Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Meaning Of Gel Bracelets

Белый Дом.

So we arrived back in Moscow. A Moscow worried, scared, where they felt the growing social and political tensions. For the moment all had been sedated and tanks were returned, but few months later, ad ottobre, ci fu un tentativo di golpe, con i deputati, capeggiati da Kasbulatov, un ceceno e quindi, già di per sé stesso, malvisto, che si asserragliarono nella Duma, la Casa Bianca di Mosca, assediata per giorni e poi incendiata. I segni di quel rogo rimasero evidenti per molto tempo, fino a quando l'edificio fu dato in appalto ai turchi per essere ristrutturato, come si vede dalla foto. Elzin ed il suo gruppo prese definitivamente in mano il paese e segnò l'indirizzo economico e politico del decennio successivo. Appena arrivati a Sheremetievo, l'aereoporto internazionale, si capiva che la struttura organizzativa e le regole del precedente ordine costituito avevano ceduto di colpo. Appena si aprì il portellone infatti, la prima persona to enter it, it was not the usual cop, but none other than our dear Zhenija that we were to accept directly into the air, person to deal with luggage. -In these times we must be careful .- said conspiratorial tone. The driver of the bus, for a fee, took us directly to the machine outside the airport waiting for us, skipping over the controls. But the car, to our disappointment had been unscrewed the plates, as judged no parking, with a highly imaginative interpretation. This was the system used by GAY (traffic police) to collect the fines. We went up to baraccotto brigade to deal with the refund that cost us a whole box of cigars Garibaldi just arrived Italy Ferox that cared a lot, but the only way we were returned license plates and driver to reapply them. given temperature, however, the glass was completely frozen. Ferox went and bought a bottle of vodka next to the kiosk and had it on the windshield with particular expertise based on experience, to the horror of passers-by who saw the precious liquid particular useless in the snow. But then the vodka costs about half antifreeze, at the same kiosk and was much more effective, as was soon demonstrated. Back in the center was not easy. Majakovsky Square was closed, blocked by a procession pro-Elzin; down the road we had already had to make a long detour, in front of the stadium, the OMON riot avevano sgomberato il popolatissimo mercato, pieno di gente del Caucaso, con la scusa dell'ordine pubblico da mantenere. Era già chiaro, ma allora nessuno lo capiva, che proprio nel Caucaso si sarebbero potuti individuare futuri nemici contro cui scatenare guerre diversive e da incolpare dei guai che si stavano abbattendo sulla Russia. Il giorno dopo me ne sarei tornato finalmente in Italia, a casa, dopo 43 giorni passati in una nazione completamente nuova, carica di problemi e con poche ricette e nessuna esperienza per risolverli. Era il primo di innumerevoli viaggi che avrei fatto da quelle parti, nei quindici anni successivi, una esperienza straordinaria per tutte le persone che ho potuto incontrare, per tutte le situazioni con cui ho potuto confrontarmi, per all the things I tried to understand, often unsuccessfully, but that enriched me as perhaps no other place or event could do. Attending to the big changes with the eye of the stranger is a privilege that can happen a few times in life. Manco from Moscow a few years and I can say with sincerity that I miss her harsh climate, its mixed smells of sweat of the hot areas, the bite of the frost on the skin that makes you rush to a shelter, sad eyes of the people coming out of the Metro in the morning, laughter love in front of the bottles of vodka, the muffled noise in the park covered with snow. Maybe I will not have the opportunity to see the star ruby \u200b\u200bred Spaskaja on the tower, then I will enough can hear every now and then friends who can still see me as well.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How Do You Get A Shotgun In Poptropica

Riva lontana.

of our stay in Irkutsk, I've already talked plenty here and I will not repeat . I like only to emphasize the feeling of loss of contact with the rest of the world, of being in a place so far from the usual destinations. In a land, on the whole poor human presence, this is concentrated all in a few places, as if to create a fortress to protect themselves from a nature where looming, all-encompassing, not so friendly for the truth. Temperatures shocking for most of the immensity boundless forests that surround you to miss the absence of identifying marks, soil, cement ice for a few days a year turns into a sticky mud covered with clouds of ferocious mosquitoes and small, make these areas difficult a living for those who had the good fortune to be occurred by chance or by force. The lake is huge, surrounded by territory that is outside of the local players only know of Risk, the Yakuzja, Chita, the Buriazija are remote names that recall solitary trappers of the great north. The adventures of Jack London in search of mammoth skeletons buried in permafrost. The reality is that more and more prosaic, less poetic. On the plate ice covering the lake, nearly four feet thick, they passed the truck on a track about eighty miles long crossing from one bank to another. From the top of the hill the line of the convoy of vehicles that went to the east seemed a cohort of black ants moving away slowly. The large pool, water reservoir of humanity, is really devastated by huge complex for the production of aluminum and paper mills that exploit the huge forests of the north, polluting the water as I could. But everything that happens in almost six hundred miles farther up the coast and the southern lake, small marinas where vessels seemed to float on the ice, you feel the grip of pollution and small settlements of low wooden huts seemed part of the landscape, with small wisps of smoke coming out from chimneys just emerging from the snow. We had to drink, complacent condescension, a glass of pure water lake, taken directly from a fishing hole in the ice clear of the harbor, under which you could see a bicycle and other debris thrown during the brief Siberian summer. All'Univermag we went into town, but the shortage of goods was heavy, and few customers were queuing in front of counters from the shelves desolately empty. It was only a well-stocked section of cucumbers and the slippers made of hair. I bought a large number to make gifts, even if in that month were available only measure 37. The hotels were infested with young ladies eager to make ends meet, which was hard to shake, since the alleged customers increasingly rarefied. This merchant's always looking for females on which to vent his instincts, should be settled thousands of years. Think it also speaks at length the proper Marco Polo in the Million, a true merchant's Lonely Planet travel, which indicates precisely the areas and countries where girls are more pleasing or dates of availability by the same husbands are happy to promote the foreign bringer of wealth . Illustrates the Venetian, in detail, indicating the type of gift even more pleasing, usually pins or various joys of which merchant to provvedevasi the need and describes situations in which young people less desirable and therefore could show exhibited in the hair or on clothes, gifts received less, and were difficult to place. The fact is that those who want to get rid of this annoying if not required, the service, they must devise strategies to keep quiet, waiting for other prey that tigers are thirsty come to water. Yeah, appssionati for the topic, I told the boomerang here, point out only one other case in which sympathetic showing random photos where our good Zhenija was shaved to zero, we qualified as inventors and holders of the unique secret formula of a product for a complete hair regrowth. The fluentissima and rich foliage that exhibited at our time, that was the reason that led him in our road map to better place the product. Spiegone This, combined with the kind offer of a glass of Amaretto, served to permanently remove the beggars, attracted also by the arrival of a group of ruddy German manager. But it was also time to leave the ice to return to Irkutsk to Moscow to take stock of the situation back home. Siberia, boundless illuminated by the sun, shining ten thousand feet below, like a carpet of pearl, silver niello engravings of the frozen rivers. Infinite time to fly over absolutely nothing, yet when we arrived, after seven hours di deserto bianco, era passata solo un'ora, Miracoli del fuso.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Does Anyone Win Online Casinos

Letargo glaciale.

Accidenti, da ieri è calato un gelo mortale, siamo stati tutta la notte a -10°C , non ce la fa neanche a nevicare. Forse nel pomeriggio scenderà pesante una nuova coltre bianca a coprire questa città, precipitata all'ultimo posto tra i capoluoghi del centro-nord, in linea quindi con la testa dei suoi vecchi abitanti, ad ottundere i rumori, le menti, le idee già poco vivaci per inclinazione naturale. Un po' come nei boschi di betulle di Jangantau, dove pareva, in quell'inverno del '93, che niente potesse interferire con la gran pace che regnava tra le alte hills. A calm almost lethargic, where even small problems with our facility, were discussed with the biblical times of hot isbas buried under the snow of winter Russian. Thousand versts away, in Moscow was being a fierce struggle to fill the power vacuum that was created, there was fighting with no holds barred if you were to pick up the new Russia and its rich legacy child, born recently , already so hooked fingers disputed by predators, who huddled inside and outside the Duma, the Russian White House, the Kremlin opponent in the battle of the new oligarchs. We, as we said, reassuring the old doctor who headed the sanatory, we were out of this world, away from these games and nothing dovevamo temere. Come in passato, quando avvenivano questi rivolgimenti, la provincia lontana, entrava in un sonno di tipo letargico, aiutata dal clima, e attendeva il trascorrere della nottata per capire chi aveva in mano il bastone del comando e uniformarsi al nuovo corso. Tutti i responsabili politici si davano malati, in attesa delle nuove fotografie da appendere al muro degli uffici. Non rimaneva che chiacchierare di letteratura, senza esporsi troppo e riposare con calma. La banija, la sauna russa con relative vergate di rami di betulla era il luogo ideale, ma, per amor di patria, trascurerò di scendere nei particolari, tutto sommato inutili al succo del racconto, se non per puntualizzare che qui fu presa la decisione di non interrompere precipitosamente travel and to confirm the tickets, air this time, according to the correct alternation that I have already explained earlier, at a time of Irkutsk, in the heart of the distant Siberia, on the shores of that lake Baijkal, only read the books, the basin water deepest in the world that contains 20% of fresh water on earth. We stayed one more day of peace in the Ural Mountains, looking down the Silver River, eating shashliky between an endless forest of bottles of vodka in the warm wooden dacha, pointing out that the project would come to life in the spring when the water mineral -radioactive source of miraculous, he finally got the proper packaging that it deserved to take the ways of the world. At the airport we were just in the middle of the night frost. In the room where we were confined to international, we found only a Bulgarian-faced wrestler who seemed to be one of those mediators boario hole of the Langhe. He sold everything and turned the ends of Russia seeks small business commercial, a kind of junk peddler of various products, a sign of the times. Everywhere, at all times, the needs that arise, are now filled by someone, the needs are covered, if there is no toilet paper in Chukotka to ten thousand kilometers from Moscow, surely someone will think I should go and sell it. So wherever you go for the world, there is always men, seemingly anonymous, with a small suitcase in hand, the case of contracts, black and full of maps, photos and samples that are waiting for a plane, a train, a bus, which attack button with the neighbors, just to fool the long waits. You may wonder what are they doing that in the middle of nowhere and seemingly devoid of interest. They're there, silent or chatter, thoughts, to invent something to take home work to others who are waiting at home, with impatience, to begin to do things, to move the machines to produce stuff. The plane that carried to the east, more and more battered as we moved away from Moscow, was waiting to start building on the ice rink in the middle of the night. We also climbed the ladder, silent, toward dawn cold, remote.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Need To Poo More Often When Early Pregnant

Vivere a Ufa.

Ufa, the capital of Bashkiria, whose inhabitants are called Ufimzy, just to answer the question yesterday and no poping Ufologists, Ferox as suggested in a yearning for contact with the third type, appeared to be at that time, one of the most polluted cities of the Soviet empire. The air had a constant smell of phenol and Ferox advised me to just use tap water because the skin redness remained strange and suspicious. Malelelingue claimed that the number of births with deformation, surpass any other area known. The impression was a bit 'to an area a bit' outside the control center, where the local cliques were a bit 'the beautiful and the weather. The meetings with various characters misunderstanding, claiming to be the local elders confirms it, as well as a shady character, the N. that credentials as he assured us that he was in jail for five years before commercial crimes. He considered this a kind of bravery that distinguished those who were able to offer good deals. Fortunately, soon came the car that was to bring Jangantau, where, having arrived confirming the payment of mineral water bottling line, waiting for us to source for the plant project. of what I had already spoken at length here and here, so, if you want more details, find them. I just remember our surprise at finding the place where we expected a warehouse ready to accept our system, a wasteland with a water pipe sticking out from a pond covered with ice often greenish. It was the famous source filled with radioactive minerals beneficial properties, thanks to which, the neighbor was chock full of sanatory being treated. Do not do was remember the photo, in the snowdrift where water flowed miraculous as the head of delegation, was sacrificed to (pretend to) take a sip of the famous elixir of life. It was unclear what were the reasons for the beneficial effects of water and the care they were practiced there, but, as he explained the head of sanatory great doctor, there were at least thirty theories on the effects of what he called a natural reactor underground, which showed various scents, including radon. Among other experimental treatments, seemed particularly effective in certain sessions of vapors in which the victim was imprisoned with his head out, in a kind of stove / refrigerator coffin made with Finnish recovery. It was the genius of the to Russian and we could not excuse ourselves from the subject treatment, which, however, I would defer. In the great feast of welcome of the evening, we realized that the perpetrators wanted from us even aid in the form of tips to build a warehouse worth della tecnologia occidentale che avrebbe ospitato, ma non avendo sottomano strumenti idonei, mentre le bottiglie di vodka vuote si allineavano a terra nella grande dacia di legno nascosta nella foresta di betulle, coperta di neve ma riscaldata all'inverosimile, prendemmo alcuni fogli di carta igienica, gli unici disponibili sul posto, dove fu vergato uno schema di capannone utile alla bisogna. La carta, che era robustissima essendo del famoso tipo chiamato "la vendetta di Stalin". conosciuta per rendere di un bel rosso vivo le parti interessate a causa della sua ruvidezza, funse perfettamente allo scopo e risulta che fosse inserita successivamente tal quale, nel fascicolo descrittivo del progetto. Mentre i convenuti cominciarono a rotolare come previsto dal protocollo, under the table for one by one, the night fell heavy. Among the flood of Yangantau, while the silver ribbon of the valley of the river formed a large before they disappear into the hills, peace reigned leaden, but there was a disturbance in the air deep. Yesterday was strange rumors from Moscow. We were successful in the late afternoon, to have the phone line and Ferox's wife had told us with some concern that there were tanks on Kutusovsky entering the city and no one understood what was happening. In the morning he was suspended a TV signal and all telephone lines. We had to be received by the mayor with great fanfare, but they told us to stay at the dacha, because the mayor had the flu. In this notizia ferale e sospetta, Ferox cominciò a preoccuparsi, stava succedendo qualcosa di grave.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Milena Velba Strip Milena Velba Oder Miosotis?

Mercati internazionali.

Lasciammo la città segreta di primo mattino. La guardia ai reticolati ci restituì i passaporti con grandi risate e ce ne andammo a tutta velocità. Eravamo di nuovo in ritardo e ci voleva più di un'ora per la stazione di Ekaterinburg (nell'occasione Sverdlosk aveva cambiato nome), dove ci aspettava il treno delle 8 e 35. Questo era il turno in cui avevamo deciso che mai più avremmo preso l'aereo. Ripercorremmo la strada sul lago ghiacciato a velocità folle; io tenevo gli occhi chiusi, stretti stretti, mentre tutti cantavano a squarciagola 'O My sun, perhaps to exorcise the god of ice. We arrived at the station at 8 and a half, just in time to hug his friends, still a bit 'groggy for the previous evening. Even the shadow of the train. Zhenija was horrified. It was impossible that the Trans-Siberian train was late. Indeed. The time the ticket was written with the time zone of Moscow, and then we arrived with two hours notice, we explained the ruddy station master, who immediately took over backwards to help us, even gave us his room for personal leave your luggage, absolutely unsure of the time, testified seriously, the luggage room. We repay left a series of Italian coins for his personal collection. We went so for a walk outside where it was in full swing a large market of Babuska. In the unending line, a group of old ladies offering goods of all types arranged in wooden boxes to keep them raised by dirty snow. Ekaterinburg had become a great crossroads of trade in goods poor, who came from China along the Trans-Siberian. A large group of soldiers with intabarrati schapke ordinance, complete with a red star in controlling the movement of the market, illegal but tolerated, because, as he said the custom of the time, not expressly prohibited. A thick barrier Zhiguly loaded with household goods marked the boundaries of that point of spontaneous exchange. Once or twice a month, took the news entrepreneurs il treno e arrivavano fino al confine cinese dove si favoleggiava di un immenso mercato, una vera e propria città dell'oro dove tutto quanto si produceva in Cina veniva scambiato a colpi di dollari sonanti. Vestiti, scarpe, alimentari di ogni tipo, biciclette e ogni altro ben di dio che la macchina ben oliata di quella che stava per diventare la fabbrica del mondo, cominciava a sfornare a ritmi vertiginosi ed a prezzi assolutamente concorrenziali. Prezzi, che man mano che il treno si spostava verso ovest, ingrassavano, si facevano più corposi, secondo un meccanismo commerciale a lungo sconosciuto, ma ben presto imparato. A Ekaterinburg, stazione intermedia, i prezzi erano ancora sufficientemente interessanti per spingere le Tamare e le Tanije moscovite ad get in there with bare hands and left laden with bundles. Over time, the hunger of the gain pushed up to Beijing, the famous Russian market, in the district behind the embassy, \u200b\u200bwhere they gave you the price of sweaters for a minimum of twenty-five pieces. We took an ice cream from the one old woman who was still very good this traditional item of the dying Russian industry, now surrounded (old lady and Industry) from stalls offering Mars bars, Snickers and Ferrero Rocher, a true object of desire of many adults and children who wandered here and there, stopping still and dreamy eyes as Hansel and Gretel in front of the gingerbread house, rubbing her eyes with unreachable balls of gold paper boxes piled in a pyramid on the grim witches. Perhaps those, however, came from China. Finally we boarded the train, which was obviously right on schedule. It took all day to climb the Urals with long sinuous curves in the valley between the hills covered with forests white. A stunning landscape. I was attached to the window, almost hypnotized by the charm of that picture changing, perhaps because I was numb from the cold, even if covered by sweaters and dublionka, because the heating did not work. We arrived in Ufa Bashkir in the evening. We swore that next time we flew.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Shih Tzu Whining And Crate Training

Vodka sincera.

Finally it was decided to snow. She could not stand for a few days and last night, looking out the window, we could see something down, such as along the lateral sections of this blog. He does not like sad when it starts to drizzle, rather it gives a feeling of positive expectation. Just the same I felt then, looking toward the frozen lake, the small window of sanatorj Sverdlosk 44, on the evening of our arrival. It was a good sign, while if it was snowing means that the temperature had risen from -25 ° C of the previous days and the appointment to the marble factory, scheduled for the next morning, looked promising. That we were entering the marble, we tappologi? Nothing apparently, but in a world that had difficulty great to communicate with the outside world, in which the ability to move was almost denied, who needed something turned to the only shot that people were able to buy to meet with a passage in over their needs. When you close the doors with sticks and snares, if you need, you are obliged to detours and eventually the same thing will cost more in money and effort. So early in the morning, the italijanskaija delegazija appeared at the marble factory where the mayor and the whole company was waiting with great fanfare. The factory was stopped because all the machines (Italian of course) to cut the marble slabs were broken and battered or completely without the possibility of spare parts. Ora direte, ma non potevano chiamare direttamente la ditta e ordinare nuove macchine e ricambi? No, non si riusciva. Dall' URSS e da quella città chiusa agli stranieri, blindata dietro il triplo filo spinato della stolida segretezza militare, non si poteva comunicare, telefonare, chiedere. Ecco quindi la nostra funzione di salvatori della patria, che come capi commessa avremmo, raccolto le necessità, fatto preparare il progetto, approntato e spedito, infine coordinato il montaggio ed il commissioning di una linea completa per la produzione di lastre, piastrelle e così via. Il sindaco era una brava persona che molto pragmaticamente, capiva i vari problemi e aveva una sincera volontà di sistemare le cose, dotando la sua città di un polo efficient production. The evening before the kebabs sizzling on the grill suddenly, after the first bottle of vodka is opened a lot. Behind his sad eyes felt the desire to do useful things to serve their community, also feeling the pressure behind the appetites of the many characters that prosprano under all the flags, this world that weaves the politician with the work, which leeches you stick to the ankles and while seeming to not suck as their reason for existence. He told us when young, was champion biathlon and how beautiful it was slipping on the furrows between the birch trees, with the bitter cold that you pinch my cheeks, panting to stop trying to hold the rifle while the distant target before the eye is fogged by the sheer effort. But that serenity, compared to the sessions of the municipal council, where the targets were replaced to ward off hungry beasts, each subject only to pull your own little piece of succulent meat and grandante dollars. We signed the contract and the subsequent visit I spoke already here, for those who want to learn more. We parted then with the usual brotherly hugs that vodka makes longer and mixed with a promise to meet again in Italy for the approval of the machines before shipping. They came a few months later and of course we took them to Venice. After the usual tour, St. Mark's bell tower, bridge, gondola, appetizer to appreciate the mosaic of the Danieli, after so many sighs, the mayor of his eyes were sadder and sadder and while we welcomed them outside our sincere regret in letting go so fast, he looked at us with a half smile pragmatic, saying: "Do not told stories, everyone knows that the best thing about the visit of a delegation from the noise of the plane that takes it with him .-

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hebrew Tattoo Christian Phrases

Verde ghiaccio.

Around factories or Ekaterinburg Sverdlosk as it was still called, was not very different from that of other cities. Dilapidated facilities anywhere they wanted to be replaced, modernized or even completely spostati su produzioni nuove, più efficienti e moderne. Tutti volevano entrare nella nuova era, mancavano solo i soldi, non certo la volontà. Quindi lungo e paziente lavoro a discernere il loglio dal grano, la pula dal riso, insomma, chi la possibilità di avere i dollari ce l'aveva, da chi invece sognava solo di averli. Così via, qua e là, dalla fabbrica di spumante (sovietskoije champagne) con la linea di imbottigliamento a pezzi (sapete che là lo spumante non si fa(ceva) né con il metodo Charmat, fermantazione in autoclave, né con lo Champenois, fermentazione in bottiglia, ma con un metodo brevettato russo , brrr, ancora più rapido, di fermentazione in continuo in poche ore, eheheheh, alla fabbrica polyethylene, where the sgarbatissimo director, who had invited us to go, it took him almost to the door saying that he did not need anything while uscuvamo, head down, confessed that he did not really hope to have money for a line of bags which was in urgent need, the Parfumerija where they had in mind a whole new line of lipstick, with the need for a rich set of dies, until the factory was terrifying spectacles frames pre-war type tartarugone an inch wide that weighed at least a pound each unaided. Irina director, was the matron of usual weight T-shirt with white angora Chinese hairy (the shirt). The architecture of the high mass of blond hair hung over the head, made her look even more impressive. I wonder how is it that Russian women, beautiful in a really unusual media, not just reach a place of power, expand in all directions in proportion to the degree? It will be the diet of potatoes and vodka toasts business meetings? Who knows. We, however, was friendly and helpful and showed us with pleasure the entire production, but resigned from the tone of his voice was already guessed that the funding was necessary so far as to make it impractical. He watched with envy and wish the bold Ferox, certainly not for her beauty, but for the light and modern frame of his glasses, which would examine carefully, if they passed from hand to hand, checking the details with the professionalism of those who knows his field. He admired the wonderful melancholy sighs with Italian technology, returning the artifact almost regretfully, as if to restrain him in order to better study it, dissect particular through a special industrial autopsy to snatch the mysterious secrets. Almost no one understood what we were going to do, then in a moment everything was clear the political notables who accompanied us, tromboneggiando on the qualities and merits of our signature italijanskaja and great industrial potential of the city, sponsoring the creation of an office of represented locally, of which, mercifully could take load, he just needs a new pair of glasses, that the full-bodied Irina, slipped in the pocket, and accompanied us to the exit. The Lesser God of Small Things always accompanied us in our wanderings. What we were looking for? A hint, a clue. We were like truffle dogs wagging that roamed in the woods trying to warn the Urals, even if faint smell of rotting and covered by ACRI an ancient woodland, the delicate fragrance of New York friends, thin strips green sprinkle the risotto with which our delicate and Printing Technology. Thus, vigilant and alert, went on board the Lada Niva, which would have led to Sverdlosk 44, the secret city of the Urals between low hills, surrounded by barbed wire and I had already talked about here , some 'time ago and to which I refer. The snowy landscape of this area is very nice, sweet and calm, while the road along the valley floor with sweeping curves, surrounded by thick and white birch. Almost indistinguishable from the bark of the snow, if not by the small signs that blacks horizontal cut through gently. Every so often you come across a small stretch of water ice. Near one of these, a little 'bigger than just the opposite shore in sight, we left the road around him to cross the expanse of ice directly. We stopped almost in the middle of the lake below us ice transparent green and clean snow from the sharp wind that almost frosted surface flat. An almost emerald green, everything crossed by cracks which widen disturbing to the eye, in the shadows of late afternoon, the could see. More than two feet thick, secured Kostija who accompanied us, but when back in the car and the wheels regained the rocky riverbank, I felt calmer. Not far away, netting three times Sverdlosk 44, showed a gap in which we suggested, after a quick check of our permits. We went to the hotel in minutes with moving away from the gate where my worry, our passports were withheld. A friend and promising scent in the air, coming from the factory of marble.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sperm Metal Core Wheels

Ali gelate.

Domodiedovo AIRPORT is the second in Moscow, from where flights to the east. You can get there for a long straight roads through endless forests of birch trees that surround the capital, a promise of infinity that awaits you beyond the Urals. They tell me that they have remade modern and efficient, but then it was a very high rickety shed, packed to capacity of a composite humanity, full of boxes, parcels, household goods of all kinds which are packed in anticipation of their flight, sitting on the cases. The very few foreigners were collected in a VIP lounge chair with some with some plywood on the walls, the type of third cinema vision 50 years. Sbocconcellammo un pezzo di formaggio che prudentemente ci eravamo portati dall'ufficio in attesa dell'aereo, dopo i consueti taglieggiamenti della "cooperativa facchini" che ci aveva consentito il passaggio alla sala d'attesa, trasportandoci i bagagli per i dieci metri che la separavano dalla sala comune, poi, dopo un check-in virtuale ci avviammo sulla pista dove ci attendeva un Iliushin male in arnese. C'erano quasi 30 gradi sotto lo zero e l'attesa, prima che una svogliata hostess ci consentisse l'accesso alla scaletta, fu fastidiosa. Il vento gelato a raffiche, sembrava strapparti la carne dalle guance. In contrasto a poco tempo prima, in cui tutti gli aerei viaggiavano sempre al completo, salimmo, non più di una quindicina di passeggeri, guardandoci, chissà perchè, in cagnesco. Una kapo in divisa, in barba a quanto segnato sulla carta di imbarco, ci ordinò con modi spicci di sedere tutti in fondo all'aereo, per agevolare(?), disse, il decollo. C'era una tremenda puzza di pipì di gatto, ma non si vedevano felini da quelle parti. Ferox e R. tentavano di tranquillizzarmi, assicurandomi che i piloti russi sono i migliori al mondo, specialmente sul ghiaccio, ma mentre l'aeromobile rullava lungo le piste, il lucente strato che le ricopriva, mi dava un senso di malessere profondo. Lungo i bordi un numero infinito di velivoli in stato di evidente abbandono aumentavano se possibile il mio senso di insicurezza. Erano tutti mezzi utili per cannibalizzare i pezzi di ricambio per i pochi aerei flying. Then increase engine speed and with a violent pull the plane after a long run, got up slowly. There were no clouds, the forests around did not end, we left the sun behind him. Sverdlosk, sleepy and cold, just beyond the Urals was waiting for us, in a snowstorm, asleep in a deep sleep from that morning in which 75 years before the imperial family was shot in the anonymous suburbs. At last it came, was the leitmotif of the long journeys, coming down from the plane, swore that the next trip would have done it by train and vice versa. But the landing was perfect, Zhenija waiting for us in the lineup, the vanguard sent to prepare the position.


Mount&blade 1.003 Trainer

Rossetti ed acqua minerale.

Russian winter is a bit 'a perpetual limbo, which passes from the darkness of the night in a dimly lit milky twilight that lasts a few hours, always muffled by the dirty white snow that dampens any noise, in particular, then, when the traffic was scarce. Although the city was served by district heating, the few means infect circulating air. You had an unpleasant smell in the throat senpre of bad gasoline burned badly. All this somewhat blunts the senses, creating a certain lethargy that read clearly in the eyes of humanity, despite the cold, crowded the sidewalks in the morning to go to the post of work. This certainly did not mean to go to work, are two radically different concepts. At that time it was commonplace to say that the state pretended to give you a salary and all pretended to work. Get everything was a bit 'an obstacle course, which were worth only the knowledge, the right people and right way. Whatever type of tickets, whether for transport for all events or obtaining visas or permits, provided the contact with mysterious people that pay a fair, did you get the desired size. So we had to abandon the planned visit to Alma Ata, failing in a timely manner, the necessary visa. The news reached us from Zhenija, which basically served as props, while going to an important meeting to represent the Ministry of Commerce, where a character's weight was waiting for us in a huge hall with classic Soviet T-desk, a back and forth between the tea and mysterious maidens bearing sheets where he, carelessly, after throwing look, laid a doodle. That was certainly a man of weight (almost 150 kg) in classical grisaille, which came down from the throne to embrace and kiss the tender Ferox, trying to put us at ease. Of course, credit and background of our company, which was one of the few, then, to have official accreditation, helped, but as I did then noting Ferox, one could feel a certain change in compliance with cui il mammasantissima ci trattava stavolta. Si complimentò per le nostre realizzazioni e mentre si parlava del più e del meno, non perse occasione per far scivolare tra le pieghe del discorso la sua famigliarità con Craxi, De Michelis e compagnia bella. La prendemmo come un cambiamento dei tempi ed in ogni caso ci diede interessanti dritte su nuovi contatti da prendere. Il suo occhio era vivo e attento, a dispetto della mole, come di chi sente il branco di iene che ha ormai circondato la tana del vecchio leone in difficoltà e ha ben compreso che è il momento di cercare nuove piste su cui svicolare per evitare i pericoli e rimanere a galla nella battaglia di potere appena scatenatasi. Ce ne andammo dopo un'oretta. In ufficio ci aspettavano, anche se avevamo tried to avoid them, two other hyenas, the owners of the apartment, a couple in privatisazija by tenants were left owners with a nominal ransom. Moved to a small dacha near Moscow, a field of the rent each month and came as leeches requiring an increase in excess prebends widely the $ 2000. A real theft. Seemed a couple of quiet retirement devoted to the practices of the garden, however, sit around the kitchen table, do not let the bone, knowing that we had been hanged with our own rope, having been completely renovated premises at our expense. They demanded $ 200 more non-existent grounds maintenance costs, otherwise the immediate eviction. Fearing l'arrivo dei picciotti, Ferox aderì obtorto collo al taglieggiamento e i due banditi se ne andarono a braccetto, dondolandosi lungo le ampie scale imperiali al buio, essendo rotto l'ascensore e tutte le lampadine rubate. Risolta la pratica andammo all'aereoporto ad accogliere R. che arrivava dall'Italia carico di materiale. Anche qui bisognava conoscere le segrete strade. Trovata infatti una vecchia amica che apprezzò particolarmente la scatola di Rocher Ferrero che avevamo casualmente con noi, ci fu permesso di entrare nelle aree speciali dove facemmo transitare facilmente tutto il materiale, evitando pratiche burocratiche infinite che, nella maggior parte dei casi si traducevano nel sequestro di parte della merce. Ansiosi di saper le ultime notizie italiane arrived in the office just in time to hear the ticking of the telex beating two fundamental news. The first fatal, stated that the business of the molds for the lipstick and mascara on which we hoped was so faded in favor of a Korean firm, the other, who had come from a Canadian financial money for the first line of coverage mineral water and that the contract could start without further delay. Great celebrations, from the kitchen came with a bonnet of Angela just drained spaghetti, Parmesan cheese, just arrived from Italy, like rain and untap a bottle of champagne (Bulgarian) marked the success of efforts nost. But the bags were ready, after two hours we were at the airport secondary Domodiedovo dove un rabberciato Ilijushin ci avrebbe portato prima di sera a Ekaterinburg che, anzi ancora si chiamava Sverdlosk.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pinnacle Tv Pro 64 Bit

Notte allo Spiektr.

Eravamo dunque tornati a Mosca. Dopo quasi un mese di viaggio in cui avevamo attraversato l'occidente dell' URSS, dopo sette notti passate sui treni, dopo aver tastato il polso, malato, di un paziente che si era preso una bella botta e non aveva ancora capito se sarebbe guarito o se era destinato a perdersi completamente, ritrovavamo una Russia diversa, preoccupata ed incerta sul futuro, con le stazioni della metro che si popolavano di una nuova fauna di anziani in cerca di qualche mezzo di sostegno, vendendo qualcosa, disegnando portraits or doing something completely unknown before, simply ask for alms. Moscow, however, had not lost its appeal of the old empire and really seemed to be back in civilization. In the apartment that served as the office, in a nice neighborhood of old houses (and the stairs with all the regular steps) the noise of the typewriter Angela had a familiar sound and the ticking of the telex, made you feel closer to the world as you know it. We saw several people we had met in and around that had rushed to Moscow to define some project, the Korean, a intrallazzone with two thin slits for eyes, who never drank vodka, we had met in Kostija train and wanted to represent us in Stavropol, Kiril to his problems with the fill line of vodka, a Marat watched horrified as we toast to her upcoming marriage, eating thick slices of Italian salami, without thinking that he was an observant Muslim. At dusk I went to Novodevichy, the monastery of virgins, silent and covered with snow. Beautiful and crystallized in the chill of evening, deserted and silent with his cemetery with gravestones from the famous names, pass by me, even if it cost a bit to look for 'fatigue Chekhov, Eisenstein , Bulgakov, Gogol , Stanislavsky, Khrushchev, what a thrill to walk in these luoghi. La storia russa al completo, che 'a livella aveva confinato in questo lembo di terra coperto di bianco. Me ne tornai in albergo tranquillo dopo una visita ad un Berioska, uno dei negozi per occidentali che stavano per essere sorpassati dalla storia. Alla mia visita successiva, non li avrei più trovati, tutti sostituiti da profumerie dai nomi occidentali e pieni di griffe famose. Anche l'albergo era cambiato. Non eravamo più al tetro Pekin, uno dei sette grattacieli staliniani in stile neoassiro, brutte copie dell'Empire State Building, ma in una delle nuove realtà del cambiamento, un alberghetto "commerciale", tutto quello che era di iniziativa privata era chiamato così. Si chiamava Spiektr, un nome una garanzia. Una decina di camere in an old house and lower two floors, the very opposite of the Soviet-style pension phalanstery Mariuccia. The two sisters were tenants of enormous size and generous, dressed up like Christmas trees, which always wore white blouses with lace, stretched with care, even if pure polyester emanating tremendous body also hints at a good distance, because of the torrid heat that reigned within these walls. It was embarrassing, even if offset by big smiles and Irina Tanija dispensed bringing smijetana and cucumbers for breakfast. The place was quiet and had something of a family, even if a group of Koreans from Samsung that the people had the habit of playing Gim all night, it gave you a feeling of heat. Enough to limit a bit off 'the radiators at night to stay alive roast. I could also have a phone with Italy (there were no mobile phones then) but to hear my baby crying because they do not yet returned home, I put a great sadness. I went to bed early the next day came R. Italy and had to prepare for the tour in Siberia.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sprint Promos For Ringtones 09

Rosa salmone.

We left Riga which was already very dark and we arrived just at the border created by a few days. It was two o'clock at night. Here the adventure happened more worrying for the whole journey, but having already spoken here just remember that you ran the risk of stay forever in the two miles of no man's land, in the snow in pajamas, at least twenty. The narrow escape, provoked a kind of thermal shock to Eugene that poor before going to sleep, I did win two chess games in a row, what ever happened afterwards. And finally we were in Moscow, after nearly a month when we had covered the entire northern part of the Soviet Union. It was the capital of the USSR when we started and returns that had become the capital of Russia. In those three weeks he had a empire fell apart, on paper, the second most powerful in the world, but eroded the foundations of a rotting long swept under the carpet and his ashes were born in 15 states, economically on the brink of the abyss nel quale precipiteranno rapidamente i più deboli tra questi e dal quale i più ricchi di materie prime (Russia e Kazakistan) vedranno il fondo prima di preparare una lentissima risalita decennale, colma di situazioni terribili per la gente comune, che in fondo aspirava soltanto a trovare dei negozi dove comprare un paio di jeans. Non fu loro risparmiato nulla nel decennio successivo, iperinflazione che distrusse tutti i risparmi e annullò i redditi di pensionati e poveracci, chiusura della maggior parte delle attività economiche, crescita esponenziale delle malavite, con una insicurezza impensabile fino a pochi anni prima, finanziarie piramidali che spolparono i pochi soldi rimasti, la crescita e la presa di potere dei furbi e di molti malandrini e soprattutto Unparalleled psychological depression, derived from an awareness of the facts, to be precipitated from the Second Empire mode (in their struggle to become the first) to be finding the bottom of the league of well-being. Reached Western capitals, but to come in and save the factories that made missiles, recycled filling lines of Cola, people around the world, interested and fox, came to explain to them how they were stupid and incompetent, pipers, which indicated the right path , cats and foxes, that led the newcomers to the market for new and promising fields of sequins. A giant omelette turned in a couple of months and who had not the strength, the ability to adapt quickly and to follow Thespis of the wagon was new, was ruthlessly crushed. Without tears, blood, and it seems that a collapse was more like a limp on themselves exacerbate the melancholy vein of common sense and self-pity. Everywhere one could feel the fear of the new, because it was clear that would not have been dreamed of paradise and made to believe by Gorby, but the new no man's land created by the coup Elzin and his gang of cunning. A wild wild west where it would be a game during the first stage of capitalism, with a collection of new primary colossal fortunes. This explains very well the fact that Gorby do not have any sympathy in Russia, contrary to popular belief and we have no doubt that there will be remembered come colui che ha distrutto la potenza sovietica in cambio di nulla e forse per questo è così popolare in Occidente. Con tali vibrazioni ritornavo sulla Piazza Rossa, il cuore di tutto questo, dove al posto della bandiera rossa, sventolava ormai il nuovo tricolore ed proprio lì che appariva evidente il cambiamento epocale. Di fronte alle mura antiche del Cremlino, i marmi severi e scuri del mausoleo in cui riposa tuttora il cosiddetto salmone (dal colore incredibilmente rosato che gli imbalsamatori hanno voluto dare alla salma) che, fino a poco prima era perennemente assediato da una lunghissima fila di persone che passavano ore in silenzio, battendo appena i piedi al gelo per poter passare per pochi minuti davanti al cadavere mummificato di Lenin, dominavano an area totally deserted. Only two soldiers chanted with the measured tread of the ritual changing of the guard. The same silence as before, where the absolute void, however, had replaced the pompous pride of a failure. I walked along the deserted square in the always glowed ruby \u200b\u200bred star on the tower Spaskaija, but snow crunching beneath the soles had a hollow sound and low lights Tviershaija far, failed to alleviate the looming darkness of the night.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Best Price: Jvc-hd200u

Pompe baltiche.

After a night of witches' Sabbath, a corpse in the morning I was trying to walk. Ferox I had foolishly laughed, well understood the difficult position in my 'balance constant eviction anteroposterior depending on the moment. However, by walking, somehow the narrow streets of the old city of Riga for an important appointment. The pumps. Nay pumps. Mrs. Sefaranova, director of the perfume factory, like all women of Soviet power, overflowing from all sides and was equipped with a large trunks of ash-blond hair that made it even more impressive. Sit in the large meeting room, the host of helpers provident present the series of new products. While tea was served as the golden amber of the Baltic, a true panacea for my gastrointestinal system, along with Latvian wood biscuits, we examined the series of vials, which avevano un apparenza decente, in linea, volendo giudicare con buona volontrà, con i criteri estetici occidentali, fine ultimo a cui sembrava ormai tutti volessero tendere. L'azienda era nostra vecchia cliente di pompette e spruzzatori per profumi, i cosiddetti "finger sprayers" , prodotti tecnologicamente non banali come potrebbe sembrare al profano; ma la concorrenza era entrata a piedi uniti e ormai anche il vecchio mondo sonnacchioso dell'orso sovietico, che prima si accontentava delle strette di mano e delle pacche sulle spalle, voleva discutere di prezzi. Robe da matti. I coreani erano arrivati all'attacco e avevano fornito una partita di pompette di prova ad un prezzo stracciatissimo, un terzo del nostro in verità, ed il contratto era in pericolo. We take it away, while extolling the quality of the trombone pumps with almond eyes, nursed the vials, which showed a strong smell of musk and vetiver. Fortunately, the powerful aggression of the liquid had a soothing effect on my side and my nausea expulsive general equilibrium, while the discussion progressed. We continued to extol the quality of the delicate essence, declaring them ready for the western market, which increased the number of teeth made visible enlargement of the golden smile of Irina, as he called Ferox confidentially, without criticizing the quality of the pumps enemy, as requires the cunning of any good commercial seller of respect, without missed opportunity to show, as not to seem, well above the quality of our product. Between a compliment and admiration oh, the quivering mass of flesh as a pudding, barely held back by heavy available mitigation measures, gradually broke up and confessed without conditions, that the evil Korean sources really cheap, but losses from all parties, not as the wonderful and trusted italijanskye pulverizatory. He agreed that the small increase that we deserved and we went out to see the stars loads of bottles tribute that, once in Italy, some of my colleagues treacherous but beloved, scattered in abundance on my sweater as a joke, but the stench was so far from what we consider a profumo femminile, che Tiziana lo prese per normale puzza di treno russo.