Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nearest Walk In Clinic

Fiori di zucca in cocotte?

The title of this post expresses il nostro dubbio, si possono considerare i fiori dell'ultimo pranzetto in cocotte?
I più direbbero "E chi se ne frega, l'importante è che siano buoni!".
Questo è vero ed è giustissimo, ma ora che ci stiamo addentrando in questo divertente mondo dei foodblogger contano anche tante altre cose, come in questo caso.
Da tempo volevamo partecipare al contest di dolciagogò , dedicato alle ricette in cocotte, ma non ci decidevamo su cosa fare, come farlo e se i coccetti che avevamo a casa potevano andar bene.
Mò una cosa mò l'altra abbiamo sempre rimandato, finché abbiamo trovato dei bellissimi fiori di zucca! Eh sì non is still time, but earlier this spring won for us and we could not help but take it.
The beauty is that we went to check the deadline, and we realized that had already been declared the winner, we own the broccoloni eheh!
However given that the inspiration we need to Imma dedicate this recipe to her, but not only .. Even our dearest Ornella and now understand why.
The recipe is very simple.

The idea was to put a piece of provolone inside each flower and then cover with the bacon.
Fearing that, like every first fruits These flowers also know we have taken only just 4, just a head in order to develop a starter.
Everything in the oven for 15 minutes.
is experienced by the fact that we did not think the provola (rightly) melts have lost some 'of its water ... And so we found ourselves with a little cocotte photographed for the blog and a little choreography to be presented to table and then what?
I got away with a change during the course of Caccavella and we placed each flower separately, like this:

The success we have all the choreography and its wonderful to Ornella Christmas , graaaazieee.


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