Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Meaning Of Gel Bracelets

Белый Дом.

So we arrived back in Moscow. A Moscow worried, scared, where they felt the growing social and political tensions. For the moment all had been sedated and tanks were returned, but few months later, ad ottobre, ci fu un tentativo di golpe, con i deputati, capeggiati da Kasbulatov, un ceceno e quindi, già di per sé stesso, malvisto, che si asserragliarono nella Duma, la Casa Bianca di Mosca, assediata per giorni e poi incendiata. I segni di quel rogo rimasero evidenti per molto tempo, fino a quando l'edificio fu dato in appalto ai turchi per essere ristrutturato, come si vede dalla foto. Elzin ed il suo gruppo prese definitivamente in mano il paese e segnò l'indirizzo economico e politico del decennio successivo. Appena arrivati a Sheremetievo, l'aereoporto internazionale, si capiva che la struttura organizzativa e le regole del precedente ordine costituito avevano ceduto di colpo. Appena si aprì il portellone infatti, la prima persona to enter it, it was not the usual cop, but none other than our dear Zhenija that we were to accept directly into the air, person to deal with luggage. -In these times we must be careful .- said conspiratorial tone. The driver of the bus, for a fee, took us directly to the machine outside the airport waiting for us, skipping over the controls. But the car, to our disappointment had been unscrewed the plates, as judged no parking, with a highly imaginative interpretation. This was the system used by GAY (traffic police) to collect the fines. We went up to baraccotto brigade to deal with the refund that cost us a whole box of cigars Garibaldi just arrived Italy Ferox that cared a lot, but the only way we were returned license plates and driver to reapply them. given temperature, however, the glass was completely frozen. Ferox went and bought a bottle of vodka next to the kiosk and had it on the windshield with particular expertise based on experience, to the horror of passers-by who saw the precious liquid particular useless in the snow. But then the vodka costs about half antifreeze, at the same kiosk and was much more effective, as was soon demonstrated. Back in the center was not easy. Majakovsky Square was closed, blocked by a procession pro-Elzin; down the road we had already had to make a long detour, in front of the stadium, the OMON riot avevano sgomberato il popolatissimo mercato, pieno di gente del Caucaso, con la scusa dell'ordine pubblico da mantenere. Era già chiaro, ma allora nessuno lo capiva, che proprio nel Caucaso si sarebbero potuti individuare futuri nemici contro cui scatenare guerre diversive e da incolpare dei guai che si stavano abbattendo sulla Russia. Il giorno dopo me ne sarei tornato finalmente in Italia, a casa, dopo 43 giorni passati in una nazione completamente nuova, carica di problemi e con poche ricette e nessuna esperienza per risolverli. Era il primo di innumerevoli viaggi che avrei fatto da quelle parti, nei quindici anni successivi, una esperienza straordinaria per tutte le persone che ho potuto incontrare, per tutte le situazioni con cui ho potuto confrontarmi, per all the things I tried to understand, often unsuccessfully, but that enriched me as perhaps no other place or event could do. Attending to the big changes with the eye of the stranger is a privilege that can happen a few times in life. Manco from Moscow a few years and I can say with sincerity that I miss her harsh climate, its mixed smells of sweat of the hot areas, the bite of the frost on the skin that makes you rush to a shelter, sad eyes of the people coming out of the Metro in the morning, laughter love in front of the bottles of vodka, the muffled noise in the park covered with snow. Maybe I will not have the opportunity to see the star ruby \u200b\u200bred Spaskaja on the tower, then I will enough can hear every now and then friends who can still see me as well.


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