Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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famous writer (short?)

In an article published last month on the Sunday Sole 24 Ore, Stefano Salis, inspired by the enormous and immediate rise of two great names in contemporary literature (David Foster Wallace and Roberto Bolano), reflects the system of "beatification" of a writer is typical of today's world, different from that of yesterday.
We note, in essence, as the celebration of the author as essential reading in this case Foster Wallace has not come from above, a consecration academic, but has been stimulated by the general public : beyond the contributions more spontaneous scattered in the network - and appearance of sensationalist linked to the tragic end of the writer - web sites like this , almost fan club if you like, hosted essays about the author of some significance, which has infected some young scholar and after him, some critics said.
La scala per l'olimpo letterario è dunque davvero cambiata? Non si tratta più del solito pour parler sulle potenzialità di Internet e dei meccanismi da social network per la promozione della propria opera? Forse no, forse siamo di fronte a un esempio concreto diverso dal - poniamo - fantasy di un liceale che diventa un bestseller dalla breve vita attraverso Facebook.
La brevità della fama , però, dell'ascesa e della discesa (specie quando la consacrazione è prematura), sembra rimanere il punto chiave:

"Viviamo in un'epoca in cui non si concede il lusso del tempo a nessuno. Agli autori vivi, come ai morti. Literary criticism of newspapers [...] introduced among the criteria for judging something between the fans and football rankings dj. Often the critic is more concerned Droit de seigneur author, is to run this arena of the media, to place it in proper context. Trend that, conversely, the more seasoned critics say is simply that new authors are all collectively suck. Nobody has time to lose: now or anything holy. "
in doubt, dear emerging authors, put together a good fan club!


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