Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ocean Point Suites Wedding

Io scrivo: manuale di scrittura... esordiente

Io scrivo. Manuale di sopravvivenza creativa per scrittori esordienti non è, come gioca a suggerire il titolo, un manuale di scrittura creativa, ma un manuale creativo per scrittori . Scrittori esordienti, nella fattispecie.

Lo sappiamo, di volumetti che intendono fornire consigli di scrittura, dritte su come pubblicare un libro, liste di case editrici per emergenti e invettive contro l'editoria a pagamento ce ne sono a bizzeffe. Di testi che vogliono sostituirsi a un corso di scrittura creativa ne esistono altrettanti.
Quello di Simone Maria Navarra però, bisogna riconoscerlo, is something a bit 'different . Born as a paper version of the blog writer emerging , yes collects reports of more and less frustrating experience in publishing, tips on how to write, how to get published and how to decide if you want to be a writer for real. But it is not, alas, like so many others are a book and a bit conceited 'chopped-style newcomer misunderstood, against all "is self-mocking, light-hearted content and also allows for a bit' alternative, as the pretty "headings" books that I would publish them if I had written (securities that have become famous and repute, in all probability, a publisher would consider unpublishable if he received from an unknown author).

No, it is the definitive volume on the lives of young novelists; no, it does not teach how to put together a bestseller and yes, the author has written with the intent to make a bit 'of advertising itself (and makes no mystery). But more than once made us laugh out loud and for this reason we take the responsibility of recommend it to all our readers.

"Admit to yourself that if you never start to write, if you can not go beyond a couple of pages or if you get stuck all three lines, perhaps write you do not like it as you think. Perhaps, after all, become an author of novels is not really the dream of your life. If you were to then realize that you literally hate the written word, this could mean that in the depths of your mind, does not hide a writer but an editor. In this case, the first thing you need to ask is: I will also publish emerging writers? If so, I send you now to read something of mine! "


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