Monday, June 21, 2010

Convert Stationwagon To Camper

I want to write write a novel (in a hundred days?)

Parliamo oggi - come si direbbe a scuola - di Scrivere un romanzo in cento giorni , Marco Valerio Editore, 2009 (241 pagine, euro 15). L'autore è Morgan Palmas , scrive sul blog Sul Romanzo , scrive sull'omonima rivista on-line, scrive a tempo pieno perché ha deciso che... se si nasce precario tanto vale cercar di fare lo scrittore.

The basic contents of the book have also appeared on the blog related, but we wanted to buy us the book, read it, pencil in hand and review it for you readers.

According to the promise of the title, the text should help the beginner or novice writers to sit in front of a table in one hundred days and being able to put together really a novel.
Indeed starts talking about the motivation , asking the reader to engage in writing, at any cost, at least one folder and half a day. He goes on giving good idea to set the plot and its upstream potential developments through a grid che Palmas consiglia addirittura di disegnare su un foglio di carta ( scripta manent ).
Quello che segue rappresenta però in realtà non un percorso a tappe dall'incipit al finale , bensì un insieme di "lezioni", o meglio di argomenti di discussione legati a specifici temi.
Non, insomma, lezioni che "insegnano" a proseguire nel proprio romanzo, bensì spunti di riflessione che aiutano a ragionare su quel che si sta facendo: per citare qualche esempio, si discute sulla scelta del narratore onniscente o di quello interno, sul rapporto fra realtà e fantasia, sull'impostazione dei tempi verbali...
Alcuni capitoli, poi, hanno la form of real style exercises (how to express frustration or eros, how to tell the love ...).

Within this team there are a few tips that we find useful:
- see the world, people, live in the world if you want to describe it;
- read aloud what has been written;
- to learn to correct his novel, trying to workout with those of others;
- a suggestion not taken for granted: read folders written to a given time taking care each time to a single aspect : use many repetitions? I choose adverbs adeguati? come utilizzo i punti di domanda e quelli esclamativi? tutti i dialoghi che ho inserito hanno una ragion d'essere?

In definitiva, secondo noi la maniera migliore di "usare" questo romanzo non è, in effetti, quella di seguirlo passo passo per cento giorni: si rischierebbe di perdere il filo del proprio lavoro.
Meglio invece leggerlo tutto prima di cominciare, riflettere sugli spunti dati, farne esperimento e, se alla fine si ha la percezione che la propria scrittura e la propria forza di volontà ne abbiano tratto vantaggio, cominciare a scrivere. Magari una cartella e mezza al dì.

"Non apprenderete il senso Musil's novel in Dostoevsky or even the psychology of the characters of Svevo or Proust, the hundred lessons will show you what is the meaning of the novel for you, how you want the dialogue, what is the relationship you have with descriptions [...] learn to manage time and create the discipline to avoid the typical mistakes of those who are about to write and relate to the written word in a constructive way, not constrained by an illusory fascination that lasts at most a few days. "

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Can You Get Lymes Disease From Undercooked Meat

Guide 2010 publishers who will publish the

Among the many securities which occurred on our table we report the authors are happy to debut the 2010 volume Guide to publishers that you publish , dedicated to the Titanic looking for a publisher willing to publish the fruit of their labor.
After the job of drafting and revision comes the equally difficult time to devote to the hunt for those who wish to gamble on new writers. In
driving Leonardo Pappalardo you find answers to many questions of an emerging: how to introduce myself to a publishing house? At what specific my text editor will have a chance to be read and maybe sent to the press? Better to send a synopsis or the full text? Leonardo, who calls himself "precarious indefinitely", has already reached the second version of the guide. After the success of 2009 were surveyed over 350 publishers of which are incorporated references, contacts, type of books published (it makes no sense to send an essay of history of Iran to the publisher of fantasy) and various other essential information obtained directly from a research done in the field: the author is himself a journalist and writer and has therefore experienced first individual obstacles and frustrations of the job, and can afford the sharp irony which sometimes describes his own class.

Here, straight from his voice, some advice for readers of this blog (find the entire interview at this link ):

Three large errors in which the newcomer stumbles
answer the three "S" which I have already spoken to a number of Italy Writers Magazine:
- breakaway. Most beginners write without having anything really interesting to say. That is, many of them when they begin to believe they have found to write the story of the century, but in reality, or throw down plots you've seen and heard, or sailing in sight for the sole purpose of filling the pages of boring ruminations on their lives. This is true for novels as well as short stories, same thing.
- Style . I noticed that most of the newcomers tend to compensate proprie insicurezze come scrittore imitando la prosa e i lirismi letterari tipici dei vecchi classici del passato. Insomma, invece di concentrarsi su come raccontare al meglio ciò che hanno bisogno di dire, preferiscono infarcire il testo di leziosità e parole desuete, iniziando periodi lunghissimi che in realtà non hanno intenzione di finire finché non hanno esaurito tutto il loro impressionante vocabolario personale. Scrivere bene non significa “scrivere complicato”, ma trasmettere quante più emozioni possibili al lettore con il minor numero di parole.
- Struttura . Gli scrittori in erba iniziano a scrivere perché si divertono, perché vogliono “scrivere un libro”, perché sono presi inspiration. Everything is right and good, but it's a mistake to start writing without knowing where you going to end at the end or what path to take. Hang a ladder is a must: no, you risk getting bogged down in the middle, not knowing how to conclude their own story, of being left in his hands a narrative "unbalanced" with hubs in narrative disarray. Then the ladder can be minimal or super detailed, there is a precise method for all: the imperative is to think long before we start writing. Deconstruct the novels of others is a great workout.

Three tips for a rookie
- A beginner should be well aware of why writes. If you write for fun, then maybe you better not be interested, and enough to win any literary award to be happy. If you write with the aim of breaking through, to make it a job or reach the heights of excellence, then we must be ready to practice, work hard, learn from their mistakes, to attend courses, to work hard. The first case will tend to overestimate their value, often one will meet disappointments and you will eventually publish a payment to satisfy their vanity. In seconds, you may stop having fun and end up considering the narrative as a job. Ideally located in the middle. In any case, you know where you are.
- Be extremely humble . Never, never, NEVER get angry when you receive criticism, even if they are not considered constructive. If someone reads your work and gives you advice, you're doing you a favor, and should be respected. Stored all the criticism, and then compare yourself with other readers / writers smart to know which road to take to improve. Indeed, more attention to those who hold critical, rather than those who praise: it is more likely to be the first honest, because even the best novels there is always something to improve.
- This advice may change depending on your goals ... but generally not ever published with publishers known to be paid if you want your value is recognized. Public pay is like cheating in a video game: you win but there is no challenge, and consequently there is not even the satisfaction of having won. Professionals and writers sgam know that you cheated, and they do not get no respect. If you want to long for the "writers license", then guadagnatevelo honestly.