Thursday, November 11, 2010

Get Points Off My Ohio License

Popular Culdesac The Gallery is open Thursdays and Saturdays from 16 to 19.
In these times you can visit the exhibition "Eyes of Truth" by Flavio Tiberti or take their work on files for selection for the exhibition.
All information will be provided in person or by mail via Berthollet 29 (

Why Do Men Grow Their Pinky Nail

Literary Agents: interview with Vicki Satlow

We are pleased to refer readers to a contribution it seems advisable to get a general idea of \u200b\u200ba much debated topic in this blog: the literary agencies.

In this video, aired on Iris for heading I'll tell you a book, is an interesting collection interview with Vicki Satlow , literary agent, however, an American who works on the Italian market. The Satlow represents, among others, and Susanna Tamaro Young Mattia Signorini (which among other things Booksblog devoted time ago a ' interview on the subject, which may be attractive to those who dream of being a writer by profession), and tells some national publishing mechanisms: the role of literary agents The specific work of the agent, the diffidence that often breathes with us for this professional overseas who instead has a broader scope for action ...
Everyone will draw their own impressions, we will be happy to read comments in !

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Subjunctive Spanish Wedding Powerpoint

Hotel Rossija.

E' certo vero che la bellezza è salvifica, ma credo che sia altrettanto provato che l'homo inscipiens sia portato naturalmente al brutto. Se tutto questo può avere un suo senso nei casi emergenziali, bisogna dire that most of the havoc being perpetrated even and especially when the lust of greed is coupled to the desire for economic change and the need for quotas. Some of the ugliest things are done right in these situations. Moscow certainly no exception to this axiom, not to mention the suburbs, those that are horrible in the world. The center of the Tsarist past was certainly an admirable unity of buildings and monuments that, clear vision in nineteenth-century urban planning, led by a crescendo of beauty to solid central gem of the Kremlin, making this a wonderful mix of capital imbued with the grandeur of European softness by larger areas in Asia and the suggestions of his empire trees, perfect blend of sophistication and ferocity Byzantine Mongolian.

At the foot of the Kremlin stood Zaryadye, one of the probably most beautiful in Europe, an apparently disordered-domed Orthodox churches of Eastern colorful and unique arenas that were extraordinary. In his delirium of power at the height of the economic result of the NEP and the subsequent industrial momentum, Stalin decided to knock it down in 1935 to build one of the great skyscrapers of the Assyrian-American style that so much had struck New York. The destruction was completed just before the outbreak of war, as seen in a postcard of the time. Then, when you could play around al progetto erano ormai arrivati gli anni 60. Cominciò allora la costruzione dell'Hotel Rossija, forse la più grande offesa dell'umanità al buon gusto ed alla cultura. Mi ci portava l'amico Ferox, data la comodità della posizione. Arrivavo sempre la sera tardi dall'aeroporto ed il gigantesco cubo nero che emergeva dalla notte ti dava subito un senso di tenebrosa inquietudine. Nell'ingresso squinternato e semideserto si aggiravano losche figure dagli incarichi incerti e sempre in cerca di attività border line nella migliore delle ipotesi.

Al bancone, infastidite incaricate ricoperte di belletti cospicui, controllavano di malavoglia i documenti e la prenotazione ottenuta tramite amici degli amici, che diversamente have a room in a normal way, with a phone call for example, was an impossible task. With your pass in hand, watched proudly from the faux porter evidently unclean place other activities, it charges you to search the suitcase before the lifts to see if at least one function and then you walk along the endless corridors blinds made from broken bulbs or stolen, where they lined up no end to the nearly 4000 rooms in the world's largest. The dejurnaija plan, almost always dozed off on a rickety sofa bed, did not last barrier to his task, so you'll only find the key on a rack rusted and abandoned you are finally in your room shabby and drab. Staccavi subito la cornetta per impedire ai drappelli di signorine, che invece in folti drappelli svolgevano una alacre attività, di telefonarti ogni dieci minuti per tutta la notte, al fine di offrirti un relaxing massage, evidentemente uno dei servizi più richiesti nell'albergo e ti buttavi distrutto dal viaggio nel letto sgualcito in attesa di fuggire la mattina, dopo aver tentato di fare una specie di colazione, in uno stanzino triste, dominato da un gigantesco samovar di acciaio con un thé annacquato e qualche fetta di pane rinsecchita con cetrioli e composta.

Negli anni, mentre il degrado aumentava in parallelo al malaffare, le mafie probabilmente si impadronirono dell'intero controllo dell'edificio. Per evitare the complete collapse of functionality, some parts, like pieces of corridors, were transferred to private companies who made the sub-hotel, refresh yourself at the best rooms taken into management. So after having penetrated the monster you stick in a subsection called Gioconda Hotel, run by "Italians" with a restaurant called the Salernitani, which proposed "fish just arrived from Italy, where robust security guards manning the entrances reinforced by selecting the customers through the doors quilt. The business flourished more ambiguous in those parts, I think raising, strong appetites.

The director of the Rossiya was in fact murdered soon amid general indifference, as responsible for many functions in the odor of "commercial development" at that time. But on the whole dominated the absolute monster of that building from a side view of the dull red walls of the Kremlin, the other hopelessly gouged along the river, ugly and sad at the same time. Only one bomber would have resolved the situation. Well, without warning in 2006 a horde saving bulldozers surrounded the rotting corpse and completely demolished. Today the area, tells me his friend Ferox, is surrounded by a complete fence, waiting, they say, the reconstruction of a Hotel 7 star better to represent the pride of New Putin and Russia. No one really knows the project. Perhaps the new monster about to be born in the aftermath of the delicate Orthodox churches, will undergo further changes. The appetites of vampires do not give up, or rather become more brutal and greedy the other hand we know, the culture can not eat, try putting the Divine Comedy in a sandwich.