Thursday, November 11, 2010

Why Do Men Grow Their Pinky Nail

Literary Agents: interview with Vicki Satlow

We are pleased to refer readers to a contribution it seems advisable to get a general idea of \u200b\u200ba much debated topic in this blog: the literary agencies.

In this video, aired on Iris for heading I'll tell you a book, is an interesting collection interview with Vicki Satlow , literary agent, however, an American who works on the Italian market. The Satlow represents, among others, and Susanna Tamaro Young Mattia Signorini (which among other things Booksblog devoted time ago a ' interview on the subject, which may be attractive to those who dream of being a writer by profession), and tells some national publishing mechanisms: the role of literary agents The specific work of the agent, the diffidence that often breathes with us for this professional overseas who instead has a broader scope for action ...
Everyone will draw their own impressions, we will be happy to read comments in !


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