Saturday, March 5, 2011

Where To Find A Shiny Pokemons In Pokemon Emerald

Le vostre ricette: Baby risotto di zucca al profumo di arancia di Francesca

How nice not continue to get recipes from bloggers for our contest sull'arancia! After
Giovanna and Valentina (who participated with 2 recipes, HERE and HERE ) and once with a baby Francesca recipe.
Yeah even the children have a right to be a gourmet!
We report the recipe as we arrived.

Baby Pumpkin risotto flavored with orange

"I wanted so much to participate in the contest of my friends of the band, and considering that I live in symbiosis with the gnomes of my 11 months I could not present a dish named after him!
My child is a true gourmet, and then I like to try him every day new dishes, new flavors and new colors!
One of my favorite color is orange right - in addition to red for which I have a real obsession - and then here comes a delicious plate of baby-pumpkin risotto scented with orange:

a slice of pumpkin
1 small potato 1 small carrot
1 1 / 2 orange
2-3 teaspoons of olive oil
2 -3 teaspoons Parmesan
few leaves of parsley

Wash, peel and cut into slices the pumpkin, potato and carrot.
In a saucepan, cover them with water and cook for 20 minutes adding water della cottura il succo dell'arancia.
A fine cottura frullate il tutto e aggiungete un filo d'olio e il prezzemolo tritato.
Ora fate cuocere, nella crema di verdure ottenuta, 3 cucchiai di baby-riso (cottura 6 minuti)
Poi impiattate il baby-risotto ottenuto e aggiungete qualche cucchiaino di parmigiano.
Ora il piatto è pronto per essere servito al vostro bebè!
E' inutile dire che il cucciolo se l'è divorato in pochi minuti!!!"


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