Thursday, December 17, 2009

Shih Tzu Whining And Crate Training

Vodka sincera.

Finally it was decided to snow. She could not stand for a few days and last night, looking out the window, we could see something down, such as along the lateral sections of this blog. He does not like sad when it starts to drizzle, rather it gives a feeling of positive expectation. Just the same I felt then, looking toward the frozen lake, the small window of sanatorj Sverdlosk 44, on the evening of our arrival. It was a good sign, while if it was snowing means that the temperature had risen from -25 ° C of the previous days and the appointment to the marble factory, scheduled for the next morning, looked promising. That we were entering the marble, we tappologi? Nothing apparently, but in a world that had difficulty great to communicate with the outside world, in which the ability to move was almost denied, who needed something turned to the only shot that people were able to buy to meet with a passage in over their needs. When you close the doors with sticks and snares, if you need, you are obliged to detours and eventually the same thing will cost more in money and effort. So early in the morning, the italijanskaija delegazija appeared at the marble factory where the mayor and the whole company was waiting with great fanfare. The factory was stopped because all the machines (Italian of course) to cut the marble slabs were broken and battered or completely without the possibility of spare parts. Ora direte, ma non potevano chiamare direttamente la ditta e ordinare nuove macchine e ricambi? No, non si riusciva. Dall' URSS e da quella città chiusa agli stranieri, blindata dietro il triplo filo spinato della stolida segretezza militare, non si poteva comunicare, telefonare, chiedere. Ecco quindi la nostra funzione di salvatori della patria, che come capi commessa avremmo, raccolto le necessità, fatto preparare il progetto, approntato e spedito, infine coordinato il montaggio ed il commissioning di una linea completa per la produzione di lastre, piastrelle e così via. Il sindaco era una brava persona che molto pragmaticamente, capiva i vari problemi e aveva una sincera volontà di sistemare le cose, dotando la sua città di un polo efficient production. The evening before the kebabs sizzling on the grill suddenly, after the first bottle of vodka is opened a lot. Behind his sad eyes felt the desire to do useful things to serve their community, also feeling the pressure behind the appetites of the many characters that prosprano under all the flags, this world that weaves the politician with the work, which leeches you stick to the ankles and while seeming to not suck as their reason for existence. He told us when young, was champion biathlon and how beautiful it was slipping on the furrows between the birch trees, with the bitter cold that you pinch my cheeks, panting to stop trying to hold the rifle while the distant target before the eye is fogged by the sheer effort. But that serenity, compared to the sessions of the municipal council, where the targets were replaced to ward off hungry beasts, each subject only to pull your own little piece of succulent meat and grandante dollars. We signed the contract and the subsequent visit I spoke already here, for those who want to learn more. We parted then with the usual brotherly hugs that vodka makes longer and mixed with a promise to meet again in Italy for the approval of the machines before shipping. They came a few months later and of course we took them to Venice. After the usual tour, St. Mark's bell tower, bridge, gondola, appetizer to appreciate the mosaic of the Danieli, after so many sighs, the mayor of his eyes were sadder and sadder and while we welcomed them outside our sincere regret in letting go so fast, he looked at us with a half smile pragmatic, saying: "Do not told stories, everyone knows that the best thing about the visit of a delegation from the noise of the plane that takes it with him .-


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