Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chicken Roosts In Shed

Christmas La Banda

Oh siamo riusciti a preparare la festa/cena di Natale e a scongiurare uno dei classici disastri idraulici che, non si sa per quale astruso motivo, si accompagna sempre alla festa!
La festa/cena è andata bene e ringraziamo tutti per essere venuti e aver partecipato con entusiasmo.
Detto questo non ci soffermiamo su dettagli privati, ma vogliamo dare a chi non è intervenuto un'idea generale della serata.
Abbiamo notato: 
  1. che non tutti si sono baciati sotto il vischio, ma che tanti si son baciati nei pressi del vischio...ahiahiahi, siete stati imprecisi; 
  2. che come sempre il vino leaves more than bread and water (they are all die-hard activists who fight against the waste of water?)
  3. that all say "nooo, I do not drink brandy .." and then just turn around a nano second to find the empty bottle;
  4. that the American firm has enjoyed (thank menuturistico for the recipe and the aesthetic choice for us: the mini-cutters to have pudding and praline their terrible figure);
  5. the gift "Garter" is gone for more;
  6. that someone has been soooo happy with the gift I received (as opposed to last year);
  7. that this year all the friends have better manage the relationship with wax candles, our furniture thanks;
  8. that we are a landslide in the management of sweepstakes ", next year we will improve;
  9. that you are always" good food ";
  10. that Our gifts are loved so much and the production is officially open. This
a general overview of gifts, not all have yet received, so do not want to spoil the surprise ...
In the coming days all the recipe ... now to settle for these photos

* photo credits: Martha Covington, Federico Boni (thank you)


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