Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Long Does Ringworm Take To Heal

Cenabis well apud me, Butterfly vintage cream and salmon

ash pan well, Fabullo My, I
few days, if you attend the gods, with
if you bring a good and great
dinner, not without a little white girl
and wine and salt and all the amenities.
If you have taken, I repeat, these things, my dear, good
ash pan, because the purse of your Catullus is full of cobwebs
But otherwise there is genuine affection and
as there are more charming and elegant
fact I'll give you a scent that Venus and Cupids gave to my girl,
that when you smell them pray to the gods Fabietto,
that makes you all nose.

This post was created for the contest " Add a blogger at the table " is dedicated to friendship and being a food blog ... well you could not start that with this poem by Catullus * where we'll see a lot ... the purse of broccoli is full of cobwebs, but we will with sincere:)
blogghino Initially this was just a stranger (well not now famous, but a little 'aficionados of us are), but we are already so many followed her, one in particular: Ammodomio.
now tell you a little 'behind the scenes of ... tatarataaaa
Our first follower was just of Ornella Ammodomio , which made us happy because not only followed by several more, but also because we know !
Well she did not know it yet, but months later it was the confession: a top of broccoli sprouts is that taanti taaanti known for years!
So we thought 'Why not participate in the contest alcibommestibile? Other than virtual dinner with Ornella seriously we spend Christmas! "
And now we are not relatives, but on 24 and 25 spend the ensemble between gourmet eating, laughter and memories ... on how good it is those who choose to spend the holidays (because "I want" is waaay better than "I must "...) in case we talk about in another post, we now return to us, and the recipe to the contest: the choice is fell on the butterfly the salmon.
You will say "but daai is the 80" was?! The vintage is terribly branches, so why not ride (or rather flyover) wave fashionable? Seriously we chose it because it is at least twenty years that we know and why (as I write better Ornella ) butterflies are happy and remember freedom.

100 grams of smoked salmon
champagne taste (If none, prosecco or white wine)

150/200 ml liquid cream to taste extra virgin olive oil (or butter)

pink pepper to taste chives
qb qb red roe lumpfish
300/400 gr. paste format butterflies

while boiling the water for the butterflies, cut the salmon into irregular strips, fry 2 / 3 and blended with 2 fingers of champagne (well at least for the holidays we spoils a bit ', no?). In the end I add the cream, a few chives and a few grains of pepper. Let thicken in the pan off the heat and add the eggs and salmon lumpfish you left that aside.
Well now we have to dedicate to the Christmas preparations, which we started a long ... and we are not referring only to the tree, you see the background (of which we are also very proud), but especially with the gifts! And already this year
surprises home made (among other things never stop to thank Ornella and Paola for tips that have helped us) ... but I will post it after Christmas, otherwise ruin the surprise and no surprise to friends that gifts are?! ;)

Oi ma visto che si parla di salmone..beh partecipiamo anche a controcorrente! , il contest de larennaincucina .


XIII. Cenabis
Cenabis bene, mi Fabulle, apud me
paucis, si tibi di favent, diebus,
si tecum attuleris bonam atque magnam
cenam, non sine candida puella
et vino et sale et omnibus cachinnis.
haec si, inquam, attuleris, venuste noster,
cenabis bene; nam tui Catulli
plenus sacculus est aranearum.
sed contra accipies meros amores
seu quid suavius elegantiusve est:
nam unguentum dabo, quod meae puellae
donarunt Veneres Cupidinesque,
quod tu cum olfacies, deos rogabis,
totum ut te faciant, Fabulle, nasum.
Catullo, Le poesie, Garzanti


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