Saturday, December 19, 2009

Need To Poo More Often When Early Pregnant

Vivere a Ufa.

Ufa, the capital of Bashkiria, whose inhabitants are called Ufimzy, just to answer the question yesterday and no poping Ufologists, Ferox as suggested in a yearning for contact with the third type, appeared to be at that time, one of the most polluted cities of the Soviet empire. The air had a constant smell of phenol and Ferox advised me to just use tap water because the skin redness remained strange and suspicious. Malelelingue claimed that the number of births with deformation, surpass any other area known. The impression was a bit 'to an area a bit' outside the control center, where the local cliques were a bit 'the beautiful and the weather. The meetings with various characters misunderstanding, claiming to be the local elders confirms it, as well as a shady character, the N. that credentials as he assured us that he was in jail for five years before commercial crimes. He considered this a kind of bravery that distinguished those who were able to offer good deals. Fortunately, soon came the car that was to bring Jangantau, where, having arrived confirming the payment of mineral water bottling line, waiting for us to source for the plant project. of what I had already spoken at length here and here, so, if you want more details, find them. I just remember our surprise at finding the place where we expected a warehouse ready to accept our system, a wasteland with a water pipe sticking out from a pond covered with ice often greenish. It was the famous source filled with radioactive minerals beneficial properties, thanks to which, the neighbor was chock full of sanatory being treated. Do not do was remember the photo, in the snowdrift where water flowed miraculous as the head of delegation, was sacrificed to (pretend to) take a sip of the famous elixir of life. It was unclear what were the reasons for the beneficial effects of water and the care they were practiced there, but, as he explained the head of sanatory great doctor, there were at least thirty theories on the effects of what he called a natural reactor underground, which showed various scents, including radon. Among other experimental treatments, seemed particularly effective in certain sessions of vapors in which the victim was imprisoned with his head out, in a kind of stove / refrigerator coffin made with Finnish recovery. It was the genius of the to Russian and we could not excuse ourselves from the subject treatment, which, however, I would defer. In the great feast of welcome of the evening, we realized that the perpetrators wanted from us even aid in the form of tips to build a warehouse worth della tecnologia occidentale che avrebbe ospitato, ma non avendo sottomano strumenti idonei, mentre le bottiglie di vodka vuote si allineavano a terra nella grande dacia di legno nascosta nella foresta di betulle, coperta di neve ma riscaldata all'inverosimile, prendemmo alcuni fogli di carta igienica, gli unici disponibili sul posto, dove fu vergato uno schema di capannone utile alla bisogna. La carta, che era robustissima essendo del famoso tipo chiamato "la vendetta di Stalin". conosciuta per rendere di un bel rosso vivo le parti interessate a causa della sua ruvidezza, funse perfettamente allo scopo e risulta che fosse inserita successivamente tal quale, nel fascicolo descrittivo del progetto. Mentre i convenuti cominciarono a rotolare come previsto dal protocollo, under the table for one by one, the night fell heavy. Among the flood of Yangantau, while the silver ribbon of the valley of the river formed a large before they disappear into the hills, peace reigned leaden, but there was a disturbance in the air deep. Yesterday was strange rumors from Moscow. We were successful in the late afternoon, to have the phone line and Ferox's wife had told us with some concern that there were tanks on Kutusovsky entering the city and no one understood what was happening. In the morning he was suspended a TV signal and all telephone lines. We had to be received by the mayor with great fanfare, but they told us to stay at the dacha, because the mayor had the flu. In this notizia ferale e sospetta, Ferox cominciĆ² a preoccuparsi, stava succedendo qualcosa di grave.


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