Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Unlock Number Lock In Vip Suitcase

Culdesac Association announces the photo contest and pictorial


The poetry of the unexpected, the authentic balenante.

Bits of truth, in the glow of genuine masquerade of everyday life.

Besides the appearance that stiffens and forces, as well as the role and fiction, as well as the script of conventional gestures and expressions.

Looking for an unlikely miracle that word, that gesture, which are not written in the script.


Article 1 - Participation in the Contest
artists can participate in the selection of any nationality without age limit. Each artist can participate with a maximum of two works.

2 - Specifications
There is no stylistic or technical limitation, or display of materials or media. The photographs must not exceed the dimensions of 30x50 cm, the paintings must not exceed the size of 50X70.

3 - Selecting and participation

will be selected works by artists who are distinguished for their originality and quality of expression. Each artist can participate with a maximum of two works.

The participation fee includes a selection of 'compulsory membership of 50 €.

This corresponds in part to the 2011 membership fee and part of the Cultural Culdesac selected artist provides the following services: • Opening

• Setting up, dismantling and guard

• Advertising material of the exhibition

• Invitations via e-mail to the mailing list of the Association and any of the Gallery and e-mail reported by the artists

• Press, Media and Promotion

• Sales assistance

• Presence in the Association's website and link to their website

The artist can sell their works at the set price, with no commission from the gallery

ART. 4 - How to participate

Artists must submit application forms with pictures of the work through

1) e-mail: galleriadesac@gmail.com

2) Personally: Thursday and Saturday from 16 to 19 at Gallery Culdesac, Via Berthollet Torino 29.

to be sent a request to record contains your address, telephone number and e-mail, a photo / and work / and you want to submit the following information: name, country, title, size, technique, year .

Selection will be based on a photograph of the work.

The works must be previously prepared for the installation and have a hanger / hook.
The works in the exhibition can be collected personally by the artist or his representative by proxy absolutely no later than the second day after the end of the show.

ART. 5 - Liability
Cultural Association Culdesac while ensuring the utmost care and custody of the works, is not responsible for any theft, fire or damage of any kind to persons or works which may occur during all stages of the event .
Candidates are guarantors of originality and ownership of their projects and participating in the initiative, implicitly accept the rules of this announcement.

ART. 6 - Consent

The decisions of the Selection Committee of the Works are final and unquestionable.
Each applicant expressly authorizes the processing of personal data transmitted pursuant to Decree Law 675/96 and subsequent amendments. 196/2003 also for inclusion in databases operated by the persons in question.

Participation in the group exhibition implies knowledge and full acceptance of these Regulations.

ART. 7 - Copyright
The organization recognizes that each participating artist retains full ownership of copyright on their work. Each candidate gives rights to reproduce works and other documents issued for the purposes of promotion, and the filing system also allows the reproduction of works for publication on the website of Culdesac and all other forms of communication and activities of 'organizer.

ART. 8 - Secretary

For every request for information and assistance you may contact the secretariat at the site of the Cultural Culdesac www.associazioneculdesac.blogspot.com galleriadesac@gmail.com or email address, or by going in person at Gallery Culdesac, via Berthollet 29 Turin on Thursday and Saturday from 16 to 19.


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