Thursday, February 3, 2011

Parts Diagram Sausage Machine

A San Valentino? Coccole! (alias cioccolatini ripieni)

First of all thanks to all! The contest is under way and the first recipes are coming!
We must confess now! Valentine's Day there never liked it!
Oh now I've said and we removed the weight from his chest!
not think that as teenagers we were broccoli shabby, the kind that roll down the street mistreated by everyone, even the broccoli well super cool of the greengrocer who puts in the front line to attract customers ... so we were normal broccoli and therefore no personal problem led us to not stand Valentine's Day.
The problem lies in the fact that there seems to be a party markettara and consumerism, type the word "advertised" by Big Belly dressed in white and red in December ...
Without this information we can return due to our post on Valentine's Day gift.
No, we are not schizophrenic (or rather not much and / or many ...), the fact is that this blog since we have changed many things, including the issues and then we see with other eyes also all that had seemed completely out.
"It 's very easy to just say no", to paraphrase Anouilh's Creon dell'Antigone (if you can get variations on the myth, for only 4 € HERE or 9 HERE you have a wonderful little book with Sophocles, Anouilh and Brecht let us know which Antigone between the three strikes you most), but it is better to be constructive .
Well after the excitement of Christmas gifts home made, we thought it would be nice to suggest a homemade gift for Valentine's Day.
So you can imagine in the kitchen as true revolutionaries and to prepare an edible gift homemade, with much love and patience.
The Cuddles are nothing more than our heart-shaped chocolates. At Christmas, we gave them, but they can be good for any occasion and for Valentine's think they are perfect with a filling of disorder !.
The recipe is the same as we left the post on chocolates stuffed with apple jam , but with a twist that makes waaay waaay scene and it's really gorgeous : the filling of chocolate liqueur home made.
The important thing is to leave before: for the liquor it takes three days, four more and then if the 8 or 9 started preparing well be perfect.

  • recipe chocolate HERE
  • the recipe for the filling of the liquor HERE
  • stuffed Optional ganache pigretti different or if you and / or do not have time and do not want to make jams or dried fruit at Christmas, we tested them with dried figs ... excellent!

Well now go to the art attack (other than John Muciaccia ...) and prepare the pack! How
give cuddles?
foil 2. tissue paper (well it is Valentine's Day, you could also take red)
3. cardboard
4. cloth
5. glue
5. stapler
1. individually wrapped chocolates in a small square of foil (protects the chocolates from the "weather")
2. at this point, wrap individually in tissue paper, take your pick: a form of candy, a flower, etc..
At this point you would stop, so also are very nice:)
You could put them in a box you have, in a basket or a large sheet of tissue paper (preferably two) and close with a nice bow (or a flower ).
If you still want to play and aim to steal the place to Muciaccia ... Well you can give free rein to the imagination! We propose two simple alternatives, but your creativity will improve the.

1. take the plastic bag like the ones you see in the picture and fill them with chocolates
2. tightly with the stapler
3. (Optional), take a fabric you like (do not smash your favorite shirt, not worth it) and cut into rectangles that will be placed, one on each parcel, with the glue on the end -> are not functional, but simply decorative (always refer to photo)
4. take a strip of cardboard and cut out
per pack - if you cut out a small label frontale
- se la ritagliate lunga (vedi foto) potrete coprire la base, il retro e il fronte del pacchetto
5. decorare la striscia a piacimento (foto, disegni, frasi d'amore,...)
6. applicare le strisce di cartone con colla vinilica
1. prendere 2 fogli di cartoncino per ogni scatoletta che si vuole realizzare
2. seguire le istruzioni del video di tale Nemikuro QUI

Beh insomma se volete perdere qualche serata, vi potete dilettare.
Con questa post partecipiamo al contest hart-to-hart di cuocicucidici.

We just found the collection " Recipe for Saint Lucia " of cookingplanner, designed to show solidarity with the department of neuro-physiology of Saint Lucia Foundation in Rome. The post has moved, the initiative is commendable and this virtual gift these chocolates to all the children of Saint Lucia and to all bloggers who are participating in the initiative.


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