Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hebrew Tattoo Christian Phrases

Verde ghiaccio.

Around factories or Ekaterinburg Sverdlosk as it was still called, was not very different from that of other cities. Dilapidated facilities anywhere they wanted to be replaced, modernized or even completely spostati su produzioni nuove, più efficienti e moderne. Tutti volevano entrare nella nuova era, mancavano solo i soldi, non certo la volontà. Quindi lungo e paziente lavoro a discernere il loglio dal grano, la pula dal riso, insomma, chi la possibilità di avere i dollari ce l'aveva, da chi invece sognava solo di averli. Così via, qua e là, dalla fabbrica di spumante (sovietskoije champagne) con la linea di imbottigliamento a pezzi (sapete che là lo spumante non si fa(ceva) né con il metodo Charmat, fermantazione in autoclave, né con lo Champenois, fermentazione in bottiglia, ma con un metodo brevettato russo , brrr, ancora più rapido, di fermentazione in continuo in poche ore, eheheheh, alla fabbrica polyethylene, where the sgarbatissimo director, who had invited us to go, it took him almost to the door saying that he did not need anything while uscuvamo, head down, confessed that he did not really hope to have money for a line of bags which was in urgent need, the Parfumerija where they had in mind a whole new line of lipstick, with the need for a rich set of dies, until the factory was terrifying spectacles frames pre-war type tartarugone an inch wide that weighed at least a pound each unaided. Irina director, was the matron of usual weight T-shirt with white angora Chinese hairy (the shirt). The architecture of the high mass of blond hair hung over the head, made her look even more impressive. I wonder how is it that Russian women, beautiful in a really unusual media, not just reach a place of power, expand in all directions in proportion to the degree? It will be the diet of potatoes and vodka toasts business meetings? Who knows. We, however, was friendly and helpful and showed us with pleasure the entire production, but resigned from the tone of his voice was already guessed that the funding was necessary so far as to make it impractical. He watched with envy and wish the bold Ferox, certainly not for her beauty, but for the light and modern frame of his glasses, which would examine carefully, if they passed from hand to hand, checking the details with the professionalism of those who knows his field. He admired the wonderful melancholy sighs with Italian technology, returning the artifact almost regretfully, as if to restrain him in order to better study it, dissect particular through a special industrial autopsy to snatch the mysterious secrets. Almost no one understood what we were going to do, then in a moment everything was clear the political notables who accompanied us, tromboneggiando on the qualities and merits of our signature italijanskaja and great industrial potential of the city, sponsoring the creation of an office of represented locally, of which, mercifully could take load, he just needs a new pair of glasses, that the full-bodied Irina, slipped in the pocket, and accompanied us to the exit. The Lesser God of Small Things always accompanied us in our wanderings. What we were looking for? A hint, a clue. We were like truffle dogs wagging that roamed in the woods trying to warn the Urals, even if faint smell of rotting and covered by ACRI an ancient woodland, the delicate fragrance of New York friends, thin strips green sprinkle the risotto with which our delicate and Printing Technology. Thus, vigilant and alert, went on board the Lada Niva, which would have led to Sverdlosk 44, the secret city of the Urals between low hills, surrounded by barbed wire and I had already talked about here , some 'time ago and to which I refer. The snowy landscape of this area is very nice, sweet and calm, while the road along the valley floor with sweeping curves, surrounded by thick and white birch. Almost indistinguishable from the bark of the snow, if not by the small signs that blacks horizontal cut through gently. Every so often you come across a small stretch of water ice. Near one of these, a little 'bigger than just the opposite shore in sight, we left the road around him to cross the expanse of ice directly. We stopped almost in the middle of the lake below us ice transparent green and clean snow from the sharp wind that almost frosted surface flat. An almost emerald green, everything crossed by cracks which widen disturbing to the eye, in the shadows of late afternoon, the could see. More than two feet thick, secured Kostija who accompanied us, but when back in the car and the wheels regained the rocky riverbank, I felt calmer. Not far away, netting three times Sverdlosk 44, showed a gap in which we suggested, after a quick check of our permits. We went to the hotel in minutes with moving away from the gate where my worry, our passports were withheld. A friend and promising scent in the air, coming from the factory of marble.


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