Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Long Does Mayonnaise Last Unopened?

Part I. The band Pretzels wine alias sweet ness.

The holidays are almost at the end, we have distributed our gifts and then we can launch in several posts that describe them e commenteranno ( QUI l'anteprima).
Potrebbero essere delle idee carine per il prossimo anno, se siete armati di tanta pazienza...
Ebbene sì abbiamo iniziato a spignattare  nelle fredde serate di novembre per preparare tutto, quindi ci vuole tanta forse meno di quanta sia servita a noi perché sarete sicuramente più bravi e attrezzati di noi.
Iniziamo con quelli che abbiamo chiamato Stezzi dolci (in seguito vi parleremo degli Stezzi salati).
Gli Stezzi dolci non sono altro che una rivisitazione delle classiche intramontabili ciambelline al vino, dolcetto tipico dei Castelli romani.
To be sure, because it was the first time I tried this, we followed a recipe for bomb-proof, of Paola Lazzari (well Reucci we are lazy and do not have kneaded by hand, but the result was the same loooong satisfactory).
Below we present his recipe, but if you want to browse among the wonders of confectionery you can knock at his house, Interior Otto .

sweet ness:

125 ml of extra virgin oil 125 ml white wine (we have chosen a Frascati)

200 grams of sugar a tablespoon of anise seeds
tablespoon sambuca (or other liqueur ' anise, we used the Ouzo that there is always at home)

a teaspoon of salt a teaspoon of ammonia for cakes (there we had prepared in the pharmacy as the local supermarket was baked, but in the end we also recommend it to you as they can also sell doses minimum and saves)

photo credits: Martha Covington, Federico Boni

Take the flour, sugar, anise seeds, salt and ammonia and throw them in your robot of confidence. Begin to knead the plan and then pour the wine, liquor and oil, mix a few minutes to speed a bit 'more sustained and then take the dough, cover and let stand one hour.
After the nap, take the dough! Make the rods and cut the size you like (ours were about 6 cm long by 1 cm wide).

photo credits: Martha Covington, Federico Boni

Now make a dish with sugar and spend a long side of the cylinder / ness in the sugar.
After this operation the oven tray lined with greaseproof paper and place the robustness (grow, then leave a little 'space and a vital inter alia).
190gradi We cooked for 15-20 minutes at the beginning, the subsequent batches have required less time (a few confess that we had to throw away, sigh, causes burns), then you should not go to see your show Loved ... or if you do it "thrown" always an eye on the oven.
You can store them in tins or plastic bags as we did as a gift.
They are good alone, but drowned in the wine .. what about "them is death," then you could give a packet of robustness and a good bottle of wine, no?
you like this idea?


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