Friday, December 11, 2009

Mount&blade 1.003 Trainer

Rossetti ed acqua minerale.

Russian winter is a bit 'a perpetual limbo, which passes from the darkness of the night in a dimly lit milky twilight that lasts a few hours, always muffled by the dirty white snow that dampens any noise, in particular, then, when the traffic was scarce. Although the city was served by district heating, the few means infect circulating air. You had an unpleasant smell in the throat senpre of bad gasoline burned badly. All this somewhat blunts the senses, creating a certain lethargy that read clearly in the eyes of humanity, despite the cold, crowded the sidewalks in the morning to go to the post of work. This certainly did not mean to go to work, are two radically different concepts. At that time it was commonplace to say that the state pretended to give you a salary and all pretended to work. Get everything was a bit 'an obstacle course, which were worth only the knowledge, the right people and right way. Whatever type of tickets, whether for transport for all events or obtaining visas or permits, provided the contact with mysterious people that pay a fair, did you get the desired size. So we had to abandon the planned visit to Alma Ata, failing in a timely manner, the necessary visa. The news reached us from Zhenija, which basically served as props, while going to an important meeting to represent the Ministry of Commerce, where a character's weight was waiting for us in a huge hall with classic Soviet T-desk, a back and forth between the tea and mysterious maidens bearing sheets where he, carelessly, after throwing look, laid a doodle. That was certainly a man of weight (almost 150 kg) in classical grisaille, which came down from the throne to embrace and kiss the tender Ferox, trying to put us at ease. Of course, credit and background of our company, which was one of the few, then, to have official accreditation, helped, but as I did then noting Ferox, one could feel a certain change in compliance with cui il mammasantissima ci trattava stavolta. Si complimentò per le nostre realizzazioni e mentre si parlava del più e del meno, non perse occasione per far scivolare tra le pieghe del discorso la sua famigliarità con Craxi, De Michelis e compagnia bella. La prendemmo come un cambiamento dei tempi ed in ogni caso ci diede interessanti dritte su nuovi contatti da prendere. Il suo occhio era vivo e attento, a dispetto della mole, come di chi sente il branco di iene che ha ormai circondato la tana del vecchio leone in difficoltà e ha ben compreso che è il momento di cercare nuove piste su cui svicolare per evitare i pericoli e rimanere a galla nella battaglia di potere appena scatenatasi. Ce ne andammo dopo un'oretta. In ufficio ci aspettavano, anche se avevamo tried to avoid them, two other hyenas, the owners of the apartment, a couple in privatisazija by tenants were left owners with a nominal ransom. Moved to a small dacha near Moscow, a field of the rent each month and came as leeches requiring an increase in excess prebends widely the $ 2000. A real theft. Seemed a couple of quiet retirement devoted to the practices of the garden, however, sit around the kitchen table, do not let the bone, knowing that we had been hanged with our own rope, having been completely renovated premises at our expense. They demanded $ 200 more non-existent grounds maintenance costs, otherwise the immediate eviction. Fearing l'arrivo dei picciotti, Ferox aderì obtorto collo al taglieggiamento e i due banditi se ne andarono a braccetto, dondolandosi lungo le ampie scale imperiali al buio, essendo rotto l'ascensore e tutte le lampadine rubate. Risolta la pratica andammo all'aereoporto ad accogliere R. che arrivava dall'Italia carico di materiale. Anche qui bisognava conoscere le segrete strade. Trovata infatti una vecchia amica che apprezzò particolarmente la scatola di Rocher Ferrero che avevamo casualmente con noi, ci fu permesso di entrare nelle aree speciali dove facemmo transitare facilmente tutto il materiale, evitando pratiche burocratiche infinite che, nella maggior parte dei casi si traducevano nel sequestro di parte della merce. Ansiosi di saper le ultime notizie italiane arrived in the office just in time to hear the ticking of the telex beating two fundamental news. The first fatal, stated that the business of the molds for the lipstick and mascara on which we hoped was so faded in favor of a Korean firm, the other, who had come from a Canadian financial money for the first line of coverage mineral water and that the contract could start without further delay. Great celebrations, from the kitchen came with a bonnet of Angela just drained spaghetti, Parmesan cheese, just arrived from Italy, like rain and untap a bottle of champagne (Bulgarian) marked the success of efforts nost. But the bags were ready, after two hours we were at the airport secondary Domodiedovo dove un rabberciato Ilijushin ci avrebbe portato prima di sera a Ekaterinburg che, anzi ancora si chiamava Sverdlosk.


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