Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gay Crising Places In Goa

Giallo ambra.

Riga, decisamente non era una città sovietica. Il centro vecchio, molto ben conservato, con le sue piccole vie contorte, le piazzette bordate di case colorate, le guglie filanti delle chiese, insomma un colpo d'occhio molto gradevole. Passeggiare per la città ti faceva sentire in una delle tante città del nord europeo con gli scuri pomeriggi invernali ed i lampioni gialli ad illuminare ancoli antichi, selciati irregolari, facciate storiche. Qui il processo di de-sovietizzazione aveva marciato più in fretta, lo si vedeva dai molti nuovi piccoli negozi, dai locali che sprang up like mushrooms in restaurants that had taken intonation Central European orchestras with strings and an attempt to service performed with more accuracy. Also one thing that was happening puzzled and horrified Zhenija Ferox, many refused to speak Russian. Unlike other Russian empire that were foolishly sought only independence from the central power, to surrender to the local cliques and sinking into an economic weakness that would lead them to a future of blood and tears, the thinking here was that the colony who was freed from a colonizing, picking up the ball and the modus vivendi of a still recent past and clear in the memories of many. Already jumped to occhi, le nuove discriminazioni che si stavano creando, la marginalizzazione, che diventò nel futuro immediato, una vera e propria persecuzione nei fatti, verso la minoranza russa che si era lì trasferita in circa 50 anni e che si intravvedeva già bene, proprio nel rifiuto di quella che era stata la lingua ufficiale. Non a caso le tre repubbliche Baltiche furo quelle che per prime si staccarono ufficialmente a tutti gli effetti dall'impero e diedero inizio alla sua disgregazione. Anche Zhenija cominciava a capirlo e si chiedeva pieno di dubbi: - Ma allora non potrò più venire a riposare a Jurmala?- riferendosi alla lunga e bellissima spiaggia, classico luogo di vacanza sul mar Baltico, un tempo già frequentato dagli Zar, poi popolato da sanatory full of deserving employees. The time was ripe for a drastic change, but Riga was always beautiful, especially from the sea, the sea just in front of Jurmala, or one in front of the Daugava estuary is completely frozen for miles. What a strange feeling, to walk on ice in the early afternoon, but already the light was coming down and the shadows of the pale northern sun, already long, merging with the darkness vanished starts. The shore was covered with ice as the choppy sea, as if the waves themselves, slipping on the sand they wanted to maintain a form that kept the memory, as if the cold had frozen the idea that the first wave of 'water. A bank of area where the prospectors digging Baltic amber, even in huge blocks of a few pounds, or droplets from appearance rounded and irregular, some almost white, golden like honey, like milky, others darker, transparent and translucent like that of chestnut, with some small inclusions, insects, or straw, thus enhancing the value and beauty. Here is the kingdom of this fossilized resin and are easily found objects and processes in this material, so you could vent in the purchases of gifts to take home before a nice dinner with salmon on a bed of potato and cream of shrimp, in a pleasant restaurant, while a quartet of lovely ladies was playing Mozart on a small side platform. But all was not yet proven and point. Just got back, the revenge of Odin fell on me with the hammer of Thor, which struck me hard stomach and abdomen. Forced me into a back and forth continuously throughout the night, to a biblical understanding of the water even that nice small hotel. A retaliation hard to digest in all directions to have too enjoyed the return to civilization.

Friday, November 27, 2009

How To Stop Pokemon Soul Silver From Crashing

Bakshish radioattivi.

The passage near Ciernobil I had lived with a certain thrill, to be honest, whereas I saw the exchanges of ideas on the subject, that in that world, you look at these facts with an eye farther away is impossible, in the sense that if there were situations or dangerous work, but necessary, someone had to do it and the issue end with a higher salary. All this was also related to a certain popular trombonist, so the strong fiber of the Russian workers did not care if they have radiation or emission of certain poisonous chemical companies and that everything could be cured with a good bottle of vodka. In Minsk, downwind from Chernobyl, although 600 miles away, saw the thing with a little 'more concern, but always with a certain resignation. Again, the economic situation seemed to collapse, perhaps even more than in Ukraine, but a closer relationship with Moscow had suggested calling the new currency Rubley, perhaps not to displace too Belarusians. There tedierò telling you that we received the proposal to finance a plant for the production of furfural, starting from the exploitation of bagasse exhausted also because I have already talked about here, I remain at your disposal for any technical explanations. I want to emphasize instead the feeling of desolation that gave the city, completely destroyed during the war and rebuilt hastily with an endless series of rectangular gray and crumbling similar to those on the outskirts of East Berlin, also in the center. Our contact, Vladimir, as a second job was the escort of the local football team, took us to various events ziguly with its fully-equipped, including a radar that indicated a rapid ticking sound, like a Geiger counter, the presence of the police cars lurking in every corner, anxious to scrape money to the few private car owners. Thus, if we feel the chirping of the unit, slowed dramatically, just in time to be able to stop without sliding on the snow, the exposure of the blade stop of a patrol crouched behind a pile of dirty snow. But the topic came less speed, we challenged the lack of seat belts, object unavailable in the USSR, but obviously required. We paid a bunch of rubley able to slip into the pocket of the Gay (The initials of the traffic police, do not think correctly) that unfortunately had finished the receipt book, but helped us get back on the road with a sweeping gesture of his arm. As we predicted the White Russia could give very little in terms of trade and arrived early at the station to spend yet another night on the train to Riga Unfortunately, Valery must have combined a mess for our tickets and the capavagone seemed adamant the train was fully booked and our tickets did not apply for some mysterious reason. While confabulating to do, a little old lady next to us began with a subdued weeping to pray to Cerberus. It had to be absolutely in Riga the next day for a funeral and she clutching a ticket, clearly in the category of those which are not valid as ours. The tears flowed abundant, but with the arrogance of power conferred by a hat with visor and the degree stated on the insignia, the poor thing was harshly criticized and rejected without mercy. He went silent and bowed, muttering curses. I began to fear that we would remain forever in Minsk, while the cold wind from the south would continue to spread over us the cesium and strontium that were flying free in the air like confetti and light radiation in the carnival. We took by the woman, making it clear right away that we did not want to escape some proper payment of tickets, just to find the right person to do it. Now is mollified and shortly afterwards we were able to accommodate the heavy baggage in the overhead compartment number 7. There was still half an hour to start, but we were not more disturbed.