Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sprint Promos For Ringtones 09

Rosa salmone.

We left Riga which was already very dark and we arrived just at the border created by a few days. It was two o'clock at night. Here the adventure happened more worrying for the whole journey, but having already spoken here just remember that you ran the risk of stay forever in the two miles of no man's land, in the snow in pajamas, at least twenty. The narrow escape, provoked a kind of thermal shock to Eugene that poor before going to sleep, I did win two chess games in a row, what ever happened afterwards. And finally we were in Moscow, after nearly a month when we had covered the entire northern part of the Soviet Union. It was the capital of the USSR when we started and returns that had become the capital of Russia. In those three weeks he had a empire fell apart, on paper, the second most powerful in the world, but eroded the foundations of a rotting long swept under the carpet and his ashes were born in 15 states, economically on the brink of the abyss nel quale precipiteranno rapidamente i più deboli tra questi e dal quale i più ricchi di materie prime (Russia e Kazakistan) vedranno il fondo prima di preparare una lentissima risalita decennale, colma di situazioni terribili per la gente comune, che in fondo aspirava soltanto a trovare dei negozi dove comprare un paio di jeans. Non fu loro risparmiato nulla nel decennio successivo, iperinflazione che distrusse tutti i risparmi e annullò i redditi di pensionati e poveracci, chiusura della maggior parte delle attività economiche, crescita esponenziale delle malavite, con una insicurezza impensabile fino a pochi anni prima, finanziarie piramidali che spolparono i pochi soldi rimasti, la crescita e la presa di potere dei furbi e di molti malandrini e soprattutto Unparalleled psychological depression, derived from an awareness of the facts, to be precipitated from the Second Empire mode (in their struggle to become the first) to be finding the bottom of the league of well-being. Reached Western capitals, but to come in and save the factories that made missiles, recycled filling lines of Cola, people around the world, interested and fox, came to explain to them how they were stupid and incompetent, pipers, which indicated the right path , cats and foxes, that led the newcomers to the market for new and promising fields of sequins. A giant omelette turned in a couple of months and who had not the strength, the ability to adapt quickly and to follow Thespis of the wagon was new, was ruthlessly crushed. Without tears, blood, and it seems that a collapse was more like a limp on themselves exacerbate the melancholy vein of common sense and self-pity. Everywhere one could feel the fear of the new, because it was clear that would not have been dreamed of paradise and made to believe by Gorby, but the new no man's land created by the coup Elzin and his gang of cunning. A wild wild west where it would be a game during the first stage of capitalism, with a collection of new primary colossal fortunes. This explains very well the fact that Gorby do not have any sympathy in Russia, contrary to popular belief and we have no doubt that there will be remembered come colui che ha distrutto la potenza sovietica in cambio di nulla e forse per questo è così popolare in Occidente. Con tali vibrazioni ritornavo sulla Piazza Rossa, il cuore di tutto questo, dove al posto della bandiera rossa, sventolava ormai il nuovo tricolore ed proprio lì che appariva evidente il cambiamento epocale. Di fronte alle mura antiche del Cremlino, i marmi severi e scuri del mausoleo in cui riposa tuttora il cosiddetto salmone (dal colore incredibilmente rosato che gli imbalsamatori hanno voluto dare alla salma) che, fino a poco prima era perennemente assediato da una lunghissima fila di persone che passavano ore in silenzio, battendo appena i piedi al gelo per poter passare per pochi minuti davanti al cadavere mummificato di Lenin, dominavano an area totally deserted. Only two soldiers chanted with the measured tread of the ritual changing of the guard. The same silence as before, where the absolute void, however, had replaced the pompous pride of a failure. I walked along the deserted square in the always glowed ruby \u200b\u200bred star on the tower Spaskaija, but snow crunching beneath the soles had a hollow sound and low lights Tviershaija far, failed to alleviate the looming darkness of the night.


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