Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cubefield Play Last Level

Professione scrittore: le lettere di Larsson all'editor

"I have no particular confidence in my ability to write and usually improve a lot of my lyrics after an editor has had a hand, are accustomed to doing and undergoing revisions." We just read
The last letters of Stieg Larsson, a booklet published by Marsilio gathering le e-mail che lo scrittore scambiò con la sua editor, poco prima di morire, riguardo alla fortunata trilogia Millennium .
Ci è sembrato che fosse affascinante, specie per chi è o vuol diventare scrittore, trovare fra queste pagine traccia delle revisioni, delle stesure e rielaborazioni, dei tagli che l'autore via via discusse con la casa editrice e in particolare con la sua editor, Eva Gedin, e (indirettamente) con la redattrice che si occupava del testo.

Forse non occorre nemmeno conoscere Uomini che odiano le donne , La ragazza che giocava con il fuoco e La regina dei castelli di carta read with interest this book: there you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat forms, specifically, the relationship between the author and editor (of course we would have liked to know more: spy on other letters, eavesdrop on conversations around a table Work ...), it is even a little 'nell'intuire surprised how much work there was a revision between the first draft and what the author (who died before going to press) that could not be considered definitive. Strong cuts from the first of three volumes, the "invention" of new characters to support other, finished in a dead end, adjustment of the plots to ensure that the general scaffold held.

Il libro non si può per il momento trovare in commercio, ma viene dato in omaggio (fino a esaurimento scorte) a chi acquisti un volume della serie GialloSvezia di Marsilio.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ligament Surgery Ankle

Il concerto: recensione.

The title of today is already enough pompous and pretentious, but because they bring me to the movies often, the occasion of yesterday was so nice and funny that I can not help but make a mention in this regard. The film by Radu Mihaileanu, also director of Train de vie, poteve certainly not disappoint and certainly not disappoint, because the narrative style is particularly congenial to me. A simple tale of what the concert, based on a classical topos, that of substitution and deception, told in a gentle and helped by a mounting guessed that manages to balance and support the story in the rare moments of loss of tension. In short, in the late eighties, the great conductor of the Bolshoi in Moscow, Filippov, is deposed and humiliated because he refuses to accede to the imposition of anti-Semitism of the regime and forced to spend the next thirty years as a janitor of the theater itself. One day a random intercept fax call, the orchestra of the Bolshoi, by a theater in Paris to hold a concert. So begins this unlikely place, with the frantic search of the older members of the orchestra finished a round of miserable lives, to replace current musicians. The group manages to get messed up in Paris, where, thanks to the most classic of recognitions, there will be the apotheosis of the Tchaikovsky concert, because of the lives of various characters. The film is certainly stylish and full of emotion in the making and is particularly enjoyable for those who like me attended the Russia of those years and that may end up with impressive and vivid precision, characters, situations, special appear as specks, maybe a bit 'forced and instead, I assure you, had a touch with reality and real accurate. The Soviet anti-Semitism, very present in Russian society, the description of the new Russia, the character of the endless jokes, but constantly found in many environments, the old party member, ex-KGB, the color of the different characters and their desperate lives and yet , in a sense, serene, vodka, inescapable and constitutive presence of the entire country, marriages invariably end up with his wife drunk and the bottle in the head, also hired in the small group of nostalgic Ploshad Revoluzij, on Sunday morning, I photographed myself, everything seemingly exaggerated and instead incredibly true. A series of funny and tragic situations that lead to the grand finale with poignant entertainment. If I were you I'd go see it, I highly recommend. We add, to whet, see the trailer on Youtube.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Does Creatine Supplementation Enlarge Heart

Libri per bambini: i principali concorsi

Che siate autori di libri per bambini o di libri per ragazzi sicuramente vi sarà utile inserire nel vostro database personale l' elenco completo dei concorsi riservati agli scrittori di questo appassionante genere letterario.

Una prima selezione si deve al sito web " Letteratura per ragazzi ", dove troverete una raccolta dei principali premi per libri per ragazzi (in questa pagina ) e le news aggiornate sui concorsi in scadenza.

La lista in truth is not as dense as the one devoted to literary contests are not reserved to the literature of childhood, it includes long-established festivals, such as the Bologna Ragazzi Award connected with the Children's Book Fair, along with other recent activation.

If you're still looking for info to publish a children's book read this old post .