative, an alter ego of the writer. It should not be found, especially, holds to identify with the writer, to sense its difficulties and passions, to show solidarity with him or vice versa for developing an aversion, a judgmental attitude or a kind of competition. Best alliance symbiosis between two different but compatible species .

Monday, August 16, 2010

Average Bmi Women For Very Active Women

Recensione: Custine - Lettere dalla Russia.

Today I want to tell a book of great interest, in my opinion, of course. These are letters from Russia to Custine I found in an old edition of Fogola 1977. I think that is not readily available, so for the cover I had to serve to that of a British edition. Well, I say that finding stimulating and exciting book written in 1832, is a bit 'risky, but in this case, I confess that I struggled to break away before the end, though in fact, repetitions and the style a bit 'pompous and didactic work may seem at times cloying. Our author, a French nobleman and idler, an aspiring writer and diplomat at the same time, avid traveler, will tell their countrymen what is the Russia of his time and especially as the Russians are.

At that time the country was trying to establish itself as a new European power and was viewed with some that the West was considered sufficiently advanced and modern in comparison to those barbarians besides Asian upstarts. We can say that Russia had the knowledge by hearsay, very biased and partial, a bit 'as it does today for China. We, therefore, traveling Moscow to St. Petersburg for four months and in the form of letters daily, described with insight and effectiveness, the country, people, the court, but also highlights the way of thinking and way of life of the country. What makes the book amazing is the number of points that forms the backbone. Well, if we did not know the year in which they were written, all may be perfectly valid and adequate, whether we speak of the Stalin era, that of gerontocracy bresnieviana that the current political situation. If we also consider that the same Custine, reports that the same things also apply to the past centuries, one can not get that to a conclusion. All

defects and problems that we have given the regime which for 70 years was the Great Evil Empire and believed to cause and effects of disasters, sometimes tragic, sometimes comic who made the emblem of the Soviet empire failure of a system, are its centuries of this country, if that leads them on the rump, as a legacy of a past and a history that remains unchanged to changes in power and the various political upheavals. Certainly this book will be appreciated by all who have a basic knowledge of Russia, who will gather in every phrase and every story, they will recognize character types and situations, warning correspondences with the immediate events that took place two centuries ago. Poor Custine was horribly snubbed by his contemporaries, who probably also isolated for his supposed sexual orientation. So his book was criticized by scholars of the time and fell into oblivion for over a century, has now become a fundamental text for anyone interested in the Great Mother. If you have any curiosity about the topic certainly give it a look.

Getting Rid Of Impetigo Quickly Natural

best-selling novel

time of year, this time take the opportunity to advise you not to read "service" but a novel for pleasure vacations.

How to write a best seller in 57 days Luca Ricci (Yale University Press, 2009) is a cleverly misleading title: this is not a manual to learn how to write a book from the sales stratosphere. It is rather a short novel and light, but far from stupid, that ruota con tono irresistibilmente dissacrante intorno al cliché dello scrittore tormentato, bohémien e di sofisticata cultura.
Il quale, in questo caso, non riesce in realtà a scrivere nemmeno una riga, e preso dai tormenti di una vocazione letteraria forse più estetica che di sostanza si trova senza un quattrino, tanto da rischiare lo sfratto.

I quattro scarafaggi che abitano indisturbati nella sua soffitta, anch'essi scapoli bonémien di raffinate letture e forbito eloquio, temendo che nuovi inquilini procedano alla temuta disinfestazione decidono di scrivere il libro dell'anno , così da guadagnare i soldi per l'affitto. Ma la formazione d'alto level and a bit 'snobby that they are so proud hinders operations: how to write a novel that appeals to people?

To laugh at themselves and their colleagues of the pen so lighthearted and intelligent.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Best Brazailian Wax Ottawa

Rating unpublished

Because a book is published and another not? In practice, this is because each text submitted to literary agents or publishers for first pass through the filter of evaluation: a player or a professional publishing consultant reads the novel and out an evaluation form with which, in essence, whether the operation is suitable for publication. The author can
make the acquaintance of this tool directly when requesting a peer review to an agency or a studio, or pay someone because they give an objective and expert opinion on your creature.

know at least briefly the structure of the evaluation may be typical, on the other hand, an element of reflection used to "polish" and make the most of your manuscript.

Who has the responsibility for judging a book by a new author, after having read and studded with notes in pen, will file a written document which provides a case in the round sull'inedito, explaining why and under what respects the text is to be considered publishable , salvageable or, alas, unprintable .

is not of course a personal opinion, even if the taste and preferences of the individual may have some influence on the result, but a collection of items that will help the potential publisher or literary agent to decide whether to publish or represent a rookie.

The card will contain some technical data (author, title, subtitle, number of pages or characters, including spaces, contact of any agent), then some elements of guidance (a literary genre that can be ascribed to the ' work? The following is a identifiable trend? What is the target - the target - an ideal text?).

There will fairly detailed analysis of style, vocabulary and syntax : you will learn, if you need examples, the characteristics of writing, rhythm, tone, choice of words, correctness and pleasantness (or less ) periods ...

The core will consist of a synopsis of the plot (including the ending!) And the overall architecture of the text.

Finally, the overall evaluation of the consultant will summarize what are the strengths and weaknesses text, in absolute terms and in relation to the possibility that it is included in the catalog of a given publisher. What the author (or his editor) should work? Is there something wrong with the plot? All goes well with the needs of the market?

We are testing the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing a kind of exercise: after having a look at cards already completed (eg here), why not groped to spread of accurate reviews of books of others, by great writers fellow rookie up their books? A workout fun, irreverent and probably useful to note some small defect which, in his own writing, was not spared.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Desnudo De Patricia Manterola Fotos

Caldo o freddo?

When it's hot, it makes me think of the cold. Not cool as it might be more natural, but its cool to cold, as soon as it happened to you some time and made you suffer. Once I was always ice cream. When I was in the mountains, the friends I teased because I was always full of sweaters and heavy jackets, even when others were in t-shirt, I did not miss even gloves and socks. Then it was Russia that has changed me. Temperatures and deadly snow birches between boundless horizon until the last ice along the walls, transparent stalactites that fall from the rooftops. Now I think I feel more at low temperatures. I always warm and do not tremble more when the wind blows cold dell'Assietta.

Needless to say that my so-called friends, they will say that it's all due to the thick layer of lard, extending under the skin around my body, to protect me as the walrus, from the harsh winter. It 's true that at that time I put on a nice kiletto year and eventually all that matters, but I do not think it's just a matter of fat. When I was in Moscow, how strange, in my memory I always feel like it was winter, was getting a cold burner. Emerging from a hot environment, perhaps a bit 'sticky for the stale air and smell human characteristic, certainly had no desire to open the half with double-and triple-glazed windows to let in the gusts of Grandfather Frost and you found on the wide pavements slippery ice Tvierskaija, while the cold air will penetrate under clothing taking you in like a vise.

I hand you trod in dublijonka thick and even more shapka of hair on his head to protect your ears, but when after a heavy breathing dry felt a pain in the back of the throat, that was the clear signal that the thermometer was below 25 ° C. I could not even walk fast to reach a sheltered place, restaurant or hotel that was, clinging to his pants legs hardened, tough as they themselves were of thick plywood and the pitch was made difficult, heavy. Then came the goal and what a relief to take off all the layers off, returning the air sweet with too much heat, wiping her eyes watery. An alternating hell of ice and fire that may shape the body, who knows, took away the habit of complaining. This time, just out from the halls of the fair, the streets dark and without light in the early afternoon of a late January, not even hear the pungent smell of petrol burnt low quality.

The Vigilante who stood erect and motionless near the bar, looked like the Michelin Man, so many jackets and padding between the visor and was wearing a coat and scarf, you could see only the eyes suffering from having to stand outside without even a drop of vodka, beating the feet do not freeze. We even checked the pass, as we walked towards the car. The cursed did not want to leave and he was there to lend a hand to push, to the slightly downhill, just to keep warm. Place hands behind, but when the car started, my colleague started shouting like crazy, he had no gloves and the skin of the palms had been attached to the plate. There were 32 degrees below zero. When it's cold, cold.