Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pimple On The Shaft Of My Penis

Plumcake integrale allo yogurt di capra

We have seen around the contest fusillialtegamino and we thought" Mmm good excuse to prepararci una buona colazione, sìsì".
La volontà c'era, il personalissimo premio autoconferitoci (la colazione) pure. E le idee?
Beh siamo partiti dalla ricetta semplice e leggera del plumcake ai mirtilli  e l'abbiamo rielaborata un pochino per testare una new entry, lo yogurt di capra.
Abbiamo pensato alla capra per provare qualcosa di nuovo e perché è una valida alternativa per chi ha delle lievi intolleranze al lattosio ( ma se avete intolleranze importanti non azzardatevi nemmeno a pensare di provare questo plumcake, niente scuse! ).
Non abbiamo pretese di essere un blog scientifico, quindi se l'argomento you are curious, "google" wild.
Goat milk is more digestible, but for sure it tastes more "important" than the vaccine, and we have found in this plum. And yes attacking a slight aftertaste and feels this could like it or not, depends on your taste.
We like it, but always better to specify ... and if you do not like? Eh! If then you discover that you hate the taste of goat's milk is not quite to your liking? So if you do not know try halving the dose, but experienced! You may find that makes you mad, you can not make more for less and may even become your culinary drugs:)

Here's the recipe: 1 jar

goat yogurt 1 pot
extra virgin olive oil 1 pinch of salt 1 tablespoon baking

1 / 2 jar of a jar of flour, cornstarch

3 cups whole wheat flour 3 eggs 2
cups granulated sugar
chocolate taste

Prepare all the ingredients, throw them in the robot as always trusted and let it knead a few minutes. Without this "panning machine" and informed at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
We have not entered the grain cioccoalto the robot, we inserted between each layer of dough and the other: the sequence would pour the batter into the pan, then the grain and mix again.
But on balance you can launch any ensemble, the result does not change.
This time we missed the cake in the shape of plum cake: we had made of paper, disposable .. comfortable, but sooner or later end, alas.
Then we pulled out a plum miniforma mythical gift "mammanna" and the result here it is! Ma ..

... Caccavella this is delicious and perfect for small doses ... but we had not prepared a small dose ... broccoli greedy!
What to do? Well miniplumcake shaped muffin!
Sante silicone molds immediately! Companions of many adventures, including the recent Pudding delicate potatoes and vegetables.
And so, with the mixture that has advanced we have prepared 12 mini plum like this and ...

... and meanwhile the greed took over the light ... You see that beautiful virgolona? White chocolate decorated with chopped dark chocolate ... perfect for soaking!
If you also want to take this gorgeous accompaniment of chocolate (white, milk or dark, depending on timing), then place it in a bowl and microwave, with strokes of 40 sec. until you find your "size" The best procedure is specified here .
course, edible decoration tends to cool and solidify, then prepare it just before Serve and enjoy.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

When Does Sears Restock Their Stores




Prestazione scialba del Rayo o super prestazione delle Riserve??
Questo il dilemma, anche se la verità come sempre sta nel mezzo: Rayo brutto e impacciato, Le Riserve squadra fortissima e se finora su 18 gare giocate ha collezionato solo 18 vittorie un motivo ci sarà.
Fatto sta che il Rayo ne esce meritatamente sconfitto visto che è parso la brutta fotocopia del rayo visto fin'ora: poco palleggio, poca intensità e trama di gioco, lento sul contropiede, sempre in ritardo sugli anticipi, e tanto egoismo.
Resta poco tempo per capire cosa non ha funzionato, l'importante è ricaricare da subito le batterie e tornare ricaricatissimi per il big match contro l'Atletico che vale come una finale.


Il Rayo dopo 5 risultati utili torna a riscoprire il termine sconfitta.
Come avrà detto qualcuno a fine gara, inutile fare drammi, su una partita che sembrava già persa ancor prima di iniziare, però quello che sinceramente non è piaciuto è stato il poco offerto.
Andiamo alla partita: Inizio subito in salita per il Rayo visto che dopo 51'' Le Riserve passa in vantaggio per un errore gravissimo di Franci, che lasciando tutto solo un avversario batte tranquillamente a rete. Forse sarà stata l'emozione fatto sta che è l'inizio che tutti non si spettavano.
Dopo 4' il Rayo trova il pareggio: Fabry pennella un assist perfetto per Franci che batte a rete, riscattando così l'errore commesso precedentemente.
Le riserve attaccano senza sosta e comandano il gioco per quasi tutta la frazione, mettendo alle corde il Rayo; al 10' torna meritatatmente in vantaggio su un tiro quasi impossibile.
Dopo altri 6' ecco il 3-1 su leggerezza difensiva, fatto sta che il Rayo non sembra essere in partita e quei 2 goal di svantaggio sembrano essere difficili da recuperare.
Nel finale in 2 occasioni il rayo rischia di capitolare ma Gianni salva perfettamente.
Nel secondo tempo il Rayo sembra allo stremo, difficilmente in grado to recover, because at any moment would seem to collapse.
TO 25 'first come another slap on the counterattack, then at 30' reserves knocked on the rayo own goal from a corner. At 32 'Fabry assist by Mauro is the 2-5.
not even spend two minutes that the reserves are still 2-6 on the final break. The last 6 ', want the exhaustion of reserves or the will to make it a little' less bitter defeat on this rayo try to score, to reopen the game, but the goalkeeper on several occasions saved his own, closing the match the final result of 6-2


1'LeRiserve, 5'Francisco , 10'Le Reserves, Reserves 16'Le, 25'Le Reserves, 30 'The Reserves, 32'Fabrizio , 34'LeRiserve

Scoreboard BIG LEO

Gianni 6.5
innocent on goal, it also prevents other, and is one of the few to emerge unscathed.
Gianni 7
And 'the only one to believe it. Great verve and great strength ... but it fights alone
Francisco 5
In defense before suffering and hard work, playing with the handbrake
Cecco 5.5
brilliant start, then suddenly goes off
Mauro 5.5
lot of smoke and little roast
Mau 6
is never served by teammates and playing a role in his is not a virtue of necessity
Fabry 5.5
The talent we are discussing, but it is not a prisoner of an exciting day of his team and his performance suffers as a result

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

20 Weeks Left Stomach Hurts


I'm Not Scared is an Italian film of 2003, the eleventh feature film directed by Gabriele Salvatores.
Based on the novel by Nicholas Ammaniti, che ne ha anche scritto la sceneggiatura insieme a Francesca Marciano, il film ha vinto un David di Donatello ed è stato candidato all'Oscar.
Film da consigliare a chi non lo avesse mai visto..
Ebbene molti si chiederanno come mai questo film è stato citato, e il motivo è molto semplice: il Rayo nell'insidiosa partita contro Le Riserve (unica squadra del campionato Libertas ad aver fatto 17 vittorie su 17)
non parte certo da vittima sacrificale anzi deve giocarsi le sue carte e affrontare la gara senza paura, in quanto può sicuramente vincere.
Come il bambino Michele (il protagonista del film) che sconfigge la malvagità di chi gli sta intorno, il Rayo deve fare quadrato e giocare da squadra come ha sembre Indeed, team spirit by giving precedence to all struggling together, and also who will not be convened should encourage comrades to do well.
If we will come out defeat, the important thing will be trying it amen having given the max. The Reserves Against
seems all done: goalkeeper Gianni, Gianni Mauro-Defense, Outdoors Cecco (he won the runoff with Maxi)-Francisco, Mau-Fabry tips.

Confirmation Letter To The Priest


Rayo -under 'Ombrone 10 -6

The Rayo passed his examination with a Sottombrone Mau layer, although However, all played very well.
Winning was not at all obvious, not so much for the modesty of the adversary, but as the Rayo discussed the race with five men and absences counted Heavy Francisco, Fabry, Mauro, who hopes to find them in the big match against the cousins Reserves. Against the
Sottombrone rayo showed great intensity and authority to direct the maneuver by imposing their own game by pressing the opponents in their own half and never questioning the final victory.
no coincidence that the Sottombrone has never managed to embarrass the biancocelesti, and goals were random or the result of individual invention.
What seems to be missed Rayo was the lack of clarity and decrease in intensity (although playing in the long run pays 5), it seems silly goal to be repeated within a few minutes.


2 Cecco, 6 Mau, 2 Gianni


Leo 7
With the right incentives is back to being the Leo that we know: Cesar
Gianni 7
has the luxury of a few shots with your feet stylish and does what he wants
MAU 10
Football champagne. Goal by all posiziomi and in any way the need is the goal of head
Cecco 7
And 'one of the first to sound the charge. Part demon and ends up exhausted but giving everything to the cause biancoceleste
Jo 8
Defends flawless, gets so many balls and superb game viewing: Johnny Magic

I Have A Terrible Pain In My Lower Right Backside

Polpette e radicchio trevigiano per una cena in trasferta

anyone know, some do not, but we were evicted due to ongoing work, sigh.
Luckily it was short, we have abandoned the trusty immersion blender, the silicone molds, the armaaaadiii (with everything on them ... sic!), Etc. ..
Matching luck with that have welcomed us with open arms to give us hospitality and support nel momento del bisogno, ma del resto questo (eheheh) rientra a pieno nel modus vivendi broccoloso: non scriveremo tutti qui, ma siamo una bella banda .
Detto questo, che se non si era capito vuole essere anche un ringraziamento de core a chi ci ha ospitato, passiamo alla ricetta.
Vi domanderete cosa collega la ricetta al preambolo, giusto!
Beh se approfittate di ospitalità, cortesia, etc. e tutti sanno che siete dei provetti food blogger, beh il minimo, ma veramente il minimo che la vostra coscienza vi spinge a fare è preparare qualcosa di buono, o no? Voi che avreste fatto?
Di certo, però, c'è il fatto che essere in trasferta non facilitates ...
you without your pots so familiar and thus eliminate the long cooking, you would feel "spatriati.
Del peeler even the shadow ... mmm mashed and deleted anything that can never involve the use of the potatoes.
The immersion blender is a strange way ... also unknown smooth.
The oven is not yours, but you can always try to immerse yourself in a foreign land without overdoing it.
The ideal solution for us was a dinner with meatballs accompanied by radicchio and Taleggio.

Serves 4 hearty eaters (6 normoaffamati, 2 or 3 very hungry)
For the meatballs:
minced veal meatballs
200 200

ground pork 1 / 2 cup white wine + wine taste to fade
1 cup bread crumbs
old lemon zest to taste

parsley salt pepper

Parmesan to taste 1 egg

Oil evoqb

leek white wine to taste to taste

For the radicchio:
4 heads of radicchio
2 / 3 pound of Taleggio cheese

salt to taste oil

We start from radicchio.
Cut into four (or 2 depending on size) chicory, wash and place on baking (previously covered with greaseproof paper) and put the pieces of Taleggio cheese between the slices. This is crucial for a smooth taste to the whole.
Sprinkle with little Parmesan, a pinch of salt and a drizzle of olive oil in closing.
You can bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes (the oven did not have foreign degrees, but the drawings ... boh?! Chance that we chose the design of the cake ... because the designer or manufacturer were not ... accustomed to the icons and the others were incomprehensible to us).

Meanwhile, prepare meatballs. Place the dried bread to soak in 1 / 2 cup white wine, chopped parsley, sliced \u200b\u200bleek, grated rind of a lemon.
When you have prepared the groundwork put the parsley, breadcrumbs (being greater than the quantity of bread to the wine will not need to squeeze), egg, parmesan, lemon zest, a little 'go up and meat in a beautiful ciotolona.
Delight Mix well and then her going to prepare the meatballs.
At this point you can put the leek and fry then add the meatballs, turn them, brown them is blurred.
Now turn the heat down, cover with a lid and cook slowly.
You can smoke a cigarette and put quickly into place and / or equipment.
cooking times depend on the size of the meatballs, our medium and were employed around 15 minutes.
With these balls, and their worthy companion, partake (at last too!) To MTChallenge February

Want to know what was the end the story? Well we are back home and won the dinner guests.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Much Do Haircuts At Jcpenney Cost?


The rayo sottombrone the challenge on Tuesday, 22 / 02.11 h. 22:00 The field average:
squad: Leo-

Cecco-Fabry.N. Mau-

(One of Antonio A. and Pao)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mounting John Derian Plates

Le vostre ricette: Sbriciolata con crema di ricotta all'arancia di Valentina

We want to again thank everyone for their participation in the contest and R2M which allowed us to put at stake the delicious jams to reward your pleasure:)
not promise anything, but if we succeed we would like to create a downloadable pdf so when you feel like you have a nice orange recipe at hand.
One thing that makes us very excited is to see that there's also no recipe blogger, cheers to the desire to play, participate and share their particular talent, specifically culinary inspiration.
After recipe Giovanna , this time is the turn of Valentina, who shared the secrets of her crumbled.

We report the recipe as it arrived.

Sbriciolata con crema di ricotta all'arancia

Sono Valentina, non ho un blog ma mi piace tanto cucinare! 
sto scoprendo adesso il mondo dei blog e mi diverto tantissimo a vedere e poi provare le ricette! 
Vorrei partecipare a questo contest perchè adoro gli agrumi e la settimana scorsa ho fatto questo dolce che per me si addice alla raccolta!

300 gr farina
80 gr di zucchero
75 gr di burro
1 egg 1 grated orange rind
Half packet of yeast

Mix all ingredients as for a normal crust, the result of large crumbs.
Divide dough in half: the first line the bottom of a compacted cake crumbs and keep the rest aside.

Meanwhile prepare the cream:

250 g cheese
75 gr sugar
grated orange peel
Two tablespoons of orange juice
75 grams of almonds, coarsely chopped

Mix all the ingredients cold until it is a creamy smooth and without lumps.
Roll out the dough with a spatula on the pastry

Cover with the rest of the crumbling dough with your hands and trying not to leave exposed parts.
Bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes. "

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Old Do You Have To Be To Enter Casino In Ny

Sformatini delicati di patate e verdure

of good food (and we seem to have given enough evidence on this blog and in everyday life) but this does not mean we do not like the simple recipe, actually to tell the truth are those who prefer .
fact, we are also healthy as well as create a tasty dish at the same time and also good for healthy eyes is a "challenge" that we like to win every day.
This recipe we prepared the other night inspired by the beautiful and healthy vegetables from greengrocers and two equally beautiful and "healthy" initiatives: Contest for the of good bread and salami Today, Tomorrow ... and collection A recipe for Saint Lucia of Cooking Planner.

We tell the whole story: it is 18:45 of any day, we go to work tired, exhausted, his head pulsing e. .. phone rings, has a girlfriend with a heart broken after the umpteenth "binge-of-chocolate-loving post-disappointment-" wants to vent a little: "[...] I come to dinner, but I'm not hungry [...]". (Ok, who understands you is good ed.).

Well, so were born the "delicate Potato Pudding and vegetables "to console the heart, stomach and eyes.
The recipe is really easy, it only takes a little 'patience and love, as always in the kitchen.
With these doses pull off at least 12 pies
1 kg of potatoes mashed
150 gr.
of boiled zucchini 150 gr.
of carrots 3 eggs
extra virgin olive oil basil parsley

After boiled Peel the potatoes and mash with a potato masher or a fork and then frullatele well with the immersion blender. Add a pinch of salt, a bit 'of olive oil and two beaten eggs.
Now divide the mixture into two different bowls. Drain well
zucchini and carrots and season with salt.
Puree the zucchini with a few leaves of fresh basil.
Puree the carrots with a bit 'of parsley.
Now add a little 'blend of zucchini to a part of the compound.
And some of the carrots to the remainder.
The two compounds must be a beautiful orange, a nice green, but remember to put aside a bit of carrot and zucchini puree for garnish!

now placed on the bottom of the molds (we used the silicone ones are fine but those aluminum portion) consists of the "orange carrot" and then on the "green zucchini."
Bake at 200 ° C for 10 minutes and voila, you're done.
We have served the sformativi lukewarm, with some of the hot sauce on the bottom.
If using silicone molds is a must to wait a while 'before Serve, warm when they come out better. If you do use those to get them out of aluminum engrave the entire board with a scissor and break the stencil directly on the plate.
To our little friend liked them very much, but certainly also would love to children who do not like eating vegetables ... and then are delicate and light as sunflower8 asked us for his contest!

Since we are particularly pleased with the results we try to participate in the collection calendar ammodomio

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Red Dot Sight Buying Guide



The Rayo for the second consecutive always get another win for 4-0 in the table.
The 3 points are important because Rayo allow the fly to 30 points, but the crust was serious and we underline the serious ill-organization of the Championship Libertas.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Place To Buy Punching Bag In Vancouver


In the 17 'day Rayo will be seen in front of the team Atletico Sangria.
These 2 teams arrive at the meeting with different objectives but with the common intention of winning for opposite reasons: Rayo
The mail must get the maximum to be with breathing down your neck on the teams above 4.3 since the place is there to -4, and for any reason must loosen its grip; Atletico Sangria to leave the penultimate position.
The result would seem obvious for Rayo as well as having a higher quality than their opponents, can 'boast excellent performance: In the new year after Rayo bad misstep against Cin Cin has strung together four useful results (3 wins, a Tie), unlike Atletico Sangria Drunk with the Devil are one of two teams that has not even registered a point in the second round group B.
However, even in the first round his numbers have been tragic: only 10 points (win against Doganini, Ac Teeth and Devil, draw against Hellas).
Currently the defense seems to be the weak point of this team since he suffered the beauty of 102 goals.
What "scare" the attack is seen that to be a mediocre team scored 62 goals in the beauty, and its line can deploy the vice top scorer in the group B.
The game will not be at all easy because the Rayo is when teams play without close and suffer many tactical and not a little, because the first leg so Rayo got the victory in the final minutes just reversing the result of 4-5, but suffering to get the 3 points ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bowtie Cinemas Discounts

Relax o low cost? Valencia

Are you tired of the fog? Well! Stressed from work? Excellent! You have little money? Perfect!
Are you ready to go to Valencia !

And yes the beautiful English town is the meta ideale se rispondete ai requisiti esposti sopra. Il mese più freddo è gennaio con "soli" 16 gradi, noi ci siamo appena stati e ne abbiamo trovati ci fosse un'icona con gli occhi a cuoricino la metteremmo subito!
E' la terza città della Spagna per numero di abitanti, ma è vivibilissima, a voi la scelta del mezzo: metro, tram, bici...perché la ciclabile qui non è un'ipotesi su cui discutere, ma un must! Per finire ci sono sempre i piedini: se siete dei buoni camminatori, come noi (che non andiamo in palestra, ma cammineremmo per ore e ore sempre) potete tranquillamente arrivare dal centro storico alla Città delle Arti e delle Scienze (andata e ritorno a piedi, casomai passeggiando lungo il letto del Fiume Turia, oggi trasformato in parco).

Le famose low cost vi ci portano con pochi soldi, un biglietto andata e ritorno, tasse incluse vi costerà meno di eurostar ( comment) e gli orari sono molto comodi: partenza il venerdì sera e rientro la domenica sera e le comodità non finiscono qui: scendete dal volo, vi mettere in metro e in 10 minuti eccovi arrivati in centro, che volete di più?
Se non sapete dove andare a dormire noi vi consigliamo il  Nest Hostel   (noi siamo stati al Purple), anche se non siete degli amanti degli ostelli vi metterà subito allegria, shaking off the gray of the last week.

I also recommend to those traveling with children will ... open-mouthed and even the most reluctant will look forward to entering gargoyle colorful.
For older children there's the ticket ... a nice welcome birrona be taken at the bar and unwind from the trip.
If you go there do not forget to take a look to the dashboard, has lots of tips.

The city does not è enorme, ma se non ci siete mai stati è meglio farsi una bella tabella di marcia: uscite dall'ostello e, visto che siete già in centro, gironzolate per i vicoli, i locali, i ristoranti, etc.

La mattina del sabato potreste dedicarla ad un giro nel bellissimo mercato, del resto se passate da questo blog potreste essere anche degli astrofici, ma vi piace di sicuro mangiare :))

La città è ricca di mercati, ma vi consigliamo quello Central , un bell'edificio liberty decorato con piastrelle colorate che ospita circa 900 bancarelle dove potrete trovare di tutto e soprattutto assaggiare!

Dal famoso jamon agli insaccati, dalla frutta alla verdura, dalle spezie ai tuberi.

Patate di ogni genere, foggia e colore, rosse, viola, piccole, grandi, fino al topinambur , retaggio di un passato lontano, "antenato" della più usuale patata.

Noi siamo rimasti molto colpiti dalla presenza dei fiori. Voi direte "che sciocchi, in tutti i mercati c'è il banco del fioraio". E no! Mica parliamo dei quelli, ma di fiori commestibili presentati bella mostra in comode vaschette. Forse da voi si vendono già così, ma per noi è stata una vera scoperta!
Ne avremmo fatto incetta, ma ci sembravano parecchio deperibili, insomma dei petali spampinati non erano un bel souvenir.
Non da meno anche la sezione pescado, dove potrete imbattervi nella marcia dei granchi, o la sezione macelleria  e lì capocce di maiale, salsicce, anatre e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
Le foto come sempre sarebbero molte di più, ma abbiamo selezionato quelle venute meglio...insomma inutile annoiarvi. 
Abbiamo rischiato il ridicolo...E già se hai una reflex sei un fotografo serio, ti fanno spazio, etc., se hai una digitale rischi che ti prendano per un giapponesino sotto false spoglie e se fotografi un'anatra ti ridono dietro..
Speriamo che le foto vi piacciano perché abbiamo rischiato di essere presi per pazzi, soprattutto quando ci siamo accaniti sulle vetrine delle macellerie.
A questo punto avete altri 3 step obbligatori: i patrimoni Unesco ( Lonja de la Seda , Palmeral de Elche), a walk on the beach (do not be afraid to get there by tram) and the City of Arts and Sciences dell'archistar indigenous Santiago Calatrava .

In our opinion, are all perfect places for those traveling with children, especially the City of Science, where children can see the dinosaurs or ecstatic Oceanográfico.

Here you enter the detail on everything, you still write a lot, but we want to give only hints, for all the rest is zingaguida !
Last but not least have some advice edible, ehehe there could not exempt.
We cite only two seats, you will surely find other and even share them with us:)

For a quick lunch nothing better de Los Toneles

where you can enjoy excellent bocadilios (of the sea with the "rings" of land with jamon or fried onions and slices of beef) and tapas (with only 3 € you get a Montarozzo of fried baby, oh what a marvel).

Obviously You can leave Valencia without having tasted this dish as paella, which has become the culinary icon of Spain, was born here.

The classic paella Valenciana is the "land", a meat dish (rabbit, chicken) and vegetables (tomatoes and green beans, snow peas exact), symbol of conviviality, tradition is to eat it all together in the strict sense. E 'already, not just sit at the same table, the paella is shared and eaten together by the same pan.
For the paella, we recommend a jump from Mediterrani Art, a nice restaurant in the center with a strong artistic aptitude: before there was an art gallery and the owners not to distort the place continue to perform cultural events and exhibitions. Here
over the paella (which is "brush up" the last few minutes in oven, slurp!) You can try excellent meat, tapas and of course potatoes! Besides the usual bravas, we advise those of rej combining English and Italian culinary culture with a rich sprinkling of truffle which has its quid.
Unfortunately, there is photographic evidence of the dinner Mediterrani art because it was over very quickly in our stomachs, so we'll have to go try it:)

Johnson's Baby Oil Compatible With Condoms

famous writer (short?)

In an article published last month on the Sunday Sole 24 Ore, Stefano Salis, inspired by the enormous and immediate rise of two great names in contemporary literature (David Foster Wallace and Roberto Bolano), reflects the system of "beatification" of a writer is typical of today's world, different from that of yesterday.
We note, in essence, as the celebration of the author as essential reading in this case Foster Wallace has not come from above, a consecration academic, but has been stimulated by the general public : beyond the contributions more spontaneous scattered in the network - and appearance of sensationalist linked to the tragic end of the writer - web sites like this , almost fan club if you like, hosted essays about the author of some significance, which has infected some young scholar and after him, some critics said.
La scala per l'olimpo letterario è dunque davvero cambiata? Non si tratta più del solito pour parler sulle potenzialità di Internet e dei meccanismi da social network per la promozione della propria opera? Forse no, forse siamo di fronte a un esempio concreto diverso dal - poniamo - fantasy di un liceale che diventa un bestseller dalla breve vita attraverso Facebook.
La brevità della fama , però, dell'ascesa e della discesa (specie quando la consacrazione è prematura), sembra rimanere il punto chiave:

"Viviamo in un'epoca in cui non si concede il lusso del tempo a nessuno. Agli autori vivi, come ai morti. Literary criticism of newspapers [...] introduced among the criteria for judging something between the fans and football rankings dj. Often the critic is more concerned Droit de seigneur author, is to run this arena of the media, to place it in proper context. Trend that, conversely, the more seasoned critics say is simply that new authors are all collectively suck. Nobody has time to lose: now or anything holy. "
in doubt, dear emerging authors, put together a good fan club!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wendy Calios Birthday

a walkover


The Rayo 4-0 win against the desk hellas.
Until the last second in the presence dell'Hellas all hoped, but it was not.
The Rayo is thus the score of 3 points and Lazio is very good: 27 points, -4 0 -6 from the third ..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

N Gauge Hogwarts Express

On the street-photography course Street

A weekend intensive to address aspects of the implementation of stolen images:
the participant will be guided in refining their mastery of the photographic
perception, control of resources and emotional aspects.
practical and technical implications of creating images on location and speed

Flavio Tiberti lives and works in Turin.
for several years based in London, where he
dedicated to the study of visual arts and painting. He began as a photojournalist, publishing
for travel magazines and periodicals. Work in Africa, in Russia and in 2004 is
a New York a documentare la citta “che non dorme mai”, nel 2005 in Cina per
evidenziare i contrasti tra la nuova realtà del consumismo e quel che resta della sua
millenaria tradizione. Espone in diverse città italiane e
di recente sviluppa una
collaborazione artistica con il trio di musicisti jazz composto da Roberto Demo, Nunzio
Barbieri e Pietro Ballestrero, incentrata sulla proiezione di immagini durante
i loro concerti. -
Associazione Culdesac via Berthollet 29 Torino

Reasons Why Someone Would Want To Get Confirmed


Against Hellas Rayo will use a large turnover, leaving home players in the form +: jo in terrific condition and the strong Gianni.

brought within Maxi, Ben, and Leo
The Rayo is forced to win after half misstep AC Doganini, both for morale but also for the ranking as the battle for third and fourth place should be reopened.
teams prior to the start Rayo seem to "blame" and to "stumble" but since that does not give Atletico Beghè Antani and Cin Cin are going through a bad period. Watch out for the QSG
that is pressing and the last victory against the Cin Cin (not to mention the important victory against Antani) has shown that 3 or 4 seats are still under discussion and the two teams fail to achieve more continuity these important markers.
Against Hellas seems obvious enough to be playing for the "smallness" of the opponent (won 6 out of 13 points against the Devil, 3 at a table against QSG, a Atl.Sangria, 3 Cin Cin)
is because the no. 5 Rayo at home brings good luck (the fifth day of the 2009-2010 Championship rayo won the only victory against the Black Devils, the fifth day of Summer League victory against Gk; the fifth day of the 2010-2011 championship against Hellas another victory)

course will: great concentration, humility, and give 110% just like he always had to have this team, otherwise we risk being mocked.
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Dear friends,

Like most of you know, this blog is nothing more than a niche area where, for ease of reference, we collect all post thematic concern Russia and the culture, and public but also with others in my blog generalist The East Wind. It seemed a viable solution to meet those who are interested in these subjects and who do not want to spend time with other things. It seems rather than the big brother (which in any case these spaces allows us without making us pay) this setting is not acceptable, because it ranks as the copying of data that clogs up the web, and therefore penalizes its search algorithms. So in spite of myself, do not continue expand in this space. Instead warmly invite everyone who loves to follow me, to pass on my blog pincipale:

where we will naturally continue to deal with these issues.
Thanks to all of you and understanding beyond appearance.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wedding Sponsor Letter

Anche la Banda ha il suo Blogger Stylish Award

Well, I must say, receive a certificate of assessment is good for the heart and then if that estimate is from a blog that we love so much as mammainpentola is even more able, thanks to mother Claudia who has awarded the "Stylish Blogger Award".

This award is also a kind of "multiplier friendships," he reveals himself and gives everyone the chance to make themselves known to regulate the following essential:

- thank the donor's blog: see above ^_^!!
- tell seven things about herself, only seven?
- turn the award to ten other blog: This is the hardest part, ten are somewhat Pochini ...

Seven things about us?
We start from the beginning:

1) we like to rock, funk, jazz, singer-songwriters;
2) we like American literature, Japanese, and the German, African and even the Italian, In short we are hearty eaters with books;
3) we like to go around, discover hidden wonders, "taste" new cultures and then tell their friends, the real and virtual;
4) is not that we are just sports sports, we say that we like to walk;
5) often stroll, as well as outdoors, in museums, fascinated by ancient, modern and contemporary
6) and then the "conviviality" that's what we like Moreover, being with friends, eat together, chat and drink a good glass of wine, pamper and spoil us;
7) we believe is associated with 7 ... we pigrerrimiiiii.

We must stop now if we could say so much more, instill those who follow us but we have learned to know.

.. . And now [drum roll] ... here are our "magnificent ten" , strictly in ordine alfabetico, tutti a parimerito:

ammodomio: Ornella è un esempio di stile a cui ci ispiriamo ogni giorno
ancheiciarltronimangiano :  Muscaria, il "brit-style" che ci ha conquistato
arabafelice : così lontana eppure così vicina, tanto da farci arrivare ogni volta il profumo dei suoi piatti
basilico, malva e cerfoglio :  Meggy è frizzante con stile, come la Perrier ^_^
edithpilaff : con un nome così non poteva essere an icon of style
crocedelizia : true delights of style
lepellegrineartusi : pilgrims, but that elegance in the dishes!
lostinikitchen pictures and recipes of great class!
unafinestradifronte : minimalist chic, with Graand recipes!

In fact, we could cite many, many blogs that inspire us every day, giving us ideas, like to do, continue to cook, photograph, write, post and having fun with all heart and no rhetoric.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Kates Playground Kate Comes In The Shower

Le vostre ricette: Scorza d'arancia in polvere di Giovanna

We are very happy, came the first recipe for the contest via e-mail and therefore not a blogger.
We have decided to post the recipes of us who do not have a blog because it seems nice to give the right space to all and share what you get:)
Among other things, we discovered that Joan is waaay more patient with us and Yes, recorded each step, what useful pigrerrimi that we almost never do.

We report the recipe as it arrived.

orange peel powder Giovanna

"I must confess that I have experienced this recipe quite by accident.
Since then, I can not help it In fact, unless I use it to flavor the cream cheese in particular, the cream, but also the bodies of cakes and I confess that even the salads are buying, in my opinion, a very pleasant flavor. A dear friend of mine, once established, suggested I also use it to sweeten a good hot tea .... I will tell you it was a really good insight!!

zest of organic oranges
same weight of sugar

After cleaning carefully grate the orange zest to obtain avoiding, where possible, to grate the white part.

Weigh and place in a saucepan with the same weight of sugar and cook for a fairly lively flame Everything must happen as quickly as possible.

Mix with a wooden spoon until the mixture very vigorously, first liquid, it will compact.

A questo punto togliere il tegame dal fuoco continuando a mescolare energicamente finché il composto, quasi improvvisamente, si trasformerà in "polvere".

Fare raffreddare ed è già pronto per l'uso, ne basterà un pizzico per aromatizzare le vostre bontà "culinarie"!!!"