Sunday, December 12, 2010

Little Switzerland Online Catalog

Stardust: finger food chocolate

Piove, fa freddo e non c'è niente di meglio del calduccio della propria casa (quando i termosifoni funzionano..) e se ci sono degli amici in giro a riscaldare l'ambiente con risate e caxxxte è ancora meglio!
This post is dedicated to a fast food recipe, but definitely healthy and gorgeous.
The advice if you have guests (for a cup of tea, coffee and a chat the afternoon), but lack the time or the desire to prepare anything too challenging.
Other advice: always have at home mini cups (1 cm in diameter)! And yes, if you multiply the friend called at the last minute and carries with it the girl's brother, cousin, etc. .... then minipirottini will be your loyal partners and you also provide for the multiplication of sweets:)
Basically this is not a gourmet dinner, only to accompany a spilucchino gossip!
And so the trick becomes a chiccosissimo your finger food.
Here is the recipe.
(with the doses they have come a dozen to a dozen cookies and finger food in paper cups)

flour 110 gr sugar 80 125
cream cocoa
25 1 / 2 yeast
175 degrees for 10-15 min

Laziness reigns supreme, then run around the robot, mix, pour the mixture (quite soft, like mousse) sigiringa in and fill the cups.
With what we have advanced the syringe like biscuits mixture directly on the plate (of course lined with parchment paper).
The taste is delicious, very similar to that of the pan of stars (of the famous brand of biscuits that has fed us and legions of children), but more soft, thanks to the cream.
Good Sunday to all!
Ps with this delicious recipe we try to participate in the contest of pomegranate Christmas finger food. Hurry, hurry up and join! Expire in a few days


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