Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pimple On The Shaft Of My Penis

Plumcake integrale allo yogurt di capra

We have seen around the contest fusillialtegamino and we thought" Mmm good excuse to prepararci una buona colazione, sìsì".
La volontà c'era, il personalissimo premio autoconferitoci (la colazione) pure. E le idee?
Beh siamo partiti dalla ricetta semplice e leggera del plumcake ai mirtilli  e l'abbiamo rielaborata un pochino per testare una new entry, lo yogurt di capra.
Abbiamo pensato alla capra per provare qualcosa di nuovo e perché è una valida alternativa per chi ha delle lievi intolleranze al lattosio ( ma se avete intolleranze importanti non azzardatevi nemmeno a pensare di provare questo plumcake, niente scuse! ).
Non abbiamo pretese di essere un blog scientifico, quindi se l'argomento you are curious, "google" wild.
Goat milk is more digestible, but for sure it tastes more "important" than the vaccine, and we have found in this plum. And yes attacking a slight aftertaste and feels this could like it or not, depends on your taste.
We like it, but always better to specify ... and if you do not like? Eh! If then you discover that you hate the taste of goat's milk is not quite to your liking? So if you do not know try halving the dose, but experienced! You may find that makes you mad, you can not make more for less and may even become your culinary drugs:)

Here's the recipe: 1 jar

goat yogurt 1 pot
extra virgin olive oil 1 pinch of salt 1 tablespoon baking

1 / 2 jar of a jar of flour, cornstarch

3 cups whole wheat flour 3 eggs 2
cups granulated sugar
chocolate taste

Prepare all the ingredients, throw them in the robot as always trusted and let it knead a few minutes. Without this "panning machine" and informed at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
We have not entered the grain cioccoalto the robot, we inserted between each layer of dough and the other: the sequence would pour the batter into the pan, then the grain and mix again.
But on balance you can launch any ensemble, the result does not change.
This time we missed the cake in the shape of plum cake: we had made of paper, disposable .. comfortable, but sooner or later end, alas.
Then we pulled out a plum miniforma mythical gift "mammanna" and the result here it is! Ma ..

... Caccavella this is delicious and perfect for small doses ... but we had not prepared a small dose ... broccoli greedy!
What to do? Well miniplumcake shaped muffin!
Sante silicone molds immediately! Companions of many adventures, including the recent Pudding delicate potatoes and vegetables.
And so, with the mixture that has advanced we have prepared 12 mini plum like this and ...

... and meanwhile the greed took over the light ... You see that beautiful virgolona? White chocolate decorated with chopped dark chocolate ... perfect for soaking!
If you also want to take this gorgeous accompaniment of chocolate (white, milk or dark, depending on timing), then place it in a bowl and microwave, with strokes of 40 sec. until you find your "size" The best procedure is specified here .
course, edible decoration tends to cool and solidify, then prepare it just before Serve and enjoy.


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