Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wrinkle In Projector Screen

Personal Historian: write an autobiography

Abbiamo scovato un ottimo strumento: concepito come aiuto per la stesura di un'autobiografia , è facilmente adattabile a supporto per costruire la trama di un romanzo .
Si tratta di Personal Historian , software pensato sostanzialmente come guida per raccogliere le memorie proprie e dei familiari e basato sulla possibilità di importare, a corredo del testo scritto, una serie di dati reali volti a delineare un contesto storico e ambientale veritiero o verosimile.
L'unica reale limitation is the fact that the entire structure of the program is linked to the Anglo-Saxon world, then the pre-established histories cover only a portion of the globe. One problem though, as we shall see, it is not impossible to overcome.

Although the full version is fee, there is a chance to experience a free trial we wanted to try for you.


  • Once downloaded, the program creates a new work project .
  • In an intuitive and simple software allows you to set the protagonists of history indicating dates of birth, gender and kinship relations. Nothing prevents, in fact, to devise fictitious identity or choose famous personalities of the past, instead of representing your close relatives, will be the characters in your novel.
  • At this point (and here comes the best part) you can import into the timeline history useful set of contextual elements (called Life Capsules ) related to the years in which the characters lived: historical events , cultural and religious film era, songs, radio and TV programs, toys in use, inventions and even epidemics ... An impressive number of very useful data to reconstruct a coherent history.
  • Not only that, you can also import timeline collected from you to file outside the program (at least partially circumventing the problem of language), as well as your family tree (from file. Ged, recommended), or better than your character, real or imagined.
  • The management of text, similar to that of a normal writing program (Personal Historian comes with a selection of fonts and styles, a tool for automatic correction and a tool to assess the readability), allows manage a sort of diary daily (set in the past), or set of "chapters" covering the life of the individual characters, structured according to sections and subsections (eg wedding engagement - invited - dress - wedding - tart ).
  • These sections of text may be typed directly into the program or imported from existing files outside the program (Word, txt ...), that is lost without the ' hierarchical organization of the arguments that the software helps to keep .
  • During the writing, to have an eye on the situation, you can filter items by date, category, title, and note changes made virtually il grado di avanzamento di ogni capitolo (da scrivere, in corso di scrittura, completato).
  • Infine, ogni volta che vorrete visualizzare il lavoro compiuto fino a quel momento in un unico file, cliccando sul pulsante "Publish" convertirete tutti i documenti, ordinandoli cronologicamente in automatico , in un file di testo che potrete trasformare in un Pdf, in un file Rtf (su cui lavorare con altri programmi) o stampare così com'è per procedere a una rilettura cartacea.

Personal Historian ci sembra adatto anche a chi non sa usare bene il computer, ma soprattutto utilissimo a chi sta elaborando una vicenda complessa, un romanzo storico o semplicemente ha qualche difficoltà a tenere le fila della trama.

In ogni caso, è più difficile da descrivere che da usare: potete scaricare gratis il free trial o acquistare il programma qui ; per approfondimenti vi rimandiamo al Tutorial (in inglese).


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