Monday, December 21, 2009

Does Anyone Win Online Casinos

Letargo glaciale.

Accidenti, da ieri è calato un gelo mortale, siamo stati tutta la notte a -10°C , non ce la fa neanche a nevicare. Forse nel pomeriggio scenderà pesante una nuova coltre bianca a coprire questa città, precipitata all'ultimo posto tra i capoluoghi del centro-nord, in linea quindi con la testa dei suoi vecchi abitanti, ad ottundere i rumori, le menti, le idee già poco vivaci per inclinazione naturale. Un po' come nei boschi di betulle di Jangantau, dove pareva, in quell'inverno del '93, che niente potesse interferire con la gran pace che regnava tra le alte hills. A calm almost lethargic, where even small problems with our facility, were discussed with the biblical times of hot isbas buried under the snow of winter Russian. Thousand versts away, in Moscow was being a fierce struggle to fill the power vacuum that was created, there was fighting with no holds barred if you were to pick up the new Russia and its rich legacy child, born recently , already so hooked fingers disputed by predators, who huddled inside and outside the Duma, the Russian White House, the Kremlin opponent in the battle of the new oligarchs. We, as we said, reassuring the old doctor who headed the sanatory, we were out of this world, away from these games and nothing dovevamo temere. Come in passato, quando avvenivano questi rivolgimenti, la provincia lontana, entrava in un sonno di tipo letargico, aiutata dal clima, e attendeva il trascorrere della nottata per capire chi aveva in mano il bastone del comando e uniformarsi al nuovo corso. Tutti i responsabili politici si davano malati, in attesa delle nuove fotografie da appendere al muro degli uffici. Non rimaneva che chiacchierare di letteratura, senza esporsi troppo e riposare con calma. La banija, la sauna russa con relative vergate di rami di betulla era il luogo ideale, ma, per amor di patria, trascurerò di scendere nei particolari, tutto sommato inutili al succo del racconto, se non per puntualizzare che qui fu presa la decisione di non interrompere precipitosamente travel and to confirm the tickets, air this time, according to the correct alternation that I have already explained earlier, at a time of Irkutsk, in the heart of the distant Siberia, on the shores of that lake Baijkal, only read the books, the basin water deepest in the world that contains 20% of fresh water on earth. We stayed one more day of peace in the Ural Mountains, looking down the Silver River, eating shashliky between an endless forest of bottles of vodka in the warm wooden dacha, pointing out that the project would come to life in the spring when the water mineral -radioactive source of miraculous, he finally got the proper packaging that it deserved to take the ways of the world. At the airport we were just in the middle of the night frost. In the room where we were confined to international, we found only a Bulgarian-faced wrestler who seemed to be one of those mediators boario hole of the Langhe. He sold everything and turned the ends of Russia seeks small business commercial, a kind of junk peddler of various products, a sign of the times. Everywhere, at all times, the needs that arise, are now filled by someone, the needs are covered, if there is no toilet paper in Chukotka to ten thousand kilometers from Moscow, surely someone will think I should go and sell it. So wherever you go for the world, there is always men, seemingly anonymous, with a small suitcase in hand, the case of contracts, black and full of maps, photos and samples that are waiting for a plane, a train, a bus, which attack button with the neighbors, just to fool the long waits. You may wonder what are they doing that in the middle of nowhere and seemingly devoid of interest. They're there, silent or chatter, thoughts, to invent something to take home work to others who are waiting at home, with impatience, to begin to do things, to move the machines to produce stuff. The plane that carried to the east, more and more battered as we moved away from Moscow, was waiting to start building on the ice rink in the middle of the night. We also climbed the ladder, silent, toward dawn cold, remote.


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