Monday, January 18, 2010

Digital Playground Free Watch

L'importanza della musica.

's useless, I wanted to keep me away from Russia for a while', but is a magnet, I am morbidly attracted them. And I was just a beautiful baby, my first communion dress gray. What to do with Russia? Got to do, got to do. The connection I was born spontaneously after watching the beautiful video that Anna has posted about children singing. Now those who know me know that I have a particularly ill-suited to voice performances that put into play, but when I went to primary school, the singing teacher (this figure was then, incredible) brought me such as how to pitch. He played in a fischiettino and I was "Laaaa ..." and he puffed all "Here, feel how to do it", took me around to other classes and I was overjoyed. Then I do not think there was even the choir at Christmas and there ended my career as a singer, but who could tell me if this attitude would never be served during the 'existence? Here we are in Celijabinsk, a Siberian city of more anonymous and free of interests, just beyond the Urals. In yet another cold February, Ferox and I were faced with a difficult problem. At that time, Russia, having been ill pagatrice had lost all credibility on International Trade (meditate, meditate) and each purchase was made Stoprozientov predoplata (one hundred per cent advance payment). But even when the contract was signed was always very difficult to receive the money, the cards stopped several times in a viscous mechanism, passing from one office to another, while the customer was waiting for the goods in Italy and not even started the project if before they had reached the grain. We signed a historic contrattone, but the weeks went by and not even the shadow of money, sempre in giro, rimandati da ufficio in ufficio, incastrati nella burokratija sovietica, quando arrivammo al famoso ufficio amministrativo che doveva firmare e soprattutto apporre i timbri rossi e rotondi sull'autorizzazione di pagamento. Entrammo con baldanza in un ambiente spazioso dove la capa responsabile, circondata da due indaffaratissime addette, non ci prese molto in considerazione. Ferox, dotato di un russo mirabile cominciò la sua opera affabulatoria, che fece subito breccia nella glaucopide biondona. Essere italiani è comunque un buon passepartout da quelle parti, anche se in un angolo la prima attendente non staccò minimamente la mano dal mouse e la seconda, dai lunghi capelli, continuò infervorata la sua attività. Ferox spiegò a Tanija (bisogna sempre entrare un po' nell'intimo con i Russi) la nostra impellente necessità di avere i soldi e chiarì le procedure da eseguire sulle nostre carte, ma anche se ascoltato, si avvertiva una certa sufficienza dalla controparte. Ci volevano giorni, controlli e comunque avremmo dovuto tornare tra una settimana. Chiedere era semplice ma fare tutta la procedura, non era facile come cantare una canzone. Ferox appoggiò i gomiti sul bancone e guardò fissa negli occhi colei che aveva nelle mani il nostro destino e propose: "E se ve la cantassimo una bella canzone italiana?". Istantaneamente anche Irina smise di fissare il solitario che aveva sul monitor e si girò verso di noi, mentre Natasha, le cui forma procaci erano avvolte in a soft, hairy golf Chinese stopped filing her nails, which was completely absorbed in work, looked at us with different eyes and gently tilted her head resting on his hand. Knowing the affection of the Russian Celentano, we started immediately with blue and while the three with their eyes lost in the ocean of melody, we went to 'O sole mio. Ferox, as I was a counterpoint, he had no opinion as to extract documents from the briefcase and had them placed on display in front of Tanija. I had just stuck around Fenesta luciva e'mmo not light, which already had the famous round stamp appeared as if by magic and fell relentlessly on the sheets leaving the indispensable mark of the red clearance. The last notes of the song merged with the ticking of the fax sent to the bank the payment order. We went out into the snow crystals that shone in soft pale winter sun high in the sky. Did not feel the cold. Two days later, four million dollars was in the Italian bank and our designers began to draw the first lines, the office to order supplies, the guys to do the workshop area where the new line would be kind.