Thursday, July 29, 2010

Best Brazailian Wax Ottawa

Rating unpublished

Because a book is published and another not? In practice, this is because each text submitted to literary agents or publishers for first pass through the filter of evaluation: a player or a professional publishing consultant reads the novel and out an evaluation form with which, in essence, whether the operation is suitable for publication. The author can
make the acquaintance of this tool directly when requesting a peer review to an agency or a studio, or pay someone because they give an objective and expert opinion on your creature.

know at least briefly the structure of the evaluation may be typical, on the other hand, an element of reflection used to "polish" and make the most of your manuscript.

Who has the responsibility for judging a book by a new author, after having read and studded with notes in pen, will file a written document which provides a case in the round sull'inedito, explaining why and under what respects the text is to be considered publishable , salvageable or, alas, unprintable .

is not of course a personal opinion, even if the taste and preferences of the individual may have some influence on the result, but a collection of items that will help the potential publisher or literary agent to decide whether to publish or represent a rookie.

The card will contain some technical data (author, title, subtitle, number of pages or characters, including spaces, contact of any agent), then some elements of guidance (a literary genre that can be ascribed to the ' work? The following is a identifiable trend? What is the target - the target - an ideal text?).

There will fairly detailed analysis of style, vocabulary and syntax : you will learn, if you need examples, the characteristics of writing, rhythm, tone, choice of words, correctness and pleasantness (or less ) periods ...

The core will consist of a synopsis of the plot (including the ending!) And the overall architecture of the text.

Finally, the overall evaluation of the consultant will summarize what are the strengths and weaknesses text, in absolute terms and in relation to the possibility that it is included in the catalog of a given publisher. What the author (or his editor) should work? Is there something wrong with the plot? All goes well with the needs of the market?

We are testing the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing a kind of exercise: after having a look at cards already completed (eg here), why not groped to spread of accurate reviews of books of others, by great writers fellow rookie up their books? A workout fun, irreverent and probably useful to note some small defect which, in his own writing, was not spared.


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